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The Political Appropriation of the Muslim Body

Image of book cover Political Appropriation of the Muslim BodyIn February 2022 the Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (CCLCJ) and Gender and Law at Durham (GLAD) welcomed Professor Susan Edwards (Barrister, University of Buckingham former Dean of Law), who presented research from her recent monograph: The Political Appropriation of the Muslim Body: Islamophobia, Counter-Terrorism Law and Gender

Drawing upon law, politics, sociology, and gender studies, this research explores the ways in which the Muslim body is stereotyped, interrogated, appropriated and demonised in Western societies and subject to counter-terrorism legislation and the suspension of human rights. Professor Edwards examines the intense scrutiny of Muslim women’s dress and appearance, and their experience of hate crimes, as well as how Muslim men’s bodies are emasculated, effeminised and subjected to torture. The research explores a range of issues including Western legislation and foreign policy against the ‘Other’, orientalism, Islamophobia, masculinity, the intersection of gender with nationalism and questions about diversity, inclusion, religious freedom, citizenship and identity.  

Recording of the seminar

Watch the recording Professor Edward's talk


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View Professor Edward's Slides from the seminar.

