Staff profile
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Professor in the Business School |
Jorge Lengler is a Professor in International Marketing at Durham University Business School.
Professor Lengler currently is the Associated Dean for Internationalisation (2023-). Jorge has strong experience leading MBA programmes in international settings. Before joining Durham, he managed several international MBA programmes. In Durham, Jorge served as the Online MBA Programme Director (7th in the World - Financial Times MBA Rankings, 2020-2022), FT MBA Programme Director (78th in the World - Financial Times MBA Rankings, 2022-2023), and Associate Dean for MBAs (2022-2023).
Professor Lengler has published in top journals such as the Human Relations, British Journal of Management, Tourism Management, Management International Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Small Business, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Advances in International Marketing, among many others. He has been awarded several Best Paper Awards in leading international conferences, including two recent awards from the European International Business Academy (2021) and the Academy of International Business (2020).
In 2020, he was awarded the Dean's Award for teaching excellence in the Global Marketing module.
His research interests lie in the intersection of international business, international marketing, comparative cultural analysis, and geopolitical aspects that affect a firm's performance in international contexts. More recently, Professor Lengler has dedicated his research efforts to understanding the impact of the postcolonial environment on the expatriation of firms' managers.
Throughout his career, Professor Lengler has worked with MNEs and export SMEs to help them achieve sustainable performance in foreign markets. He has worked with institutional partners from Latin America to transfer best practices from his research to MNEs and export SMEs, including the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies (SEBRAE), Federation of Industries of RS (FIERGS), and the Trade Union of the Metallurgical, Mechanical and Electrical Material Industries of Caxias do Sul/Brazil (SIMECS).
Professor Lengler is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and the Higher Education Academy (UK).
Research interests
- International Marketing
- International Business
- International Tourism Management
- Emerging Markets
- International Consumer Behaviour
Chapter in book
- Vu, K.-C., He, X., & Lengler, J. (in press). Exploring how big data analytics influences the degree of internationalization: The role of performance feedback, technological discontinuity, and organizational legitimacy. In V. Jafari (Ed.), Navigating Disruptions and Transformations in International Business. Palgrave Macmillan
- Kahle, L., Gurel-Atay, E., Lengler, J., & Kim, C. A Comparing and Contrasting of the List of Values and the Schwartz Value Scale. In Consumer Social Values. Routledge
- Mohsin, A., Wang, D., & Lengler, J. (2022). Exploring Guests Relations, Brand Loyalty, and Repeat Visits in Luxury Hotels of China: a case of Tianjin. In K. Ogunyemi, E. Okoye, & O. Ogunyemi. (Eds.), Humanistic Perspectives in Hospitality and Tourism - Volume II: CSR and Person-Centred Care (185-208). Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference Paper
- Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., & Sousa, C. (2017, December). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Exit and Re-entry Determinants of MNEs from Emerging Economies. Presented at Journal of Management Studies Paper Development Workshop, Denver, USA
- Geary, J., Aguzzoli, R., & Lengler, J. (2016, September). Accounting for the Universalistic and Contingency Perspectives: The Transfer of ‘Best Practice’ in a Brazilian company. Presented at BAM 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times., Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Aguzzoli, R. (2016, July). Is it linear or quadratic relationship between intentions to leave the job and its antecedents in luxury hotels?. Presented at The 79th TOSOK International Tourism Conference., Seoul, Republic of Korea
Journal Article
- Aguzzoli, R., Śliwa, M., Lengler, J., Brewster, C., & Quatrin, D. (online). How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal. Journal of International Business Studies,
- Lengler, J. (2024). Sunk costs, large domestic market, and the re-entry dilemma: export process in SMEs from a developing economy. International Journal of Export Marketing, 6(3), 298-318.
- Gong, C., He, X., & Lengler, J. (2024). Internationalisation through digital platforms: a systematic review and future research agenda. International Marketing Review, 41(5), 938-980.
- Śliwa, M., Aguzzoli, R., Brewster, C., & Lengler, J. (2024). Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal. Human Relations, 77(10), 1468-1501.
- Trivedi, R. H., Shahron, S. A., Wang, C., Fukukawa, K., & Lengler, J. (2024). Effects of organisational, individual and contextual factors on employees’ intentions to adopt green practices. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,
- Quatrin, D. R., Aguzzoli, R., & Lengler, J. (2024). A conceptual model of individuals’ decision to engage in global mobility: integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior. Journal of Global Mobility, 12(2), 313-332.
- Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., Miller, S. R., & Chidlow, A. (2024). Paradigms in Qualitative IB Research: Trends, Analysis and Recommendations. Management International Review, 64(2), 165-198.
- Wan, C., Sousa, C., Lengler, J., & Tan, Q. (2022). Entry Mode Choice: A Meta-analysis of Antecedents and Outcomes. Management International Review, 63, 193-246.
- Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2021). Airbnb Hospitality: Exploring Users and Non-Users’ Perceptions and Intentions. Sustainability, 13(19), Article 10884.
