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Jordan Chaplin

Temporary Staffing Service Administrator

Temporary Staffing Service Administrator in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health


A Durham alum with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Jordan works flexibly across a variety of academic departments and research institutes as a member of the Temporary Staffing Service. Jordan has a passion for sharing best practice and improving processes, as well as solving a range of different problems.

Jordan is the creator and chair of the Learning and Teaching, Faculty and Operations Administration Community of Practice. Durham University staff members can find out more at Community of Practice - Information, or join the Community at L&T, Faculty and Operations Community of Practice Group.

Jordan joined the Temporary Staffing Service in March 2022 and has since then worked with over 15 different teams across all four faculties. This includes the Business School's MBA, Masters, and Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Teams, SGIA, Education (ITE Partnership), Classics and Ancient History, the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLAC), Geography, Psychology, Archaeology, Anthropology, English Studies, and the Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH), Institute of Advanced Study, Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS), and Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR).