Staff profile
Professor Birgit Schyns
Professor in Organisational Behaviour
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in Organisational Behaviour in the Business School | +44 (0) 191 33 45173 |
Birgit is Professor in Organisational Behaviour at Durham University, UK. She received her PhD from the University of Leipzig, Germany in 2001. Before moving to the UK in 2006 as a Reader in OB at the University of Portsmouth, she lived and worked in the Netherlands from 2002 to 2006.
Her research topics include leadership and career development. She has published widely on topics including Leader-Member Exchange, transformational leadership, implicit leadership theories, followers' perception of leadership as well as employability. Birgit has edited several special issues and two books. She is an associate editor for European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and British Journal of Management and serves on several editorial boards.
Awards and Prizes
- CCL and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology best paper 2005 award for Schyns, B., Paul, T., Mohr, G. & Blank, H. (2005). Comparing Antecedents and Consequences of Leader-Member Exchange in a German Working Context to Findings in the US. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 14, 1-22.
- Emerald Literati Network Highly Commended Award 2006 for Schyns, B. (2006). The role of implicit leadership theories in the performance appraisals and promotion recommendations of leaders. Equal Opportunities International, 25, 188-199.
- Best paper award in the Leadership Track at the British Academy of Management (2007) for Kiefer, T. & Schyns, B. (2007). Linking Leadership and Emotions: An Overview of Theory and Research. Paper presented at the Conference of the British Academy of Management (Warwick, 11th to 13th of September, 2007).
- Emerald Literati Network Highly Commended Award 2007 for Falkenburg, K. & Schyns, B. (2007). Work Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Withdrawal Behaviours. Management Research News, 30, 708-723.
Potential areas of supervision
- Leadership
- Career Pyschology
Mini Biography
Birgit is Professor in Organisational Behaviour at Durham University, UK. She received her PhD from the University of Leipzig, Germany in 2001. Before moving to the UK in 2006 as a Reader in OB at the University of Portsmouth, she lived and worked in the Netherlands from 2002 to 2006.
Research interests
- Leadership
- Implicit leadership theories
- Leader-Member Exchange
- Perception biases
- Self-efficacy
- Career Psychology
Chapter in book
- Schyns, B., Neves, P., Wisse, B., & Knoll, M. (in press). Turning the blind eye to destructive leadership – The forgotten destructive leaders. In R. Riggio (Ed.), What’s Wrong With Leadership? (And How To Fix It). Routledge
- Schyns, B., Gauglitz, I. K., Wisse, B., & Schütz, A. (2022). How to mitigate destructive leadership – Human resources-practices that mitigate Dark Triad leaders’ destructive tendencies. In D. Lusk, & T. L. Hayes (Eds.), Overcoming Bad Leadership in Organizations (251-276). Oxford University Press
- Schyns, B., Braun, S., & Wisse, B. (2019). Dark personalities in the workplace. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.
- Alabdulhadi, A., Schyns, B., & Staudigl, L. (2017). Implicit Leadership Theory. In E. Curtis, & J. Cullen (Eds.), Leadership and change for the health professional (20-36). Open University Press
- Schyns, B., & Riggio, R. (2016). Implicit Leadership Theories. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance (1-7). Springer Verlag.
