Staff profile

Affiliation |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics |
I received my PhD degree from the Department of Physics of University of California at Berkeley with Professor Ramamoorthy Ramesh in the year of 2011. Then, I continued my research as an ALS postdoctoral fellow at the Advanced Light Source in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Since 2014, I started to work as a lecturer in Durham University.
Journal Article
- Huang, T., Lyu, Y., Huyan, H., Ni, J., Saremi, S., Wang, Y., Yan, X., Yi, D., He, Q., Martin, L. W., Xiang, H., Pan, X., & Yu, P. (2023). Manipulation of the Ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 Thin Films Through Cation‐Stoichiometric Engineering. Advanced Electronic Materials, 9(5),
- Li, W., Zhu, B., Zhu, R., Wang, Q., Lu, P., Sun, Y., Cafolla, C., Qi, Z., Chen, A., Gao, P., Wang, H., He, Q., Zhang, K. H., & MacManus‐Driscoll, J. L. (2020). Atomic‐Scale Control of Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Perovskite Oxide Superlattices by Long‐Range Tuning of BO6 Octahedra. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(40), Article 2001984.
- Li, Z., Shen, S., Tian, Z., Hwangbo, K., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Bartram, F. M., He, L., Lyu, Y., Dong, Y., Wan, G., Li, H., Lu, N., Zang, J., Zhou, H., Arenholz, E., He, Q., Yang, L., Luo, W., & Yu, P. (2020). Reversible manipulation of the magnetic state in SrRuO3 through electric-field controlled proton evolution. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 184.
- Li, H., Lou, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Wu, D., Li, Z., Wang, M., Huang, T., Lyu, Y., Guo, J., Chen, T., Wu, Y., Arenholz, E., Lu, N., Wang, N., He, Q., Gu, L., Zhu, J., Nan, C., …Yu, P. (2019). Electric Field–Controlled Multistep Proton Evolution in HxSrCoO2.5 with Formation of H–H Dimer. Advanced Science, 6(20), Article 1901432.
- Huang, T., Wang, Y., Li, H., Wang, M., Lyu, Y., Shen, S., Lu, N., He, Q., & Yu, P. (2019). Tuning the electronic properties of epitaxial strained CaFeO3−δ thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 114(22), Article 221907.
- Guo, J., Wang, P., Yuan, Y., He, Q., Lu, J., Chen, T., Yang, S., Wang, Y., Erni, R., Rossell, M., Gopalan, V., Xiang, H., Tokura, Y., & Yu, P. (2018). Strain-induced ferroelectricity and spin-lattice coupling in SrMnO3 thin films. Physical review B, 97(23), Article 235135.
- Zhou, Y., Wu, D., Zhu, Y., Cho, Y., He, Q., Yang, X., Herrera, K., Chu, Z., Han, Y., Downer, M. C., Peng, H., & Lai, K. (2017). Out-of-Plane Piezoelectricity and Ferroelectricity in Layered α-In2Se3 Nanoflakes. Nano Letters, 17(9), 5508-5513.
- Lu, N., Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Qiao, R., He, Q., Li, H.-B., Wang, Y., Guo, J., Zhang, D., Duan, Z., Li, Z., Wang, M., Yang, S., Yan, M., Arenholz, E., Zhou, S., Yang, W., Gu, L., Nan, C.-W., Wu, J., …Yu, P. (2017). Electric-field control of tri-state phase transformation with a selective dual-ion switch. Nature, 546(7656), 124-128.
- Tra, V., Huang, R., Gao, X., Chen, Y.-J., Liu, Y., Kuo, W., Chin, Y., Lin, H., Chen, J., Lee, J., Lee, J., Shi, P., Jiang, M., Duan, C., Juang, J., Chen, C., Jeng, H., He, Q., Chuang, Y.-D., Lin, J.-Y., & Chu, Y.-H. (2017). The unconventional doping in YBa2Cu3O7−x/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 heterostructures by termination control. Applied Physics Letters, 110(3), Article 032402.
- Liu, H.-J., Lin, J.-C., Fang, Y.-W., Wang, J.-C., Huang, B.-C., Gao, X., Huang, R., Dean, P. R., Hatton, P. D., Chin, Y.-Y., Lin, H.-J., Chen, C.-T., Ikuhara, Y., Chiu, Y.-P., Chang, C.-S., Duan, C.-G., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). A Metal-Insulator Transition of the Buried MnO2 Monolayer in Complex Oxide Heterostructure. Advanced Materials, 28(41), 9142-9151.
- Hsieh, Y.-H., Xue, F., Yang, T., Liu, H.-J., Zhu, Y., Chen, Y.-C., Zhan, Q., Duan, C.-G., Chen, L.-Q., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). Permanent ferroelectric retention of BiFeO3 mesocrystal. Nature Communications, 7, Article 13199.
- Ma, C.-H., Lin, J.-C., Liu, H.-J., Do, T. H., Zhu, Y.-M., Ha, T. D., Zhan, Q., Juang, J.-Y., He, Q., Arenholz, E., Chiu, P.-W., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). Van der Waals epitaxy of functional MoO2 film on mica for flexible electronics. Applied Physics Letters, 108(25), Article 253104.
- Yang, J.-C., Kuo, C.-Y., Liu, H.-J., Ding, H.-C., Duan, C.-G., Lin, H.-J., Hu, Z., Pi, T.-W., Tjeng, L. H., Chen, C.-T., Arenholz, E., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). Electrically enhanced magnetization in highly strained BiFeO3 films. NPG Asia Materials, 8(5), Article e269.
- Amrillah, T., Vandrangi, S. K., Bitla, Y., Do, T. H., Liao, S.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., Chin, Y.-Y., Liu, Y.-T., Lin, M.-L., He, Q., Lin, H.-J., Lee, H.-Y., Lai, C.-H., Arenholz, E., Juang, J.-Y., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). Tuning the magnetic properties of self-assembled BiFeO 3-CoFe 2 O 4 heteroepitaxy by magneto-structural coupling. Nanoscale, 8(16),
- He, J., Shafer, P., Mion, T. R., Tra, V. T., He, Q., Kong, J., Chuang, Y.-D., Yang, W., Graf, M., Lin, J.-Y., Chu, Y.-H., Arenholz, E., & He, R.-H. (2016). Observation of a three-dimensional quasi-long-range electronic supermodulation in YBa2Cu3O7-x/La0. 7Ca0. 3MnO3 heterostructures. Nature Communications, 7, Article 10852.
- Zhu, Y., Zhan, Q., Yang, J.-C., Bitla, Y., Liu, P., Li, C.-I., Liu, H.-J., Kumar, V. S., Arenholz, E., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). Enhanced structural and magnetic coupling in a mesocrystal-assisted nanocomposite. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8(2),
- Liu, H.-J., Du, Y.-H., Gao, P., Huang, Y.-C., Chen, H.-W., Chen, Y.-C., Liu, H.-L., He, Q., Ikuhara, Y., & Chu, Y.-H. (2015). Tetragonal BiFeO3 on yttria-stabilized zirconia. APL Materials, 3(11), Article 116104.
- Vandrangi, S. K., Yang, J.-C., Zhu, Y.-M., Chin, Y.-Y., Lin, H.-J., Chen, C.-T., Zhan, Q., He, Q., Chen, Y.-C., & Chu, Y.-H. (2015). Enhanced Magnetocaloric Effect Driven by Interfacial Magnetic Coupling in Self-Assembled Mn3O4–La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(48), 26504-26511.
- Bitla, Y., Chin, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-C., Van, C. N., Liu, R., Zhu, Y., Liu, H.-J., Zhan, Q., Lin, H.-J., Chen, C.-T., Chu, Y.-H., & He, Q. (2015). Origin of metallic behavior in NiCo2O4 ferrimagnet. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 15201.
- Liu, H.-J., Liu, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-Y., Liao, S.-C., Chen, Y.-J., Lin, H.-J., Lai, C.-H., Hsieh, W.-F., Li, J.-Y., Chen, C.-T., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2015). Tuning the functionalities of a mesocrystal via structural coupling. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 12073.
