Museum of Archaeology Gallery
1 January 2022 - 1 December 2023
10:00AM - 5:00PM
Museum of Archaeology, Palace Green Library, Durham DH1 3RN
Free entry
Enjoy our new special exhibition exploring the rich prehistoric and Roman archaeology of Durham.
A section of the Museum of Archaeology's gallery.
Much of Durham’s history lies beneath our feet. Sometimes we can catch a glimpse of the past through the unique objects that are uncovered as the result of archaeological excavations, or are unearthed by chance by members of the public.
In this gallery, we explore artefacts that span 250,000 years of history - from Prehistory to the Romans.
The objects on display range from everyday items - such as dishes, coins, and glass bottles - to the rare and beautiful. Highlights include spectacular metalwork from the Bronze Age, Roman treasures retrieved from a murky riverbed, and the cremated remains of Durham City’s earliest known resident.