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The importance of solitude – why time on your own can sometimes be good for you

Dr Thuy-vy Nguyen from our Department of Psychology explains what solitude is and why it can be beneficial.
person sitting by themselves

The power of small changes in an energy transition

Professor Grant Ingram is the Programme Director of our MSc in Energy Engineering Management at Durham. Grant is an expert in sustainable business engineering development. Here he explains the importance of the power of collaboration and small changes in an energy transition.
An image of solar panels and wind turbines with a distant industrial landscape

We have joined the Turing University Network

We have further strengthened our ties to The Alan Turing Institute and our connections with other top-ranking universities by becoming a member of the Institute’s newly launched Turing University Network.
AI robot

First research flight images from innovative balloon-borne telescope

Our astronomers are part of an international team behind the successful first research flight of an innovative balloon-borne telescope that will investigate the mystery of dark matter.
A host of stars with the Tarantula Nebula at its centre

New research shows why some children may be slower to learn words

A new research study has revealed why some children may be slower to learn words than others.
A woman interacting with an infant child using objects

Thinking about Earth Day every day

This week marks Earth Day (22 April), an awareness day which focuses the world to consider its impact on the Earth and encourage further investment in our planet.
A series of images including an otter, bee and sunflower, children interacting with a puffin, wind turbine, and helium

We are joining the international Pint of Science festival

Our scientists are taking their research out of the lab and into Durham City in May as part of the international Pint of Science festival. 
The Pint of Science logo which depicts a cartoon brainy pint glass wearing glasses

More than 650 refugees arrived in this regional town. Locals’ welcoming attitudes flipped the stereotype

Dr Stefania Paolini from our Department of Psychology collaborated with Dr Sue Watt from the University of New England and Dr Tadgh McMahon from Flinders University to explain a case study on refugees settling in Armidale, Australia.
refugees welcome sign placed on building

What science can tell us about the experience of unexplainable presence

Dr Ben Alderson-Day from our Department of Psychology provides an introduction to the science of felt presence.
two ghostly presences

Light-bending gravity reveals one of the biggest black holes ever found

A team of astronomers, led by Dr James Nightingale from our Department of Physics, has discovered one of the biggest black holes ever found by taking advantage of a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.
biggest black hole ever found

University and industry partnership propels the future of renewable energy

A £7.7 million partnership between universities and industry could make offshore wind energy cheaper to produce.
Image of wind turines

New research shows procrastination is bad for our health

A new study involving hundreds of university students has shown that procrastination can lead to poor health over time. 
A woman looking stressed out with her hand over her face