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14 February 2024 - 14 February 2024

2:00PM - 3:00PM

Durham University Business School

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Join us for an ICOPA-hosted seminar with Professor Tony Bovaird (University of Birmingham)

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Durham University Business School

Co-producing resilience: a whole systems approach

The relevance of resilience as a key concept in public services management was reinforced during Covid-19. However, reflecting its roots in several disciplines, there is still no coherent conceptual model for how resilience can be embedded in the overall public service system.

This paper explores how public service commissioners and providers (in public, private and third sectors) can respond to this challenge by increasing the resilience of the whole system resilience network, comprising user resilience, community resilience, provider resilience and market resilience.

Research questions:

  • How can extending and improving the effectiveness of user and community co-production strengthen links in the whole system resilience network?
  • How can services users and communities play co-production roles to decide appropriate levels of risk, design services to prevent risks, decrease harm from risks occurring, and take action to recover from service failure or unfavourable outcomes?

About Professor Tony Bovaird

