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20 June 2023 - 21 June 2023

9:00AM - 5:00PM

Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham

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The 12th International Management Control Conference will take place at Durham University Business School, Durham, UK on 20-21st June 2023, with a doctoral colloquium on 19th June.

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Durham University Business School

Call for Papers

The 12th International Management Control Conference will take place in hybrid mode at Durham University Business School, Durham, UK and on-line on 20th-21st June 2023, with a doctoral colloquium on 19th June (see separate call here: MCA Doctoral Colloquium CfP).

Papers are invited on any aspect of management control or performance management in public, private or third sector organizations. Examples include:

Conceptual frameworks for management control

  • Managerial and organisational performance
  • Risk and resilience as part of management accounting/control
  • Public sector issues and management accounting/control
  • Data analytics in organisational control and management accounting
  • Strong structuration theory (special stream to be chaired by Prof Lisa Jack)
  • Actor reality/pragmatic constructivism (special stream to be chaired by Prof Hanne Norreklit)

Plenary speakers will include Professors:

Extended abstracts (see below) may be submitted to the scientific committee via the MCA website by 20th March 2023.

Decisions will be sent out by 31st March 2023. The abstract file name should be in the format: abstracttheauthorssurname.docx (or pdf): 

Extended abstracts should be not more than 800 words, single line spaced. The title of the paper should be at the top of the page, with keywords, the author(s) name, affiliation, and contact details at the end (see advice on website).

30th April 2023 is the deadline for full papers, using the format fullpapertheauthorssurname.docx (or pdf). Full papers submitted on time may be allocated a discussant and a longer session in the parallel sessions.  

Scientific Committee

Professors Elaine Harris, Lisa Jack and Laurence Ferry

Important dates

Submission deadline for abstracts: 20th March
Decisions on papers: by 31st March
Deadline for full papers: 30th April
Deadline to register: 1st June
Conference dates: 20th-21st June

Register online

Registration is now open and will close on 1st June. Please click here to register.

More information will be available on the Management Control Association's website

Please note that participants will be required to pay for transport to Durham University Business School, Durham and for accommodation. There will be a lower conference fee for those participating on-line. Further details on the program, location, etc. will be available on the website at a later date.



£300 in-person / £200 online