Who leads, and who follows? Our centre aims to advance theory on leadership and communicate this knowledge to practitioners. We focus on the study of leadership and followership, as well as the intersection of this research with key organisational behaviour topics such as identity, trust, and social networks.
An important aspect of our centre is collaboration and mentorship. We supervise PhD students in this field, have events with renowned international speakers, and work in international collaborations—all for the purpose of advancing the study of leadership and followership.
Our research considers leadership and followership as intrinsically related, situated within a broader organisational context, and linked to a wide range of organisational behavioural phenomena.
Our research investigates the relationships and between individuals, teams and leaders.
If you would like to find out more about the Centre of Leadership and Followership, please email our team.
Durham University Business School Mill Hill Lane Durham DH1 3LB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 5200