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Professor Jorge Lengler


Professor in the Business School


Jorge Lengler is a Professor in International Marketing at Durham University Business School.

Professor Lengler currently is the Associated Dean for Internationalisation (2023-). Jorge has strong experience leading MBA programmes in international settings. Before joining Durham, he managed several international MBA programmes. In Durham, Jorge served as the Online MBA Programme Director (7th in the World - Financial Times MBA Rankings, 2020-2022), FT MBA Programme Director (78th in the World - Financial Times MBA Rankings, 2022-2023), and Associate Dean for MBAs (2022-2023).

Professor Lengler has published in top journals such as the Human Relations, British Journal of Management, Tourism Management, Management International Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Small Business, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Advances in International Marketing, among many others. He has been awarded several Best Paper Awards in leading international conferences, including two recent awards from the European International Business Academy (2021) and the Academy of International Business (2020).

In 2020, he was awarded the Dean's Award for teaching excellence in the Global Marketing module.

His research interests lie in the intersection of international business, international marketing, comparative cultural analysis, and geopolitical aspects that affect a firm's performance in international contexts. More recently, Professor Lengler has dedicated his research efforts to understanding the impact of the postcolonial environment on the expatriation of firms' managers.

Throughout his career, Professor Lengler has worked with MNEs and export SMEs to help them achieve sustainable performance in foreign markets. He has worked with institutional partners from Latin America to transfer best practices from his research to MNEs and export SMEs, including the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies (SEBRAE), Federation of Industries of RS (FIERGS), and the Trade Union of the Metallurgical, Mechanical and Electrical Material Industries of Caxias do Sul/Brazil (SIMECS).

Professor Lengler is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and the Higher Education Academy (UK).

Research interests

  • International Marketing
  • International Business
  • International Tourism Management
  • Emerging Markets
  • International Consumer Behaviour


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article

Supervision students

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