- Sousa, C., He, X., Lengler, J., & Tang, L. (2021). Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of International Management, 27(2), Article 100848.
- Sousa, C. M., Yan, J., Gomes, E., & Lengler, J. (2021). Export Activity, R&D Investment And Foreign Ownership: Does It Matter For Productivity?. International Marketing Review, 38(3), 613-639.
- Aguzzoli, R., Lengler, J., Sousa, C., & Benito, G. (2020). Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 416-434.
- Correia, R., Lengler, J., & Mohsin, A. (2019). Entrepreneurial Approaches to the Internationalisation of Portugal’s Hotel Industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), 1141-1165.
- Marques, C., Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2018). A Multinational Comparative Study Highlighting Students' Travel Motivations and Touristic Trends. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 10, 87-100.
- Lengler, J., Mohsin, A., & Mello-Moyano, C. (2017). Travel intention of Brazilian Students: Are they ready to discover new places and things?. Tourism analysis, 22(4), 483-496.
- Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Subramonian, H. (2017). The influence of Malaysian students’ travel motives on their intentions to discover new places and things. Annals of Leisure Research, 20(4), 490-506.
- Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Chaya, P. (2017). Does travel interest mediate between motives and intention to travel? A case of young Asian travellers. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 31, 36-44.
- Kele, A., Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2017). How willing/unwilling are luxury hotels' staff to be empowered? A case of East Malaysia. Tourism Management Perspectives, 22, 44-53.
- Huertas-García, R., Lengler, J., & Consolación-Segura, C. (2017). Co-branding Strategy in Cause-related Advertising: The Fit between Brand and Cause. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(2), 135-150.
- Geary, J., Aguzzoli, R., & Lengler, J. (2016). The Transfer of ‘International Best Practice’ in a Brazilian MNC: A Consideration of the Convergence and Contingency Perspectives. Journal of International Management, 23(2), 194-207.
- Lengler, J., Sousa, C., Perin, M., Sampaio, C., & Martínez-López, F. (2016). The antecedents of export performance of Brazilian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): The non-linear effects of customer orientation. International Small Business Journal, 34(5), 701-727.
- Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Aguzzoli, R. (2015). Staff Turnover in Hotels: exploring the quadratic and linear relationships. Tourism Management, 51, 35-48.
- Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2015). Service experience through the Eyes of Budget Hotel Guests: Do factors of importance influence performance dimensions?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 23, 23-34.
- Mohsin, A., & Lengler, J. (2015). Exploring the Antecedents of Staff Turnover within the Fast-food Industry: The case of Hamilton, New Zealand. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 14(1), 1-24.
- Sousa, C., Lengler, J., & Martínez-López, F. (2014). Testing for Linear and Quadratic Effects between Price Adaptation and Export Performance: The Impact of Values and Perceptions. Journal of Small Business Management, 52(3), 501-520.
- Huertas-García, R., Gázquez-Abad, J., & Lengler, J. (2014). Publicidad conjunta marca-causa: el papel de la implicación del individuo hacia la publicidad en la comprensión y evaluación del mensaje. = Brand/cause advertising: The role of the individual's involvement toward the understanding and evaluation of the ad message. Revista europea de dirección y economía de la empresa, 23(3), 147-155.
- Sampaio, C., Perin, M., Lengler, J., Cegarra, J., & Jimenez, D. (2014). Entrepreneurial Capacities as Antecedents of Business Performance in Brazilian Firms. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 31(2), 90-103.
- Novello, S., Lengler, J., & Murias, P. (2013). Customer orientation and SME export performance: insights from Italian manufacturing firms. Micro & macro marketing, 3(2013), 453-470
- Simas, M., Lengler, J., & António, N. (2013). Integration of Sustainable Development in the strategy implementation process: proposal of a model. Corporate Governance, 13(5), 511-526.
- Mohsin, A., Lengler, J., & Kumar, B. (2013). Exploring the antecedents of intentions to quit: A case of luxury hotel staff in India. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35(December), 48-58
- Lengler, J., Sousa, C., & Marques, C. (2013). Examining the Relationship between Market Orientation and Export Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity. Advances in international marketing, 24, 75-102.
- Lengler, J., Sousa, C., & Marques, C. (2013). Exploring the Linear and Quadratic Effects of Customer and Competitor Orientation on Export Performance. International Marketing Review, 30(5), 440-468.
- Sousa, C., & Lengler, J. (2011). Examining the Determinants of Interfunctional Coordination and Export Performance: An Investigation of Brazilian Exporters. Advances in international marketing, 21, 189-206.
- Sousa, C., & Lengler, J. (2009). Psychic Distance, International Marketing Strategy and Export Performance: Establishing an Empirical Link. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(5/6), 591-610
Supervision students
Chanjuan Gong
Chi Vu
Menglu Yang
Marika An
Shengbo Zhang
Siyu Wang
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