Staff profile
Affiliation |
Associate Professor in the Business School |
Saadat’s past research efforts have included, but are not limited to: the global study of supportive institutions and women’s entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in adverse conditions, corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance in multicounty context, Cross-Cultural comparison of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior, all targeted for premier and high quality journals.
Research interests
- Entrepreneurship education
- Corporate entrepreneurship
- Adversity and resilience in entrepreneurship
- Evidence based entrepreneurship
Chapter in book
- Sheikh, S., Yousafzai, S., Sist, F., Akdeniz, A., & Saeed, S. A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research. In S. Yousafzai, A. Fayolle, A. Lindgreen, C. Henry, S. Saeed, & S. Sheikh (Eds.), Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Yousafzai, S., Lindgreen, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C., & Fayolle, A. Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. In “Introduction” in Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship. Routledge
- Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Lindgreen, A., Henry, C., Saeed, S., & Sheikh, S. (2018). Introduction. In S. Yousafzai, A. Fayolle, A. Lindgreen, C. Henry, S. Saeed, & S. Sheikh (Eds.), Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’: A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research (xx-xxii). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Edited book
- Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Lindgreen, A., Henry, C., Saeed, S., & Sheikh, S. (Eds.). Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’: A New Look at Women’s Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Yousafzai, S., Lindgreen, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C., & Fayolle, A. (Eds.). (2018). Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. Routledge
Journal Article
- Saeed, S., Giminez-Jiminez, D., Calabrò, A., & Kraus, S. (online). Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: A multilevel framework. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,
- Rauch, A., Saeed, S., & Frese, M. (online). Decoding evidence-based entrepreneurship: A systematic review of meta-analytic choices and reporting. Journal of Small Business Management,
- Saeed, S., Alasadi, M., Yousafzai, S. Y., & Zahra, S. A. (online). Top management team attributes and corporate entrepreneurship: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Product Innovation Management,
- Raza, A., Yousafzai, S., & Saeed, S. (2024). Breaking barriers and bridging gaps: the influence of entrepreneurship policies on women’s entry into entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(7), 1779-1810.
- Ahmad, W., Saeed, S., Janovská, K., Tien Dat, L., Rizomyliotis, I., & Ahmed, S. (2024). Radical product sustainability oriented innovation (SOI) and triple-bottom-line (3BL) performance: findings from Malaysian and Singaporean B2B firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 117, 457-466.
- Renko, M., Bullough, A., & Saeed, S. (2021). How do resilience and self-efficacy relate to entrepreneurial intentions in countries with varying degrees of fragility? A six-country study. International Small Business Journal, 39(2), 130-156.
- Mohsen, K., Saeed, S., Raza, A., Omar, S., & Muffatto, M. (2021). Does using latest technology impact new venture innovation? A contingency based view of institutional environments. Journal of Small Business Management, 59(4), 852-886.
- Raza, A., Saeed, S., Yosafzai, S., Shahid, M., & Muffatto, M. (2020). Institutional adversity, external knowledge sources, and new ventures' innovation: An institutional polycentrism theory perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 633-647.
- Raza, A., Muffatto, M., & Saeed, S. (2019). The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 133-157.
- Yousafzai, S. F., A., *., S., H., & C. Lindgreen, A. (2018). The contextual embeddedness of women’s entrepreneurship: towards a more informed research agenda. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 31(3-4), 167-177.
- Engelen, A., Weinekotter, L., Saeed, S., & Enke, S. (2018). The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 230-253.
- Raza, A., Muffatto, M., & Saeed, S. (2018). Cross-country Differences in Innovative Entrepreneurial Activity: An Entrepreneurial Cognitive View. Management Decision, 58(7), 1301-1329.
- Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., Yani-de-Soriano, M., & Muffatto, M. (2015). The Role of Perceived University Support in the Formation of Students' Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 1127-1145.
- Yousafzai, S., Saeed, S., & Muffatto, M. (2015). Institutional Theory and Contextual Embeddedness Of Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership: Evidence From 92 Countries. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(3), 587-604.
- Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., Paladino, A., & De Luca, L. (2015). Inside-out and outside-in orientations: A meta-analysis of orientation's effects on innovation and firm performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 47(4), 121-133.
- Saeed, S., Muffatto, M., & Yousafzai, S. (2014). A Multi-level Study of Entrepreneurship Education among Pakistani University Students. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 4(3), 297-321.
- Saeed, S., Muffatto, M., & Yousafzai, S. (2014). Exploring inter-generational influence on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(2/3), 134-153.
- Saeed, S., Yousafzai, S., & Engelen, A. (2014). On cultural and macroeconomic contingencies of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 255-290.
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