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Dr Krastu Nikita Banev

Associate Professor of Byzantine and Orthodox Theology


Associate Professor of Byzantine and Orthodox Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion+44 (0) 191 33 43967



My research is divided between patristics and modern Orthodox studies. In the first area, my chief contribution is my 2015 OUP monograph which offered an anaylsis of the anti-Originist polemic in the letters and sermons of Theophilus of Alexandria.  In my second area of research, I have examined the pastoral relevance of theological ideas in 19th and 20th century Eastern Orthodoxy. Here I have offered a number of papers on the topic of reconciliation from a Patrisitc and later Orthodox point of view (at international conferences in Cambridge, Durham and Oxford as well as at universities in Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Finland and Romania).

Recent Teaching

  • Level 1: Introduction to the History of Christianity;
  • Level 2: Early Christian Doctrine: Trinity and Christology;
  • Level 2: Research Project and Colloquium: "Tradition and Traditions in Orthodox Christianity";
  • Level 4 (MA): Patristic Ecclesiology;
  • PhD: supervisor and internal examiner for doctoral dissertations in patristics and modern Orthodox theology;
  • External PhD examiner at the universities of Cambridge, Essex, Glasgow and Bucharest. 

Recent Conference Papers and Presentations

  • 2024, March - "St John Chrysostom on the Universality of Christian Priesthood within the Context of Judaic and Hellenic Discourses on Self-Sacrifice", presented at the Biblical Studies and Patristics Research Seminar, Durham.
  • 2023, December - “Prohibitum est sanctis patribus symbolo addere aliquid vel minuere”: The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed in the Context of the Ninth-century Missions to Moravia and Bulgaria", presented at the International conference on "The Nicene and Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan Creeds. Tensions, Rapprochements, Effects" organised by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose, Oxford.
  • 2023, October - Vortrag an der Universität Münster mit dem Titel "Theophilus von Alexandria und die Rolle von Rhetorik und Macht in der ersten origenistischen Kontroverse." Gehalten im Rahmen des Workshops "Vom Anhänger zum Gegner des Origenes. Die antiorigenistischen Schriften des Theophilus von Alexandria (399–404). Kolloquien zum Nachleben des Origenes XII. Der Origenismus in der Spätantike IV."


Authored book

Chapter in book

Journal Article

Scholarly Edition

Supervision students