21 October 2021 - 21 October 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Online via Zoom
A chance to meet some of our PhD students and ECRs and hear about their work.
Our PG/ECR Network invite you to join them on Zoom to hear more about the exciting medical humanities research being conducted by current IMH postgraduates and early-career researchers. Bring a cup of tea or coffee - and a quick summary of your research to share, if you'd like! We will move over to Wonder afterwards to carry on the conversations.
Zoom link: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/99894527915?pwd=bE9oL0gyMTNTSXRwellRSVlFQlhNQT09
Meeting ID: 998 9452 7915
Passcode: 100612