- Yang, J.-C., He, Q., Yu, P., & Chu, Y.-H. (2015). BiFeO3 Thin Films: A Playground for Exploring Electric-Field Control of Multifunctionalities. Annual Review of Materials Research, 45(1),
- Liu, H.-J., Wei, T.-C., Zhu, Y.-M., Liu, R.-R., Tzeng, W.-Y., Tsai, C.-Y., Zhan, Q., Luo, C.-W., Yu, P., He, J.-H., Chu, Y.-H., & He, Q. (2015). Strain-Mediated Inverse Photoresistivity in SrRuO3/La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3 Superlattices. Advanced Functional Materials, 26(5),
- Ju, C., Yang, J.-C., Luo, C., Shafer, P., Liu, H.-J., Huang, Y.-L., Kuo, H.-H., Xue, F., Luo, C.-W., He, Q., Yu, P., Arenholz, E., Chen, L.-Q., Zhu, J., Lu, X., & Chu, Y.-H. (2015). Anomalous Electronic Anisotropy Triggered by Ferroelastic Coupling in Multiferroic Heterostructures. Advanced Materials, 28(5),
- Huang, Y.-C., Liu, Y., Lin, Y.-T., Liu, H.-J., He, Q., Li, J., Chen, Y.-C., & Chu, Y.-H. (2014). Giant Enhancement of Ferroelectric Retention in BiFeO3 Mixed-Phase Boundary. Advanced Materials, 26(36), 6335-6340.
- Yang, J., Huang, Y., He, Q., & Chu, Y. (2014). Multifunctionalities driven by ferroic domains. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(6), Article 066801.
- Huang, R., Ding, H.-C., Liang, W.-I., Gao, Y.-C., Tang, X.-D., He, Q., Duan, C.-G., Zhu, Z., Chu, J., Fisher, C. A., Hirayama, T., Ikuhara, Y., & Chu, Y.-H. (2014). Atomic-Scale Visualization of Polarization Pinning and Relaxation at Coherent BiFeO3/LaAlO3 Interfaces. Advanced Functional Materials, 24(6), 793-799.
- Yang, J.-C., He, Q., Zhu, Y.-M., Lin, J.-C., Liu, H.-J., Hsieh, Y.-H., Wu, P.-C., Chen, Y.-L., Lee, S.-F., Chin, Y.-Y., & others. (2014). Magnetic Mesocrystal-Assisted Magnetoresistance in Manganite. Nano Letters, 14(11), 6073-6079.
- Heron, J., Bosse, J., He, Q., Gao, Y., Trassin, M., Ye, L., Clarkson, J., Wang, C., Liu, J., Salahuddin, S., & others. (2014). Deterministic switching of ferromagnetism at room temperature using an electric field. Nature, 516(7531), 370-373
- Marti, X., Fina, I., Frontera, C., Liu, J., Wadley, P., He, Q., Paull, R., Clarkson, J., Kudrnovsk&ygrave;, J., Turek, I., & others. (2014). Room-temperature antiferromagnetic memory resistor. Nature Materials, 13(4), 367-374
- Seidel, J., Singh-Bhalla, G., He, Q., Yang, S.-Y., Chu, Y.-H., & Ramesh, R. (2013). Domain wall functionality in BiFeO3. Phase Transitions, 86(1), 53-66
- Zhou, J., Trassin, M., He, Q., Tamura, N., Kunz, M., Cheng, C., Zhang, J., Liang, W.-I., Seidel, J., Hsin, C.-L., & others. (2012). Directed assembly of nano-scale phase variants in highly strained BiFeO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(6),
- Yang, J., He, Q., Suresha, S., Kuo, C., Peng, C., Haislmaier, R., Motyka, M., Sheng, G., Adamo, C., Lin, H., & others. (2012). Orthorhombic BiFeO 3. Physical Review Letters, 109(24),
- Huang, B.-C., Chiu, Y.-P., Huang, P.-C., Wang, W.-C., Tra, V. T., Yang, J.-C., He, Q., Lin, J.-Y., Chang, C.-S., & Chu, Y.-H. (2012). Mapping band alignment across complex oxide heterointerfaces. Physical Review Letters, 109(24),
- Lubk, A., Rossell, M., Seidel, J., He, Q., Yang, S., Chu, Y., Ramesh, R., Hytch, M., & Snoeck, E. (2012). Evidence of sharp and diffuse domain walls in BiFeO 3 by means of unit-cell-wise strain and polarization maps obtained with high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy. Physical Review Letters, 109(4),
