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13 March 2023 - 13 March 2023

4:00PM - 5:00PM

This event will take place online via Zoom.

  • This event is free.

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Energy, Climate Policy and the Economy

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External Economics Seminar Series

Sandra Batten
Bank of England


Energy, Climate Policy and the Economy’

Speaker Biography:

She is interested in the implications of climate change for the macro-economy and for monetary policy, and, together with her co-authors, was among the first researchers to study the impact of climate change on central banks’ objectives. Her research interests also include productivity growth, technological innovation and international trade. Before joining the Bank of England, Sandra worked in the UK Government as economic advisor and at the London School of Economics as Tutorial Fellow. She holds an MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics and a PhD in Economics from the LSE.


This event is free.