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Our Publications 2017 and Earlier

Edited book 

Carroll, B. Ford, J. & Taylor, S. (2015). Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. London: Sage. 

Book Chapter

Hall, R.J. (2017) Modeling leadership-related change with a growth curve approach. In Handbook of Methods in Leadership Research. Schyns, B., Hall, R. J. & Neves, P. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 317-346. 

Braun, S., Haas, K. & Frey, D. (2017).Führung und Kooperation in der modernen Arbeitswelt.. InMoralpsychologie: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Sautermeister, J. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.11:214-232. 

Netzel, J.,Braun, S.& Frey, D. (2017).Macht: Grundlagen, Folgen und Prozesse eines komplexen Phänomens.. InKommunikation, Interaktion und soziale Gruppenprozesse. Bierhoff, H.-W. & Frey, D. Göttingen: Hogrefe.3:493-542. 

Hentschel, P.T.,Braun, S.& Peus, C. (2017).Warum wird sie nicht Führungskraft? Geschlecht und Karriereentwicklung.. InHandbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement. Kauffeld, S. & Spurk, D. Heidelberg: Springer. 1-31. 

Braun, S., Frey, D., Nübold, A. & Maier, G. (2017).Führung.. InKommunikation, Interaktion und soziale Gruppenprozesse. Bierhoff, H.-W. & Frey, D. Göttingen: Hogrefe.3:543-598. 

Braun, S.& Hornuf, L. (2017).Authentic leadership and followers’ cheating behaviour – A laboratory experiment from a self-concept maintenance perspective.. InAuthentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives. Cotter-Lockard, D. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Taylor, S. & Ford, J (2017). Critical Leadership. In The Routledge Companion to Leadership. Storey, J. Hartley, J. Denis, J-L. ‘t Hart, P & Ulrich, D. London: Routledge. 

Martin, R., Epitropaki, O. & O’Broin, L. (2017). Methodological Issues in Leadership Training: In Pursuit of Causality. In Methodological Challenges and Advances in Managerial and Organizational Cognition. Sund, K.J., Galavan, R.J. & Hodgkinson, G.P. Emerald Publishing. 73-94. 

Epitropaki, O., Martin, R. & Thomas, G. (2017). Relational Leadership. In The Nature of Leadership. Antonakis, J. & Day, D. V. SAGE. 109-137. 

Braun, S.,Schyns, B.& Peus, C. (2016).Conclusion: Leadership lessons from compelling contexts.. InLeadership lessons from compelling contexts. Peus, C.,Braun, S.&Schyns, B.Bingley, UK: Emerald.8:465-479. 

Braun, S., Hentschel, T., Peus, C. & Frey, D. (2016).Geschlechtsunterschiede und Geschlechtsstereotype (Gender differences and gender stereotypes).. InSoziale Motive und soziale Einstellungen. Bierhoff, H.-W. & Frey, D. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe. 759-793. 

Braun, S., Peus, C., Frey, D. & Knipfer, K. (2016).Leadership in academia: Individual and collective approaches to the quest for creativity and innovation.. InLeadership lessons from compelling contexts. Peus, C.,Braun, S.& Schyns, B.Bingley, UK: Emerald.8:349-365. 

Braun, S. (2016).Narcissistic leadership.. InGlobal Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Farazmand, A. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 1-9. 

Epitropaki, O. & Mainemelis, C. (2016).The “genre-bender” The creative leadership of Kathryn Bigelow. InLeadership Lessons from Compelling Contexts. Peus, C.,Braun, S.&Schyns, B.Bingley: Emerald.8:275-300. 

Zhou, Q.& Shipton, H. (2016). Making creativity an attractive option. InHuman Resource Management, Innovation, and Performance. Shipton, H., Budhwar, P. & Sparrow, P. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Rus, D.C.,Wisse, B.& Rietzschel, E.F. (2016).An open invitation to open innovation: Guidelines for the leadership of open innovation processes.. InOpen Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market. Markman, A.B. New York: Oxford University Press. 141-168. 

Ford, J. (2016). Gendered relationships and the problem of diversity in Leadership-as-Practice. In Leadership-as-Practice, Theory and Application. Raelin, J. London: Routledge. 