- Hsieh, Y.-H., Liou, J.-M., Huang, B.-C., Liang, C.-W., He, Q., Zhan, Q., Chiu, Y.-P., Chen, Y.-C., & Chu, Y.-H. (2012). Local Conduction at the BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 Tubular Oxide Interface. Advanced Materials, 24(33), 4564-4568
- Liu, H.-J., Chen, L.-Y., He, Q., Liang, C.-W., Chen, Y.-Z., Chien, Y.-S., Hsieh, Y.-H., Lin, S.-J., Arenholz, E., Luo, C.-W., & others. (2012). Epitaxial photostriction-magnetostriction coupled self-assembled nanostructures. ACS Nano, 6(8), 6952-6959
- He, Q., Yeh, C.-H., Yang, J.-C., Singh-Bhalla, G., Liang, C.-W., Chiu, P.-W., Catalan, G., Martin, L., Chu, Y.-H., Scott, J., & others. (2012). Magnetotransport at domain walls in BiFeO 3. Physical Review Letters, 108(6),
- Yu, P., Luo, W., Yi, D., Zhang, J., Rossell, M., Yang, C.-H., You, L., Singh-Bhalla, G., Yang, S., He, Q., & others. (2012). Interface control of bulk ferroelectric polarization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(25), 9710-9715
- Chen, Y.-C., He, Q., Chu, F.-N., Huang, Y.-C., Chen, J.-W., Liang, W.-I., Vasudevan, R. K., Nagarajan, V., Arenholz, E., Kalinin, S. V., & others. (2012). Electrical Control of Multiferroic Orderings in Mixed-Phase BiFeO3 Films. Advanced Materials, 24(22), 3070-3075
- Zhang, J., Zeches, R., He, Q., Chu, Y.-H., & Ramesh, R. (2012). Nanoscale phase boundaries: a new twist to novel functionalities. Nanoscale, 4(20), 6196-6204
- He, Q., Arenholz, E., Scholl, A., Chu, Y.-H., & Ramesh, R. (2012). Nanoscale characterization of emergent phenomena in multiferroics. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 16(5), 216-226
- Ko, K.-T., Jung, M. H., He, Q., Lee, J. H., Woo, C. S., Chu, K., Seidel, J., Jeon, B.-G., Oh, Y. S., Kim, K. H., & others. (2011). Concurrent transition of ferroelectric and magnetic ordering near room temperature. Nature Communications, 2,
- Wu, C.-L., Lee, P.-W., Chen, Y.-C., Chang, L.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Liang, C.-W., Yu, P., He, Q., Ramesh, R., & Chu, Y.-H. (2011). Direct spectroscopic evidence of charge reversal at the Pb (Zr 0. 2 Ti 0. 8) O 3/La 0. 7 Sr 0. 3 MnO 3 heterointerface. Physical Review B, 83(2),
- Zhang, J., Xiang, B., He, Q., Seidel, J., Zeches, R., Yu, P., Yang, S., Wang, C., Chu, Y., Martin, L., & others. (2011). Large field-induced strains in a lead-free piezoelectric material. Nature Nanotechnology, 6(2), 98-102
- Heron, J., Trassin, M., Ashraf, K., Gajek, M., He, Q., Yang, S., Nikonov, D., Chu, Y., Salahuddin, S., & Ramesh, R. (2011). Electric-field-induced magnetization reversal in a ferromagnet-multiferroic heterostructure. Physical Review Letters, 107(21),
- Damodaran, A. R., Liang, C.-W., He, Q., Peng, C.-Y., Chang, L., Chu, Y.-H., & Martin, L. W. (2011). Nanoscale structure and mechanism for enhanced electromechanical response of highly strained BiFeO3 thin films. Advanced Materials, 23(28), 3170-3175
- He, Q., Chu, Y.-H., Heron, J., Yang, S., Liang, W., Kuo, C., Lin, H., Yu, P., Liang, C., Zeches, R., & others. (2011). Electrically controllable spontaneous magnetism in nanoscale mixed phase multiferroics. Nature Communications, 2,
- Zhang, J., He, Q., Trassin, M., Luo, W., Yi, D., Rossell, M., Yu, P., You, L., Wang, C., Kuo, C., & others. (2011). Microscopic origin of the giant ferroelectric polarization in tetragonal-like BiFeO 3. Physical Review Letters, 107(14),
