The global team on Neglected Tropical Diseases Wins the Durham Global SDG Award 2023

We are pleased to announce that the global consortium on Neglected Tropical Diseases led by Durham University won the inaugural Durham Global SDG award.
We are pleased to announce that the global consortium on Neglected Tropical Diseases led by Durham University won the inaugural Durham Global SDG award.
Over the last decade the team has worked tirelessly towards new targets, novel therapies and diagnostics for Leishmaniasis and Chages disease in an equitable partnership with research groups from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, India and Pakistan. Their work has been supported by UKRI, the Royal Society and a major grant from the MRC Grand Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Tis work has also been greatly assisted by the brilliant PhD researchers of the MosMed CDT and beyond.
The Durham team, Prof. P.W. Denny, Prof E. Pohl, Dr. Mags Leighton, Prof P.G. Steel and Prof S.L. Cobb (who unfortunately could not be at the ceremony) accepted the award on behalf of the entire consortium.
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