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Durham Energy Institute brings people together to create Clean and Just Energy Systems. We create opportunities for people as part of the change.

The DEI is a multi-disciplinary research institute that works across all faculties at Durham University. Our pioneering integrated socio-technical approach engages science, social science, engineering and the humanities. Our research, education, and outreach promote understand of the complexities of the energy transformation

Our work helps to achieve several Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. In particular, SDG Goals: 7 for Affordable and Clean Energy; 9 for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 11 for Sustainable Cities and Communities; 13 on Climate Action, and 17 on Partnerships for the Goals.
Our Research
Image of Rubik's cube with United Nations sustainable development goal icons on each side

Our strategic approach


We identify the important energy issues that we can address, and we bring together the people with the best knowledge and expertise to make energy systems clean and just.

We will:

  • Be at the forefront of energy research across disciplines
  • generate increasing research activity and income, making research opportunities and producing world-class results
  • innovate by working across boundaries and considering needs
  • consolidate and expand our networks and partnerships to enable creative approaches to energy research and practice



Our research changes people’s worlds, by making opportunities for people to be part of the change. We do this through working in partnership and through cooperation.  

We will:

  • demonstrate the value of our research in practice
  • change people’s lives for the better by both practical interventions and policy advice
  • reach wider audiences, in industry, government, communities, locally and globally



DEI inspires people to think creatively and work cooperatively for a shared goal: clean and just energy systems.

We will:

  • communicate our findings in accessible and attractive ways
  • enable researchers to reach policy audiences, and feed directly into energy policies
  • offer broad education about energy issues from basic to specialist levels, through outreach, degree programmes, and CPD/Exec Education
  • be present on national and international stages



DEI is different by attitude, not by topic. We recognise the value of the broadest interdisciplinary approaches, bringing different approaches together towards our goals. We recognise the diversity of human and planetary life, and know that we must strive continually to understand how changing energy systems affect different groups. 

We will:

  • leave no-one behind
  • promote inclusion, equity and diversity, leading by example
  • nurture emerging researchers and practitioners within our ethos of inclusive, interdisciplinary, people and planet-centred energy research.

Our strategic research pillars


DEI research pillars



Our Energy Research makes a difference

World-leading research on energy decarbonisation

We develop solutions for global energy challenges

A mathematical equation on a wipe board
Through our partnerships we ensure impact

Our research makes a difference

A Light bulb diagram made up of different connected coloured squares with people in them
Energy Industry Leaders inform our strategy

Our Advisory Board lead the energy sector

Group of business people in a meeting
Our projects address the latest energy challenges

From Hydrogen to the impact of Covid on energy use

A wind turbine against a clear blue sky