- Chiu, Y.-P., Chen, Y.-T., Huang, B.-C., Shih, M.-C., Yang, J.-C., He, Q., Liang, C.-W., Seidel, J., Chen, Y.-C., Ramesh, R., & others. (2011). Atomic-Scale Evolution of Local Electronic Structure Across Multiferroic Domain Walls. Advanced Materials, 23(13), 1530-1534
- Yu, P., Lee, J.-S., Okamoto, S., Rossell, M., Huijben, M., Yang, C.-H., He, Q., Zhang, J., Yang, S., Lee, M., & others. (2010). Interface ferromagnetism and orbital reconstruction in BiFeO 3- La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 heterostructures. Physical Review Letters, 105(2),
- Baek, S., Jang, H., Folkman, C., Li, Y., Winchester, B., Zhang, J., He, Q., Chu, Y., Nelson, C., Rzchowski, M., & others. (2010). Ferroelastic switching for nanoscale non-volatile magnetoelectric devices. Nature Materials, 9(4), 309-314
- Seidel, J., Maksymovych, P., Batra, Y., Katan, A., Yang, S.-Y., He, Q., Baddorf, A. P., Kalinin, S. V., Yang, C.-H., Yang, J.-C., & others. (2010). Domain wall conductivity in La-doped BiFeO 3. Physical Review Letters, 105(19),
- Arenholz, E., Van der Laan, G., Fraile-Rodríguez, A., Yu, P., He, Q., & Ramesh, R. (2010). Probing ferroelectricity in PbZr 0.2 Ti 0.8 O 3 with polarized soft x rays. Physical Review B, 82(14),
- Holcomb, M., Martin, L., Scholl, A., He, Q., Yu, P., Yang, C.-H., Yang, S., Glans, P.-A., Valvidares, M., Huijben, M., & others. (2010). Probing the evolution of antiferromagnetism in multiferroics. Physical Review B, 81(13),
- Huang, C., Chu, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, J., Sritharan, T., He, Q., Ramesh, R., & Chen, L. (2010). Strain-driven phase transitions and associated dielectric/piezoelectric anomalies in BiFeO3 thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 97(15),
- Huang, C., Chen, L., Wang, J., He, Q., Yang, S., Chu, Y., & Ramesh, R. (2009). Phenomenological analysis of domain width in rhombohedral BiFeO 3 films. Physical Review B, 80(14),
- Yang, C.-H., Seidel, J., Kim, S., Rossen, P., Yu, P., Gajek, M., Chu, Y.-H., Martin, L. W., Holcomb, M., He, Q., & others. (2009). Electric modulation of conduction in multiferroic Ca-doped BiFeO3 films. Nature Materials, 8(6), 485-493
- Zeches, R., Rossell, M., Zhang, J., Hatt, A., He, Q., Yang, C.-H., Kumar, A., Wang, C., Melville, A., Adamo, C., & others. (2009). A strain-driven morphotropic phase boundary in BiFeO3. Science, 326(5955), 977-980
- Chu, Y.-H., He, Q., Yang, C.-H., Yu, P., Martin, L. W., Shafer, P., & Ramesh, R. (2009). Nanoscale control of domain architectures in BiFeO3 thin films. Nano Letters, 9(4), 1726-1730
- Seidel, J., Martin, L. W., He, Q., Zhan, Q., Chu, Y.-H., Rother, A., Hawkridge, M., Maksymovych, P., Yu, P., Gajek, M., Kalinin, S., Gemming, S., Wang, F., Catalan, G., Scott, J., Spaldin, N., Orenstein, J., & Ramesh, R. (2009). Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics. Nature Materials, 8(3), 229-234
- Chu, Y.-H., Martin, L. W., Holcomb, M. B., Gajek, M., Han, S.-J., He, Q., Balke, N., Yang, C.-H., Lee, D., Hu, W., & others. (2008). Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic. Nature Materials, 7(6), 478-482
- Cruz, M., Chu, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, P., Zavaliche, F., He, Q., Shafer, P., Chen, L., & Ramesh, R. (2007). Strain control of domain-wall stability in epitaxial BiFeO 3 (110) films. Physical Review Letters, 99(21),
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