- Kerschreiter, R., Schyns, B., & Frey, D. (2011). Führung. In D. Frey, & H.-W. Bierhoff (Eds.), Sozialpsychologie – Interaktion und Gruppe (Band 22). Hogrefe
- Schyns, B., & Blank, H. (2010). The limits of interactional leadership: the relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and span of control. In T. Rigotti, S. Korek, & K. Otto (Eds.), Gesund mit und ohne Arbeit. Pabst Science Publishers
- Schyns, B., & Felfe, J. (2008). Challenges of Implicit Leadership Theories for Management. In C. Wankel (Ed.), 21st Century Management - A Reference Handbook. SAGE Publications
- Schyns, B., Kroon, B., & Sanders, K. (2006). Leader-Member Exchange and solidarity behaviour – A study of reciprocity. In G. Graen (Ed.), Sharing Network Leadership, LMX Leadership: The Series. Information Age Publishing
- Schyns, B., & Meindl, J. (2006). Emotionalizing leadership in a cross-cultural context. In E. Weldon, & W. Mobley (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership (39-58). JAI press
- Schyns, B. (2006). Implicit theory of leadership. In S. Rogelberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (334-335). SAGE Publications
- Schyns, B., & Paul, T. (2005). Dyadic Leadership and Organizational Outcomes – Different Results of Different Instruments?. In G. Graen, & J. Graen (Eds.), Global Organizing Designs, LMX Leadership: The Series (173-203). Information Age Publishing
- Schyns, B., & Paul, T. (2004). Entwicklung einer Aufgabenanalyse für Führungskräfte. (Development of a task analysis for supervisors). In W. Bungard, B. Koop, & C. Liebig (Eds.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspsychologie in Forschung und Praxis. Hampp
- Schyns, B. (2004). LMX in Germany -Theoretical and empirical reception of a dyadic leadership approach. In G. Graen (Ed.), New frontiers of Leadership, LMX Leadership: The Series (139-165). Information Age Publishing
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2004). Der Einfluß von impliziten Führungstheorien und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf die Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz transformationaler Führung (The influence of implicit leadership theories and personality on the perception and acceptance of transformational leadership). In W. Bungard, B. Koop, & C. Liebig (Eds.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspsychologie in Forschung und Praxis. Hampp
Edited book
- Schyns, B., Hall, R., & Neves, P. (Eds.). (2017). Handbook of Methods in Leadership Research. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Schyns, B., & Hansbrough, T. (Eds.). (2010). When leadership goes wrong: Destructive leadership, mistakes and ethical failures. Information Age Publishing
- Schyns, B., & Meindl, J. (Eds.). (2005). Implicit Leadership Theories: Essays and Explorations. Information Age Publishing
Journal Article
- Schyns, B., Vogelgesang Lester, G., & Hammond, M. (in press). An Exploration of Romance of Leadership in Times of Crisis: Replication and Extension of Theory. Journal of Management Scientific Reports,
- Braun, S., Schyns, B., Zheng, Y., & Lord, R. G. (online). When vulnerable narcissists take the lead: The role of internal attribution of failure and shame for abusive supervision. Journal of Business Ethics,
- Gauglitz, I. K., & Schyns, B. (2024). Triggered abuse: How and why leaders with narcissistic rivalry react to follower deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 193(1), 115-131.
- Nieberle, K. W., Schyns, B., Kuonath, A., & Frey, D. (2024). When identification with your group matters: Leader consultation in response to constructive follower voice. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(6), 759-776.
- Schyns, B., Gauglitz, I. K., Veestraeten, M., Nestler, S., & Bonnefous, A.-M. (2023). When does charm turn sour in early career working relationships? The relationship between narcissism and Leader-Member and Member-Member Exchange. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 21(6), Article e2023-0058.
- Schyns, B., Gauglitz, I. K., Gilmore, S., & Nieberle, K. (2023). Vulnerable narcissistic leadership meets Covid-19: The relationship between vulnerable narcissistic leader behaviour and subsequent follower irritation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(6), 816-826.
- Hammond, M., Schyns, B., Vogelgesang, G., Thomas, J., & Clapp-Smith, R. (2023). The Romance of Leadership: Rekindling the fire through replication of Meindl and Ehrlich. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(4), Article 101538.
- Gauglitz, I. K., Schyns, B., Fehn, T., & Schütz, A. (2023). The Dark Side of Leader Narcissism: The Relationship Between Leaders’ Narcissistic Rivalry and Abusive Supervision. Journal of Business Ethics, 185(1), 169-184.
- Schilling, J., Schyns, B., & May, D. (2023). When your leader just does not make any sense: Conceptualizing inconsistent leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 185, 209-221.
- Schyns, B., Lagowska, U., & Braun, S. (2022). Me, me, me - narcissism and motivation to lead. Journal of Psychology, 230(4), 330-334.
- Breevaart, K., Wisse, B., & Schyns, B. (2022). Trapped at Work: The Barriers Model of Abusive Supervision. Academy of Management Perspectives, 36(3), 936-954.
- Schyns, B. (2021). Being suspicious in the workplace: The role of suspicion and negative views of others in the workplace in the perception of abusive supervision. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 42(4), 617-629.
- Schyns, B., Kiefer, T., & Foti, R. J. (2020). Does thinking of myself as leader make me want to lead? The role of congruence in self-theories and implicit leadership theories in motivation to lead. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 122, Article 103477.
- Xia, Y., Schyns, B., & Zhang, L. (2020). Why and when job stressors impact voice behaviour: An ego depletion. Journal of Business Research, 109, 200-209.
- Schyns, B., Wisse, B., & Sanders, S. (2019). Shady Strategic Behavior: Recognizing Strategic Followership of Dark Triad Followers. Academy of Management Perspectives, 33(2), 234-249.