Morrell, K. & Learmonth, M. (2016). Evidence-based management. In The OXFORD handbook of management. Wilkinson, A., Lounsbury, M. & Armstrong, S.J. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Learmonth, M. & Humphreys, M. (2016). Autoethnographic vignettes in HRM. In Qualitative research methods in HRM: innovative approaches. Townsend, K., Lewin, D. & Loudoun, R. London: Edward Elgar. 205-217. 

Learmonth, M., Humphreys, M. & Griffin, M. (2016). Doing management education with Free jazz and Derrida. In The Routledge companion to reinventing management education. Beyes, T., Parker, M. & Stayaert C. Abingdon: Routledge. 178-190. 

Morrell, K. & Learmonth, M. (2016). Evidence-based management. In The OXFORD handbook of management. Wilkinson, A., Lounsbury, M. & Armstrong, S.J. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Book Review

Ford, J (2017). Leadership and the public services sector: a poststructural analysis. 157-175. 

Frey, D.,Braun, S.& Peus, C. (2015).Herausforderungen der Personalauswahl in der WissenschaftBerufungsverfahren an deutschen Universitäten (Challenges of personnel selection in German universities).. InPersonalauswahl in der Wissenschaft Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis (Personnel selection in academia: Evidence based methods and ideas for practice). Peus, C.,Braun, S., Hentschel, T. & Frey, D. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 1-14. 

Braun, S., Hentschel, T., Peus, C. & Frey, D. (2015). Chancengleichheit durch professionelle Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft (Equality through professional personnel selection in academia).. InPersonalauswahl in der Wissenschaft Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis (Personnel selection in academia: Evidence based methods and ideas for practice). Peus, C.,Braun, S., Hentschel, T. & Frey, D. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 30-48. 

Heilman, M. E., Manzi, F. & Braun, S.(2015).Presumed incompetent: Perceived lack of fit and gender bias in recruitment and selection.. InHandbook of gendered careers in management. Getting in, getting on, getting out. Broadbridge, A. M. & Fielden, S. L. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 90-104. 

Peus, C., Wesche, J. S. & Braun, S.(2015).Authentische Führung (Authentic leadership).. InTrends der psychologischen Führungsforschung. Felfe, J. Göttingen: Hogrefe. 15-26. 

Braun, S.& Frey, D. (2015).Führungstheorien (Leadership theories).. InKompendium psychologischer Theorien (Compendium of psychological theories). Galliker, M. & Wolfradt, U. Berlin: Suhrkamp.2154:133-136. 

Braun, S., Frey, D., Brodbeck, F.C. & Hentschel, T. (2015).Group processes in organizations.. InInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Wright, J.D. Oxford, England: Elsevier.10:408-415. 

Epitropaki, O.& Martin, R. (2015).LMX and work attitudes: is there anything left unsaid or unexamined?. InThe Oxford Handbook of Leader-Member Exchange. Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 139-156. 

Scheibe, S.,Wisse, B. & Schulz, A. (2015). Affect and emotion regulation in aging workers. InEncyclopedia of Geropsychology. Pachana, N.A. Singapore: Springer. 1-12. 

Ford, J. (2015). Leadership, post-structuralism and the performative turn. In Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Carroll, B. Ford, J. & Taylor, S. London: Sage. 233-254. 

Carroll, B. Ford, J. & Taylor, S (2015). Introduction: The power of leaders. In Leadership Contemporary Critical Perspectives. London: Sage. xvii-xxvii. 

Peus, C. & Braun, S. (2014).Der Wert der Werte - Zu empirischer Evidenz ethikorientierter Führung und Leistung in Unternehmen (The value of values - Empirical evidence of ethical leadership and company performance).. InIn Deutschland führen die Falschen. Wie sich Unternehmen ändern müssen. Sauer, J. & Cisik, A. Berlin, Germany: Helios Media. 489-508. 

Peus, C., Hentschel, T. & Braun, S.(2014).Erfolgsfaktor PersonalauswahlTalente für die Wissenschaft gewinnen (Personnel selection as a success factor: Attracting talent for science).. InGeschlechtergerechte Personalentwicklung an Hochschulen. Maßnahmen und Herausforderungen. Hille, N. & Langer, B. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos. 173-196. 

Leung, K., Wang, J. & Deng, H.(2014).Challenges of conducting global research.. InInternationalizing the curriculum in organizational psychology. Griffith, R. L. Thompson, L. F. & Armon, B. K. New York: Springer. 283-305. 

