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Library Book Giveaway: Pride Month
Our book giveaway is back once more for Pride Month!
Following recommendations made by Durham staff and students, new copies of selected titles will be wrapped and hidden in Bill Bryson Library. If you find one, it’s yours to either keep or to read and pass on to someone else.
Change to study space opening times and availability
As we approach the end of exam and assessment period, there will be changes to some of our study spaces and opening times.
Support from your Library during Easter term
Throughout Easter term and the exam period, we’re here to support you with your study needs and wellbeing.
Let us know you'll ‘bee right back’ with a Study Break card
From Monday 22 April, our ‘Bee Right Back’ Study Break cards will be available on each level of Bill Bryson Library for you to use to take a break for up to 30 minutes.
Chat With Us at Bill Bryson Library
Our Chat With Us sessions at Bill Bryson Library are back once again for Easter term!
Library and Collections – Exam WellBEEing Offer
We’ve got a variety of activities planned throughout Easter Term as part of our Exam WellBEEing offer to help support you and your wellbeing during the busy (and often stressful!) exam period.
Pop-up Library Study Spaces for Easter term
We know the Easter term is a busy period for studying and exams, and you can expect Bill Bryson Library and our other study spaces to be at their busiest.
To support you with finding study spaces, we have arranged additional rooms to be available as pop-up library study spaces for you to use across the University campus in the buildings listed below.
Restricted access to areas of Palace Green Library
Due to essential works, there will be a period of restricted access to some areas of Palace Green Library throughout April and May.
Vacation opening times at Bill Bryson Library
As we head towards the end of Epiphany term, we’ll be updating the opening times at some of our libraries and study spaces for the vacation period.
Celebrating World Book Day 2024
To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 7 March, we’ve got some exciting events planned here at University Library and Collections!
Global Week Human Library
As part of the Global Week 2024 programme of activities, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit and the University Library and Collections (ULC) Department will be running a Human Library, which is designed to build a positive interaction and safe space for conversation between readers and a ‘human book’.
Library Book Giveaway: LGBT+ History Month
Our book giveaway has returned for LGBT+ History Month!