Free access to eBooks, audiobooks and magazines through Libby

You can now access our latest digital leisure reading and wellbeing collections for free through Libby!
A selection of fiction, non-fiction and wellbeing eBooks, audiobooks and magazines are available for free to all current Durham University students and staff. You can stream titles with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere.
Whenever you feel like taking a break from your studies, you can browse over 5,000 items in our collections or look through our curated lists for inspiration - for October, we’ve created lists for Black History Month and Halloween.
How to get started with Libby
Simply head over to Libby online or download the app to get started.
- iOS devices: Apple App Store
- Android devices: Google Play
- Amazon Fire tablets: Amazon Appstore
Follow the prompts to find Durham University Library and click ‘sign in with a library card’ (this is to create a digital library card to access our collections on Libby) - you’ll need to use your Durham University login details.
For more information about using Libby, visit our Wellbeing guide.
Happy reading!