Journal Article 

Trichas, S.,Schyns, B.,Lord, R.G. & Hall, R.J.(2017).“Facing” leaders: Facial expression and leadership perception.Leadership Quarterly28(2): 317-333. 

Epitropaki, O., Kark, R., Mainemelis, C. & Lord, R.G.(2017).Leadership and followership identity processes: A multilevel review.The Leadership Quarterly28(1): 104-129. 

Lord, R. G., Day, D. V., Zaccaro, S. J., Avolio, B. J. & Eagly, A. H. (2017).Leadership in Applied Psychology: Three Waves of Theory and Research.Journal of Applied Psychology102(3): 434-451. 

Trichas, S.,Schyns, B.,Lord, McDermott, R.C., Levant, R., Hammer, J.H.,Hall, R.J., McKelvey, D.K. & Jones, Z. (2017).Further Examination of the Factor Structure of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF): Measurement Considerations for Women, Men of Color, and Gay Men.Journal of Counseling Psychology 

Braun, S.(2017).Leader Narcissism and Outcomes in Organizations: A Review at Multiple Levels of Analysis and Implications for Future Research.Frontiers in Psychology8: 773. 

Braun, S.& Nieberle, K. W. A. M. (2017).Authentic leadership extends beyond work: A multilevel model of work-family conflict and enrichment..The Leadership Quarterly 

Foti, R. J., Hansbrough, T. K.,Epitropaki, O.& Coyle, P. T. (2017).Dynamic Viewpoints on Implicit Leadership and Followership Theories: Approaches, Findings, and Future Directions..The Leadership Quarterly 28(2): 261-267. 

Marstand, A.F., Martin, R. & Epitropaki, O.(2017).Complementary person-supervisor fit: An investigation of supplies-values (S-V) fit, leader-member exchange (LMX) and work outcomes..The Leadership Quarterly 28(3): 418-437. 

Guan, Y., Jiang, P., Wang, Z., Mo, Z. & Zhu, F. (2017).Self-referent and Other-referent Career Successes, Career Satisfaction and Turnover Intention among Chinese Employees: The Role of Achievement Motivation..Journal of Career Development 44(5): 379-393. 

Milfont, T.L., Bain, P.G., Kashima, Y., Corral-Verdugo, V.C., Pasquali, C., Johansson, L.-O.,Guan, Y., Gouveia, V.V., Garðarsdóttir, R.B., Doron, G., Bilewicz, M., Utsugi, A., Aragones, J.I., Steg, L., Soland, M., Park, J., Otto, S., Demarque, C., Wagner, C., Madsen, O.J., Lebedeva, N., González, R., Schultz, P.W., Saiz, J.L., Kurz, T., Gifford, R., Akotia, C.S., Saviolidis, N.M. & Einarsdóttir, G. (2017).On the relation between social dominance orientation and environmentalism: A 25-nation study..Social Psychological and Personality Science 

Hornsey, M.J., Schumann, K., Bain, P.G., Blumen, S., Chen, S.X., Gómez, Á., González, R.,Guan, Y., Kashima, E., Lebedeva, N. & Wohl, M.J.A. (2017).Conservatives are more reluctant to give and receive apologies than liberals..Social Psychological and Personality Science Online First

Guan, Y., Zhuang, M., Cai, Z., Ding, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, Z. & Lai, X. (2017).Modeling dynamics in career construction: Reciprocal relationship between future work self and career exploration..Journal of Vocational Behavior101: 21-31. 

Zhang, R., Noels, K.A.,Guan, Y.& Weng, L. (2017).Making sense of positive self-evaluations in China: The role of sociocultural change..European Journal of Social Psychology47(1): 36-52. 

Chen, S.X., Ng, J.K., Buchtel, E.,Guan, Y., Deng, H. & Bond, M.H. (2017).The Added Value of World views over Self-Views: Predicting Modest Behaviour in Eastern and Western Cultures..British Journal of Social Psychology 

Guan, Y., Dai, X., Gong, Q., Deng, Y.,Hou, Y., Dong, Z., Wang, L., Huang, Z. & Lai, X. (2017).Understanding the trait basis of career adaptability: A two-wave mediation analysis among Chinese university students..Journal of Vocational Behavior101: 32-42. 

