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Professor Mariann Hardey

Professor in Business and Computing, Directorate for Advanced Research in Computing (ARC) Institute

Professor in Business and Computing, Directorate for Advanced Research in Computing (ARC) Institute in the Business School+44 (0) 191 33 40120
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study


b&w headshot of Mariann

Dr Mariann Hardey is a Professor of Business and Computing at Durham University Business School.

Mariann is also part of Advanced Research Computing (ARC) at Durham University, where her role supports widening participation and accessibility in computing. She is passionate about self-development and learning, focusing on representation among business leaders and practitioners in the technology sector. She has given numerous presentations at international conferences and events, including the first TEDx event in the United Kingdom, and her work has been featured in international media. Mariann's two most recent books are The Culture of Women in Technology: An Unsuitable Job for a Woman and Household Self-Tracking in a Global Health Crisis. Both have received accolades from tech organisations and the academy. The Culture of Women in Tech forms part of the Master Class curriculum of the UK Government Digital Service to promote employment reform and inclusivity.

Mariann's writing has been featured in The Guardian, The Independent, The Huffington Post, and The Observer. Mariann has appeared on BBC News, Bloomberg, and her research has formed part of BBC Radio 4' The Today Programme and Laurie Taylor's Thinking Allowed. Facebook Etiquette, the award-winning blog authored by Mariann, was the first digital narrative to be presented at the Edinburgh Book Festival. 

Mariann holds a PhD. in Sociology and a Masters in Women's Studies from her 1+3 ESCR scholarship at the University of York, where she continues contributing to the research community.

Personal website

Areas of Interest for Doctoral Supervision 

Tech culture, labour and the gig economy, social media, tech inequalities, mHealth and self-tracking, data-veillance 

Research Interests 

Creative work, theory, qualitative methods, mHealth, self-tracking, data surveillance, action-research, technology 

Extra duties: Mariann took time away from her career in 2016 to spend time with her daughter.

Research interests

  • Digital Culture
  • Women in digital leadership roles
  • Consumer-generated-content (CGC)
  • Tech Cities
  • Digital information systems
  • Network society
  • Wearable tech and digital consumption
  • Social apps
  • Digital Humanities

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: IAS Associate Fellow 2022-2025: Mariann is a Fellow at the Durham Institute of Advanced Study. With Rille Raaper, she is the co-PI for their project Risks to Youth and Studenthood in Digital Spaces: Commodification, Transitions and Digital Identities. The research investigates young people's participation in image-rich, real-time digital environments such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok at a key point in transition from youth to adulthood. The project makes use of sophisticated video and image processing technologies. As an IAS Fellow, Mariann represents the University at the highest level internationally through sustained knowledge exchange initiatives with policy and cultural impact.


Authored book

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article


Supervision students

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