Staff profile
Professor Philip Goff
Professor / On research leave
Affiliation |
Professor / On research leave in the Department of Philosophy |
Office hours:
Wednesday: 11-12.
Thursday: 9:15-10:15, 11:15-12:15, 14:00-15:00
About me
My main research project is trying to work out how consciousness fits into our overall theory of reality. I argue that the traditional approaches of physicalism (consciousness can be explained in terms of physical processes in the brain) and dualism (consciousness is separate from the body and brain) face insuperable difficulties. On the basis of this I defend a form of panpsychism, the view that consciousness is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the physical world. It sounds a bit crazy, but I try to show that it avoids the difficulties faced by its rivals.
In my recent book Why? The Purpose of the Universe (Oxford University Press, 2023) I explore whether panpsychism can offer a kind of middle way between traditional belief in God and secular atheism.
I have also have a more general book on panpsychism aimed at a general audience – Galileo's Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness (Rider in UK, Pantheon in US, 2019) – and a book on panpsychism aimed at an audence of academic philosophhers – Consciousness and Fundamental Reality (Oxford University Press, 2017). Finally, I have co-edited a collection of essays by scientists (including Carlo Rovelli, Sean Carroll, Lee Smolin, Annaka Harris, Christof Koch, and Anil Seth), philosophers, and spiritual thinkers responding to my work: Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism.
NB I DON'T REGULARLY UPDATE THIS PAGE. PLEASE GO TO MY WEBSITE....where you can access more of my publications, articles for a general audience, and videos of interviews and conversations with scientists and philosophers:
Whatever Google says, I'm not 60!
Authored book
- Goff, P. (2019). Galileo's Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness. Rider in UK, Pantheon in US
- Goff, P. (2017). Consciousness and Fundamental Reality. Oxford University Press.
Book review
Chapter in book
- Goff, P., & Roelofs, L. In defence of phenomenal sharing. In L. Bugnon, & M. Nida-Rumelin (Eds.), The Phenomenology of Self-Awareness and the Nature of Conscious Subjects. Routledge
- Goff, P. (2022). Quantum mechanics and the consciousness constraint. In S. Gao (Ed.), Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics (117-139). Oxford University Press.
- Goff, P. (2020). Universal consciousness and the ground of logic. In B. Goecke, & L. Jaskolla (Eds.), Pantheism and panpsychism (107-122). Brill/Mentis.
- Goff, P. (2020). Cosmopsychism, micropsychism and the grounding relation. In W. Seager (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of panpsychism. Routledge.
- Coleman, S., & Goff, P. (2020). Russellian monism. In U. Kriegel (Ed.), Oxford handbook of the philosophy of consciousness. Oxford University Press
- Goff, P. (2017). Panpsychism. In E. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Goff, P. (2017). Panpsychism. In S. Schneider, & M. Velmans (Eds.), Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, 2nd Ed. Blackwell
- Goff, P. (2016). Bertrand Russell and the problem of consciousness. In J. Tartaglia, & S. Leach (Eds.), Consciousness and the Great Philosophers. Routledge
- Goff, P. (2016). The phenomenal-bonding solution to the combination problem. In G. Brüntrop, & L. Jaskolla (Eds.), Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives. Oxford University Press
- Goff, P. (2015). Real Acquaintance and Physicalism. In P. Coates, & S. Coleman (Eds.), The nature of phenomenal qualities : sense, perception & consciousness. Oxford University Press.
- Goff, P. (2015). Against constitutive Russellian monism. In T. Alter, & Y. Nagasawa (Eds.), Consciousness in the physical world : perspectives on Russellian Monism. Oxford University Press
- Goff, P. (2014). The Cartesian argument against physicalism. In J. Kallestrup, & M. Sprevak (Eds.), New waves in the philosophy of mind (3-20). Palgrave Macmillan
- Goff, P. (2013). Reply to Simon and Robinson. In Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Springer Verlag
- Goff, P. (2013). Orthodox property dualism + linguistic theory of vagueness = panpsychism. In E. Brown (Ed.), Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Springer Verlag
- Goff, P. (2013). Idealism. In H. Pashler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Mind (398 - 401). SAGE Publications.