Li, F.,Deng, H.& Leung, K. (2017).Is Perceived Creativity-reward Contingency Good for Creativity? The Role of Challenge and Threat Appraisals..Human Resource Management56(4): 693-709. 

Deng, H., Leung, K., Lam, C. & Huang, X. (2017).Slacking Off in Comfort: A Dual-Pathway Model for Psychological Safety Climate..Journal of Management 

Deng, H., Coyle-Shapiro, J. & Yang, Q. (2017).Beyond Reciprocity: A Conservation of Resources View on the Effects of Psychological Contract Violation on Third Parties..Journal of Applied Psychology 

Deng, H., Walter, F., Lam, C. K. & Zhao, H. H. (2017).Spillover Effects of Emotional Labor in Customer Service Encounters toward Coworker Harming: A Resource Depletion Perspective..Personnel Psychology70(2): 469-502. 

Hesketh, I. & Graham, L.(2017).Theory or not theory? That is the question..Australasian Policing: a Journal of Professional Practice and Research9(1): 10-12. 

Dean, H., Larsen, G., Ford, J. & Akran, M. (2017). Female Entrepreneurship and the Metanarrative of Economic Growth: A Critical Review of Underlying Assumptions.. International Journal of Management Reviews 

Wardman, M., Ford, J. & Manogue, M. (2017). Undergraduate leadership education for dentistry: preparing for practice. European Journal of Dental Education21(4): e109-e113. 

Dean, H. & Ford, J. (2017). Discourses of entrepreneurial leadership: Exposing myths and exploring new approaches.. International Small Business Journal35(2): 178-196. 

Harding, N., Ford, J. & Lee, H. (2017). Towards a performative theory of resistance: Senior managers and revolting subject(ivitie)s.. Organization Studies38(9): 1209-1232. 

Ford, J., Harding, N., Gilmore, S. & Richardson, S. (2017). Becoming the leader: Leadership as material presence.. Organization Studies38(11): 1553-1571. 

Arikan, Ozlem, Reinecke, Juliane, Spence, Crawford & Morrell, Kevin (2017). Signposts or weathervanes? The curious case of corporate social responsibility and conflict minerals.. Journal of Business Ethics 

Learmonth, M. & Morrell, K. (2017). Is Critical Leadership Studies ‘Critical’?. Leadership13(3): 257-271. 

Learmonth, M. (2017). Making History Critical: Recasting a History of the “Management” of the British National Health Service. Journal of Health Organization and Management10(5): 542-555. 

Griffin, M., Learmonth, M. & Piper, N. (2017). Organizational Readiness: Culturally Mediated Learning Through Disney Animation. Academy of Management Learning & Education 

Griffin, M., Harding, N. & Learmonth, M. (2017). Whistle while you Work? Disney Animation, Organizational Readiness and Gendered Subjugation. Organization Studies38(7): 869-894. 

Meuser, J. D., Gardner, W. L.,Dinh, J. E., Hu, J., Liden, R. C. & Lord, R. G.(2016).A network analysis of leadership theory: the infancy of integration.Journal of Management42(5): 1374-1403. 

Knoll, M.,Lord, R., Petersen, L.-E. & Weigelt, O. (2016).Examining the Moral Grey Zone: The Role of Moral Disengagement, Authenticity, and Situational Strength in predicting Unethical Managerial Behaviour.Journal of Applied Social Psychology46(1): 65-78. 

Lord, R. G., Gatti, P. & Chui, S. L. M. (2016).Social-Cognitive, Relational, and Identity-Based Approaches to Leadership.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes136: 119-134. 

Levant, R.F.,Hall, R., Weigold, K.I. & McCurdy, E.R. (2016).Construct Validity Evidence for the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Using the Bifactor Model.Journal of Counseling Psychology63(5): 534-542. 

Braun, S.& Peus, C. (2016).Crossover of work-life balance perceptions: Does authentic leadership matter?.Journal of Business Ethics Forthcoming. 

Shaughnessy, B.,Braun, S., Hentschel, T. & Peus, C. V. (2016).Diverse and just? The role of quota-based selection policies on organizational outcomes..European Journal of Social Psychology46(7): 880-890. 

