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Associate Professor in the Business School+44 (0) 191 33 46369


Thomas received his DPhil (PhD) from the University of Oxford, under supervision of Nobel Laureate Sir James A. Mirrlees.

Thomas is the Director of our Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) programmes. He teaches MSc Advanced Macro, Public Choice, and Public Economics, and undegratuate Public Economics. Thomas is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. For more information, including CV, and PhD supervision.

visit Thomas' home page>>

Prospective PhD students are welcome to contact him directly.

Thomas' blog>>


Research interests

  • Energy Economics
  • Green Finance and Socially Responsible Investment
  • Optimal taxation and public economics in general (especially dynamic taxation)
  • Endogenous Policy (political aspects of economic policy and public finance)
  • Environmental economics
  • Endogenous firm objectives
  • Population economics

Esteem Indicators


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article


Working Paper

Supervision students

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