- Hansbrough, T., & Schyns, B. (2018). The appeal of transformational leadership. Journal of leadership studies (Hoboken, N.J. : Online), 12(3), 19-32.
- Schyns, B., Felfe, J., & Schilling, J. (2018). Is it me or you? – How reactions to abusive supervision are shaped by leader behavior and follower perceptions. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 1309.
- Schyns, B., Schilling, J., & Coyle, P. (2018). In the eye of the public: Examining the content of implicit leadership theories about football managers across two contexts. International journal of sport psychology, 49, 267-290
- Neves, P., & Schyns, B. (2018). With the bad comes what change? The interplay between destructive leadership and organizational change. Journal of Change Management, 18(2), 91-95.
- Knoll, M., Schyns, B., & Petersen, L. (2017). How the influence of unethical leaders on followers is affected by their implicit followership theories. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 24(4), 450-465.
- Maslyn, J., Schyns, B., & Farmer, S. (2017). Attachment Style and Leader-Member Exchange: The Role of Effort to Build High Quality Relationships. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 38(3), 450-462.
- Trichas, S., Schyns, B., Lord, R., & Hall, R. (2017). “Facing” leaders: Facial expression and leadership perception. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(2), 317-333.
- Keller Hansbrough, T., Lord, R., & Schyns, B. (2015). Reconsidering the Accuracy of Follower Leadership Ratings. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 220-237.
- Schyns, B. (2015). "Dark Personality in the Workplace: Introduction to the Special Issue". Applied Psychology, 64(1), 1-14.
- Felfe, J., Schyns, B., & Tymon, A. (2014). The impact of university students’ commitment on in- and extra-role performance. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 6(1), 149-167.
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2014). Romance of leadership and motivation to lead. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(7), 850-865.
- Aycan, Z., Schyns, B., Sun, J.-M., Felfe, J., & Saher, N. (2013). Convergence and Divergence of Paternalistic Leadership: A cross-cultural Investigation of Prototypes. Journal of International Business Studies, 44, Article 962-969.
- Schyns, B., & Schilling, J. (2013). How bad are the effects of bad leaders? A meta-analysis of destructive leadership and its outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 138-158.
- Schyns, B., Tymon, A., Kiefer, T., & Kerschreiter, R. (2013). New ways to leadership development: A picture paints a thousand words. Management Learning, 44, 11-24
- Schyns, B., & Hansbrough, T. (2012). The Romance of Leadership scale and causal attributions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(8), 1870-1886.
- Trichas, S., & Schyns, B. (2012). The face of leadership: Perceiving leaders from facial expression. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 545-566.
- Schyns, B., Maslyn, J., & van Veldhoven, M. (2012). Can some leaders have a good relationship with many followers? The role of personality in the relationship between Leader‐Member Exchange and span of control. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 33(6), 594-606.
- Edwards, G., Schyns, B., Gill, R., & Higgs, M. (2012). The MLQ factor structure in a UK context. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 33(4), 369-382.
- Antonakis, J., Day, D., & Schyns, B. (2012). Leadership and individual differences: At the cusp of a renaissance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(4), 643-650.
- Schyns, B., Kiefer, T., Kerschreiter, R., & Tymon, A. (2011). Teaching Implicit Leadership Theories to develop leaders and leadership – How and why it can make a difference. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10(3), 397-408.
- Schyns, B., & Schilling, J. (2011). Implicit leadership theories: Think leader, think effective?. Journal of Management Inquiry, 20(2), 141-150.
- Junker, N., Schyns, B., van Dick, R., & Scheurer, S. (2011). Die Bedeutung der Führungskräfte-Kategorisierung für Commitment, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Wohlbefinden unter Berücksichtigung der Geschlechterrollentheorie (The significance of leader categorization for commitment, job satisfaction and well-being in the context of the gender role theory). Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A & O, 55, 171-179
- Schyns, B., Maslyn, J., & Weibler, J. (2010). Understanding the relationship between span of control and subordinate consensus in leader-member exchange. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19(3), 388-406.
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2010). Followers’ personality and the perception of transformational leadership: Further evidence for the similarity hypothesis. British Journal of Management, 21(2), 393-410.
- Torka, N., & Schyns, B. (2010). On the job and co-worker commitment of Dutch agency workers and permanent employees. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(8), 1307-1322.
- Schyns, B., & Day, D. (2010). The importance of agreement and consensus in leadership research : Introduction to the Special Issue. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19(3), 253-258.