Braun, B., Aydin, N., Frey, D. & Peus, C. (2016).Leader Narcissism Predicts Malicious Envy and Supervisor-Targeted Counterproductive Work Behavior - Evidence From Field and Experimental Research..Journal of Business Ethics 

Bozionelos, N., Kostopoulos, K., Van der Heijden, B., Rousseau, D. M., Bozionelos, G., Hoyland, T., Miao, R., Marzec, I., Jędrzejowicz, P.,Epitropaki, O., Mikkelsen, A., Scholarios, D. & Van der Heijde, C. (2016).Employability and Job Performance as Links in the Relationship Between Mentoring Receipt and Career Success: A Study in SMEs..Group & Organization Management41(2): 135-171. 

Voliotis, S., Vlachos, P. & Epitropaki, O.(2016).Perception-induced effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSiR) for Stereotypical and Admired Firms..Frontiers in Psychology 7: 970. 

Martin, R., Guillaume, Y., Thomas, G., Lee, A. & Epitropaki, O.(2016).Leader-member Exchange (LMX) and Performance: A Meta-analytic Review.Personnel Psychology 69(1): 67-121. 

Epitropaki, O., Kapoutsis, I., Ellen III, B.P., Ferris, G.R., Drivas, K. & Ntotsi, A. (2016).Navigating Uneven Terrain: The Roles of Political Skill and LMX Differentiation in Prediction of Work Relationship Quality and Work Outcomes.Journal of Organizational Behavior 37(7): 1078-1103. 

Bain, Paul G., Milfont, Taciano L., Kashima, Yoshihisa, Bilewicz, Michał, Doron, Guy, Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B., Gouveia, Valdiney V.,Guan, Yanjun, Johansson, Lars-Olof, Pasquali, Carlota, Corral-Verdugo, Victor, Aragones, Juan Ignacio, Utsugi, Akira, Demarque, Christophe, Otto, Siegmar, Park, Joonha, Soland, Martin, Steg, Linda, González, Roberto, Lebedeva, Nadezhda, Madsen, Ole Jacob, Wagner, Claire, Akotia, Charity S., Kurz, Tim, Saiz, José L., Schultz, P. Wesley, Einarsdóttir, Gró & Saviolidis, Nina M. (2016).Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world..Nature Climate Change 6(2): 154-157. 

Chen, S.X., Lam, B., Hui, B., Ng, J., Mak, W.,Guan, Y., Buchtel, E., Tang, W. & Lau, V. (2016).Conceptualizing psychological processes in response to globalization: Components, antecedents, and consequences of global orientations..Journal of Personality and Social Psychology110(2): 302-331. 

Takemura, K., Hamamura, T.,Guan, Y.& Suzuki, S. (2016).Contextual effect of wealth on independence: an examination through regional differences in China..Frontiers in Psychology7: 384. 

Guan, Y., Yang, W., Zhou, X., Tian, Z. & Eves, A. (2016).Predicting Chinese human resource managers' strategic competence: Roles of identity, career variety, organizational support and career adaptability..Journal of Vocational Behavior92: 116-124. 

Zhang, X., Xing, C.,Guan, Y., Song, X., Melloy, R., Wang, F. & Jin, X. (2016).Attitudes toward older adults: A matter of cultural values or personal values?.Psychology and Aging31(1): 89-100. 

Zhou, W.,Guan, Y., Xin, L., Mak, M.C.K. & Deng, Y. (2016).Career success criteria and locus of control as indicators of adaptive readiness in the career adaptation model..Journal of Vocational Behavior94: 124-130. 

Chen, S.X., Lam, B., Wu, W., Ng, J., Buchtel, E.,Guan, Y.&Deng, H.(2016).Do people’s world views matter? The why and how..Journal of Personality and Social Psychology110(5): 743-765. 

Deng, H., Wu, C.H., Leung, K. &Guan, Y.(2016).Depletion from Self-Regulation: A Resource-based Account of the Effect of Value Incongruence..Personnel Psychology69(2): 431-465. 

