St Chad's Alumni Reunion Weekend 2023
15 September 2023 - 17 September 2023
4:00PM - 1:00PM
St Chad's College
Items can be booked individually using the booking link.
We are delighted to invite our alumni and friends back to Durham for our Reunion Weekend! This will be a great opportunity to reconnect with friends, enjoy a stunning formal dinner, and visit our newly refurbished Chapel.
St Chad's Alumni Dinner
From our Principal, Dr Margaret Masson:
I very much hope you will be able to join me and fellow Chadsians at this year’s Alumni Weekend. We are looking forward to welcoming a really good crowd from a range of decades for a weekend of fun, nostalgia, celebration and looking forward together. We have so much for which to be grateful - including the restoration of our beautiful chapel - and of course exciting new ideas and plans to share. Do get in touch with your Chad's friends and (for a discount) make a group booking. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you back here in Durham!
Group bookings of 10 or more are eligible for a 15% group discount. Contact Lindsay Young in the Development Office for a code to use while booking online. We cannot apply the discount retrospectively, so please wait until you have the code and all your friends details together before booking. This discount is only valid online and all guests must be on the same booking.