- Schyns, B., & Day, D. (2010). Critique and Review of Leader-Member Exchange Theory: Issues of Agreement, Consensus, and Excellence. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19(1), 1-29.
- Howe-Walsh, L., & Schyns, B. (2010). Self-initiated expatriation: Implications for HRM. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(2), 260-273.
- Torka, N., Schyns, B., & Looise, J. (2010). Direct participation quality and organisational commitment: The role of Leader-Member exchange. Employee Relations, 32(4), 418-434.
- Schyns, B., & Sczesny, S. (2010). Leadership attributes valence in self-concept and occupational self-efficacy. Career Development International, 15(1), 78-92.
- Schyns, B., & van Veldhoven, M. (2010). Group leadership climate and individual organizational commitment: A multi level analysis. Journal of personnel psychology (Internet), 9(2), 57-68.
- Schyns, B., van Veldhoven, M., & Wood, S. (2009). Organizational climate, relative psychological climate and job satisfaction: the example of supportive leadership climate. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 30(7), 649-663.
- Rigotti, T., Schyns, B., & Mohr, G. (2008). A short version of the Occupational self-efficacy scale. Structural and construct validity across five countries. Journal of Career Assessment, 16(2), 238-255.
- van Dam, K., Oreg, S., & Schyns, B. (2008). Daily Work Contexts and Resistance to Organisational Change: The Role of Leader-Member Exchange, Development Climate, and Change Process Characteristics. Applied Psychology, 57(2), 313-334.
- Felfe, J., Schmook, R., Schyns, B., & Six, B. (2008). Does the form of employment make a difference? - Commitment of traditional, temporary, and self-employed workers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72(1), 81-94.
- Schyns, B. (2008). Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahrnehmung von Führung (Influences on the perception of leadership). Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A & O, 52(4), 182-190.
- Schyns, B., Kroon, B., & Moors, G. (2008). Follower characteristics and the perception of Leader-Member Exchange. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(7), 772-788.
- Schyns, B., & Hansbrough, T. (2008). Why the brewery ran out of beer - The attribution of mistakes in a leadership context. Social Psychology, 39(3), 197-203.
- Schyns, B., van Elversfeldt, A., & Felfe, J. (2008). Is there a male advantage in the effects of feedback and leadership on leaders’ occupational self-efficacy?. Equal opportunities international, 27(7), 596-612.
- Schyns, B., & Wolfram, H. (2008). The relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and outcomes as rated by leaders and followers. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 29(7), 631-646.
- Schyns, B., Felfe, J., & Blank, H. (2007). Is charisma hyper-romanticism? Empirical evidence from new data and a meta-analysis. Applied Psychology, 56(4), 505-527.
- Schyns, B., & Bligh, M. (2007). On the Romance of Leadership – In Memory of James R. Meindl. Applied Psychology, 56(4), 501-504.
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2007). In the eyes of the beholder: Personality and the perception of leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(10), 2345-2363.
- Bligh, M., & Schyns, B. (2007). Leading questions: The romance lives on: Contemporary issues surrounding the Romance of Leadership. Leadership, 3(3), 343-360.
- Schyns, B., Meindl, J., & Croon, M. (2007). The Romance of Leadership Scale – Cross-cultural testing and refinement. Leadership, 3(1), 29-46.
- Torka, N., & Schyns, B. (2007). On the transferability of ‘traditional’ satisfaction theory to non-traditional employment relationships: Temp agency work satisfaction. Employee Relations, 29(5), 440-457.
- Falkenburg, K., & Schyns, B. (2007). Work Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Withdrawal Behaviours. Management research news, 30(10), 708-723.
- Wolfram, H.-J., Mohr, G., & Schyns, B. (2007). Professional respect for female and male leaders: Influential gender-relevant factors. Women in management review (1992), 22(1), 19-32.
- Schyns, B., Torka, N., & Goessling, T. (2007). Turnover intention and preparedness for change: Exploring Leader-Member Exchange and occupational self-efficacy as antecedents of two employability predictors. Career Development International, 12(7), 660-679.
- Schyns, B., & Felfe, J. (2006). The personality of followers and its effect on the perception of leadership – An overview, a study and a research agenda. Small Group Research, 37(5), 522-539.
- van Breukelen, W., Schyns, B., & Le Blanc, P. (2006). Leader-Member Exchange theory and research: Accomplishments and future challenges. Leadership, 2(3), 295-316.
