Research on Cremation & Burial Archives at Durham: Possible funding available

The Durham Residential Research Library is advertising Visiting Fellowships of one month in duration. The extensive archives of the British Cremation Society and the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities might offer one focus for a suitable applicant.
Funding available for one-month fellowships studying Durham's historic collections
The Durham Residential Research Library (DRRL) is inviting applications from researchers for Visiting Fellowships, of one month in duration. The purpose of the Visiting Fellowships is to support research into the three globally significant historic collections of Durham – those held by Durham Cathedral, Ushaw College and Durham University, including Palace Green Library and the Oriental Museum. They include not only libraries, but also archives, collections of visual and material culture, and architectural assets.
The DRRL are now advertising for fellows who are interested in coming to Durham between February and May. Applications should be submitted by noon on Friday 6 August 2021. Applicants who plan to collaborate with Durham academic staff are especially welcome.
Further details on the fellowships, funding, and the application process are available on the DRRL website.
Cremation and Burial Archives a possible focus for fellowships
The Durham University collections at the Palace Green Library include two archives of particular interest to the Centre for Death and Life Studies (CDALS): the Cremation Society of Great Britain Archive handed over in 1998 and updated in 2015, and the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities Archive donated in 2019.
These extensive Archives might offer one focus for a suitable applicant. Interested researchers and potential candidates might like to contact Professor Douglas Davies FBA, Director for the CDALS, for informal advice. Neither he nor the Centre are involved in awarding the Fellowships, but he would gladly offer comment for potential applicants.
Pictured: Letter from President of the Cremation Society of Perak, Dr Wu Lien-teh, to the British Cremation Society (British Cremation Society Archive CRE/P/2/Malaya/1).