- Goff, P. (2011). There is no combination problem. In M. Blaumauer (Ed.), The Mental as Fundamental. Ontos Publishing House
- Goff, P. (2011). Experiences don't sum. In T. Alter, & R. Howell (Eds.), Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problem: A Reader. Oxford University Press
- Goff, P. (2011). There is more than one thing. In P. Goff (Ed.), Spinoza on Monism. Palgrave Macmillan
- Goff, P. (2010). Could the Daleks stop the pyramids being built?. In C. Lewis, & P. Smithka (Eds.), Dr Who and Philosophy. Open Court Press
- Goff, P. (2009). Can the panpsychist get round the combination problem?. In D. Skrbina (Ed.), The Mind that Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium. Benjamins
- Goff, P. (2006). Propertied objects as truth-makers. In P. Valore (Ed.), Topics in General and Formal Ontology. Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher
Journal Article
- Goff, P. (2024). Is the fine-tuning evidence for a multiverse?. Synthese, 204(1), Article 3.
- Goff, P. (2024). How Exactly Does Panpsychism Help Explain Consciousness?. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 31(3-4), 56-82.
- Goff, P., & Moran, A. (2021). Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 28(9), 9-15.
- Goff, P. (2021). Putting Consciousness First: Replies to Critics. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 28(9), 289-328.
- Goff, P. (2021). Essentialist modal rationalism. Synthese, 198, 2019-2027.
- Goff, P. (2020). Revelation, consciousness+ and the phenomenal powers view. Topoi, 39, 1089-1092.
- Goff, P. (2020). Panpsychism and Free Will: A Case Study in Liberal Naturalism. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 120(2), 123-144.
- Goff, P. (2019). Did the universe design itself?. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 85(1), 99-122.
- Goff, P. (2017). Conscious thought and the cognitive fine-tuning problem. Philosophical Quarterly, 68(270), 98-122.
- Goff, P. (2017). Is consciousness transcendent?. Journal of philosophy of life, 7(1), 21-32
- Goff, P. (2017). Is it a problem that physics is mathematical?. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 24(9-10), 50-58
- Goff, P. (2016). Fundamentality and the mind-body problem. Erkenntnis, 8(4), 881-898.
- Goff, P. (2016). Is realism about consciousness compatible with a scientifically respectable world view?. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23(11-12), 83-97
- Goff, P., & Papineau, D. (2014). What’s wrong with strong necessities?. Philosophical Studies, 167(3), 749-762.
- Goff, P. (2012). Does Mary know I experience plus rather than quus? A new hard problem. Philosophical Studies, 160(2), 223-235.
- Goff, P. (2012). Ghosts are scarier than zombies. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(2), 749-50
- Goff, P. (2012). A priori physicalism, lonely ghosts and Cartesian doubt. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(2), 742-46
- Goff, P. (2011). A posteriori physicalists get our phenomenal concepts wrong. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 82(2), 191-209
- Goff, P. (2010). Ghosts and sparse properties: Why the physicalist has more to fear from ghosts than zombies. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 81(1), 119-39
- Goff, P. (2010). Orthodox truthmaker theory cannot be defended by cost/benefit analysis. Analysis, 70(1), 45-50
- Goff, P. (2009). Why panpsychism doesn’t help explain consciousness. Dialectica, 63(3), 289-311
- Goff, P. (2008). A non-eliminative form of austere nominalism. European Journal of Philosophy, 16(1), 43-54
- Goff, P. (2007). Kirk on empirical physicalism. Ratio: An international journal of analytic philosophy, 20(1), 122-29
- Goff, P. (2006). Experiences don't sum. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 13(10-11), 53-61
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