- Schyns, B., & Croon, M. (2006). A model of task demands, social structure, and Leader-Member Exchange and their relationship to job satisfaction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(4), 602-615.
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2006). Personality and the perception of transformational leadership: The impact of extraversion, neuroticism, personal need for structure, and occupational self efficacy. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(3), 708-739.
- Schyns, B. (2006). Are group consensus in Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and shared work values related to organizational outcomes?. Small Group Research, 37(1), 20-35.
- Schyns, B. (2006). The role of implicit leadership theories in the performance appraisals and promotion recommendations of leaders. Equal opportunities international, 25(3), 188-199.
- Kuijpers, M., Schyns, B., & Scheerens, J. (2006). Career competences for career success. The Career Development Quarterly, 55(2), 168-178
- Sanders, K., & Schyns, B. (2006). Leadership and solidarity behaviour: Consensus in perception of employees within teams. Personnel Review, 35(5), 538-556.
- Pundt, A., Böhme, H., & Schyns, B. (2006). Moderatorvariablen für den Zusammenhang zwischen Commitment und transformationaler Führung: Führungsdistanz und Kommunikationsqualität (Moderating variables for the relationship between commitment and transformational leadership: Leader distance, and the quality of communication between leader and follower). Journal of Personnel Psychology, 5(3), 108-120.
- van Dam, K., van der Heijden, B., & Schyns, B. (2006). Employability en individuele ontwikkeling op het werk (Employability and individual development at the workplace). Gedrag & Organisatie, 19(1), 53-68
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2006). Trust, conflict and cooperative behaviour : considering reciprocity within organizations. Personnel Review, 35(5), 508-518.
- Schyns, B., Paul, T., Mohr, G., & Blank, H. (2005). Comparing Antecedents and Consequences of Leader-Member Exchange in a German Working Context to Findings in the US. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 14(1), 1-22.
- Pundt, A., & Schyns, B. (2005). Führung im Ideenmanagement - Der Zusammenhang zwischen transformationaler Führung und dem individuellen Engagement im Ideenmanagement (Leadership in idea management: The correlation between transformational leadership and personal effort in idea management). Journal of Personnel Psychology, 4(2), 55-65.
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2005). Exploring gender differences in leaders' occupational self-efficacy. Women in management review (1992), 20(7), 513-523.
- Sczesny, S., Bosak, J., Neff, D., & Schyns, B. (2004). Gender Stereotypes and the Attribution of Leadership Traits: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Sex Roles, 51(11-12), 631-645.
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2004). Mood and the evaluation of leaders – A replication using an employee sample. Current research in social psychology, 10(5), 58-68
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2004). Impliciete leiderschap theorieën en de perceptie van transformationeel leiderschap: een replicatie van Duits onderzoek (Implicit leadership theories and the perception of transformational leadership: A replication of a German study). Gedrag & Organisatie, 17(2), 143-154
- Schyns, B. (2004). The influence of occupational self-efficacy on the relationship of leadership behavior and preparedness for occupational change. Journal of Career Development, 30(4), 247-261.
- Schyns, B., & Mohr, G. (2004). Non-verbal elements of leadership behaviour. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3), 289-305
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2004). Is similarity in leadership related to organizational outcomes? The case of transformational leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 10(4), 92-102.
- Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2003). Mood and the evaluation of leaders. Current research in social psychology, 9(4), 50-59
- Sanders, K., Schyns, B., Koster, F., & Rotteveel, C. (2003). Het stimuleren van solidair gedrag: een kwestie van leiderschap? (Stimulating solidary behaviour: A question of leadership?). Gedrag & Organisatie, 16(4), 237-254
- Schyns, B., & Collani, G. V. (2002). A new occupational self-efficacy scale and its relation to personality constructs and organizational variables. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11(2), 219-241.
- Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2002). The relationship between employees' occupational self-efficacy and perceived transformational leadership-replication and extension of recent results. Current research in social psychology, 7(9), 137-162
- Schyns, B. (2002). Geschlecht und Differenzierung von Führung (Gender and Differentiation of Leadership). Wirtschaftspsychologie (Lengerich), 1, 45-49
- Schyns, B. (2002). Überprüfung einer deutschsprachigen Skala zum Leader-Member-Exchange-Ansatz (Evaluation of a German scale for the assessment of Leader-Member-Exchange). Zeitschrift für differentielle und diagnostische Psychologie, 23(2), 235-245.
- Schyns, B. (2001). The relationship between employees’self-monitoring and occupational self-efficacy and transformational leadership. Current research in social psychology, 7(3), 30-42
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