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Durham Cathedral from a distance

As the UK moves out of Covid restrictions and edges towards what approaches normality with theatres, galleries and museums opening it seems appropriate to share an edited version of Postdoctoral Research Associate Aarron Toal’s article from IMPACT magazine. This explains how Durham University, along with other regional partners in Creative Fuse North East has been supporting the creative community during the pandemic.

Hardest hit

Those working within creative industries have found themselves exposed to the full force of pandemic restrictions. The situation within the North East of England is particularly alarming, described as a ‘cultural catastrophe’ with projected losses of £400 million to the regional economy and thousands of jobs lost, making it one of the most impacted areas in the country.

Creative practices are the lifeblood of our own regional and cultural identity. Losing them would have far-reaching consequences for years to come, and researchers at Durham University Business School are committed to doing something about that.

The power of five

Creative Fuse North East (CFNE) is an exciting collaboration between the North East’s five universities. A multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder action research project, we work alongside industry, cultural organisations, charities and the public sector to explore how small businesses within the Creative, Digital and IT sector can have a sustainable future, whilst promoting the social and economic value they bring to the region.

Durham impact

Durham University’s Creative Fuse team is predominantly based within the Business School. Adopting a regional focus, the team is committed to developing connections with creative and digital businesses within the county, exploring ways to bring growth and innovation opportunities whilst fostering a diverse community of learning through its programme of support.

Through action research, the team directly engages with creative businesses to understand the current challenges being faced, allowing for a continuous portfolio of bespoke content to be designed around identified development and support needs. The team brings together an extensive mixture of ideas and skills from creative, design and technology disciplines through our own professional or research expertise and from contacts within the wider University or business community, allowing for the delivery of impactful events and workshops.

Networking opportunities

Over the past six months, direct business support has enabled dozens of local small businesses to take part in a bespoke programme of events and workshops offered by the team.

These events have included themes of innovation and pivoting in response to new ways of working and selling, embracing digital tools to develop an online presence and reach new audiences. They have also looked at techniques to recognise what the future of small businesses looks like within the creative sector, whilst identifying ways to successfully adapt to changing work environments.

Not only do these workshops deliver engaging support material, but also serve as a catalyst for new business ventures and networking opportunities.

Ultimately, Creative Fuse at Durham is committed to developing and sustaining long-term engagement between the Business School, wider University and the diverse creative business communities located within the county, whilst showcasing the impact that a multidisciplinary action research approach can bring to the local economy for years to come.

More information 

  • For a more in-depth version of this article, go to our Impact section
  • Further information on Creative Fuse NE including events can be found on its website
  • Other opportunities for business to engage with the School can be found on our For business pages