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Liberal Arts graduates are highly employable. Employers recognise the value of a degree from a university with an international reputation for academic excellence, and of the wide range of skills which our students develop through their extensive involvement in sport, theatre, music, community service and many other activities in their colleges and across the University. Graduates of multidisciplinary programmes are especially attractive to employers because of the range of their intellectual skills, their adaptability, their capacity to make creative connections and their independence of mind. 

Many of our graduates go on to study for postgraduate degrees or enter professional training in preparation for their future careers in sectors such as law, teaching and management. Others go straight into graduate careers in financial services, publishing, arts administration, marketing, journalism, public relations, consultancy public sector administration and many other fields. Some of our graduates postpone the start of their careers in order to take part in voluntary projects in the UK and overseas and, over the years, a few enterprising students have started their own companies as soon as they have finished their degrees – or, in some cases, even sooner!