Deng, H.,Guan, Y., Wu, C H., Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. & Yao, X. (2016).A Relational Model of Perceived Overqualification: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Influence on Social Acceptance..Journal of Management 

Zhou, Q., Martinez L. F., Ferreira, A. I. & Rodrigues, P. (2016).Supervisor support, role ambiguity and productivity associated with presenteeism: A longitudinal study..Journal of Business Research69(9): 3380-3387 

Stam, D., Knippenberg, V. D.,Wisse, B.& Pieterse, A. V. (2016).Motivation in words: promotion- and prevention-oriented leader communication in times of crisis..Journal of Management 

Wisse, B., van Eijbergen, R., Rietzschel, E.F. & Scheibe, S. (2016).Catering to the needs of an aging workforce: The role of employee age in the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee satisfaction..Journal of Business Ethics 

Wisse, B., De Hoogh, A.B.H. & Rietzschel, E.F. (2016).Licht in de duisternis: Inzicht in de werking van de donkere kant van persoonlijkheid in organisaties. Introductie op het thema [Light in the darkness: Insight in the effects of the dark side of personality in organizations]..Gedrag & Organisatie29(4): 309-315. 

Wisse, B.& Sleebos, E. (2016).When Change Causes Stress: Effects of Self-construal and Change Consequences..Journal of Business and Psychology31(2): 249-264. 

Sanders, S.,Wisse, B., Yperen, N.W.V. & Rus, D. (2016).On Ethically Solvent Leaders: The Roles of Pride and Moral Identity in Predicting Leader Ethical Behavior..Journal of Business Ethics 

Wisse, B.& Sleebos, E. (2016).When the Dark Ones Gain Power: Perceived Position Power Strengthens the Effect of Supervisor Machiavellianism on Abusive Supervision in Work Teams..Personality and Individual Differences99: 122-126. 

Deng, H.,Guan, Y., Wu, C H., Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. & Yao, X. (2016).A Relational Model of Perceived Overqualification: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Influence on Social Acceptance..Journal of Management 

Carroll, B., Firth, J. Ford, J. & Taylor, S. (2016). The social construction of leadership studies: Representations of rigour and relevance in textbooks. Leadership 

Jayawardhena, Chanaka, Morrell, Kevin & Stride, Chris (2016). Ethical consumption behaviours in supermarket shoppers determinants and marketing implications. Journal of Marketing Management 32(6-8): 777-805. 

Morrell, Kevin & Brammer, Stephen (2016). Governance and virtue: the case of public order policing. Journal of Business Ethics136(2): 385-398. 

Cabantous, L., Gond, J. P., Harding, N. & Learmonth, M. (2016). Critical Essay: Reconsidering critical performativity. Human Relations69(2): 197-213 

Learmonth, M., Harding, N., Gond, J-P. & Cabantous, L. (2016). Moving critical performativity forward. Human Relations69(2): 251-256. 

Gond, J.-P., Cabantous, L., Harding, N. & Learmonth, M. (2016). What Do We Mean by Performativity in Organizational and Management Theory? The Uses and Abuses of Performativity. International Journal of Management Reviews 18(4): 440-463. 

Guan, Y., Chen, S.X., Levin, N., Bond, M., Luo, N., Xu, J., Zhou, X., Chen, P., Li, C., Fu, R., Zhang, J., Ji, Y., Mo, Z., Li, Y., Fang, Z., Jiang, D. & Han, X. (2015). Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 46(6): 856-872. 

Lord, R.G.,Dinh, J.& Hoffman, E. (2015). A quantum approach to time and organizational change. Academy of Management Review40(2): 263-290. 

Keller Hansbrough, T.,Lord, R.&Schyns, B.(2015). Reconsidering the Accuracy of Follower Leadership Ratings. The Leadership Quarterly 26(2): 220-237. 

Levant, R. F.,Hall, R. J., Weigold, I. K. & McCurdy, E. R. (2015).Construct Distinctiveness and Variance Composition of Multi-Dimensional Instruments: Three Short-Form Masculinity Measures. Journal of Counseling Psychology 62(3): 488-502. 

Peus, C.,Braun, S.& Knipfer, K. (2015).On becoming a leader in Asia and America: Empirical evidence from women managers. The Leadership Quarterly26(1): 55-67. 

Guan, Y., Chen, S.X., Levin, N., Bond, M., Luo, N., Xu, J., Zhou, X., Chen, P., Li, C., Fu, R., Zhang, J., Ji, Y., Mo, Z., Li, Y., Fang, Z., Jiang, D. & Han, X. (2015). Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures. .Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology46(6): 856-872. 

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