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Durham FUSE researchers enjoy NIHR grant success

As part of a group of Durham FUSE researchers led by Carolyn Summerbell and including Nadia Siddiqui, Laura Mazzoli Smith has been awarded a grant from the NIHR School of Public Health Research. The grant is a collaboration with academic teams from the universities of Bristol and Birmingham and a range of practitioners involved in the Holiday Activities and Food Programme from across the North-East, Midlands and South West.  

The grant will support the team to develop a best practice framework for this national government funded programme, which provides holiday activities and food for children in receipt of free school meals. The project design draws on creative methods that include counter-mapping, supported by David Martin, to help foster meaningful engagement with families and children. Mary Robson (Creative Facilitator, Durham’s Institute for Medical Humanities) will train the whole project team in creative facilitation – the use of arts-based and experimental techniques to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to collaborate, form meaningful connections, and generate new ideas. 

Find out more about Laura Mazzoli Smith. 

Find out more about the Developing Best Practice for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme