Staff profile
Alan Martin
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Physics |
Emeritus Professor in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology |
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Grafström, P., Martin, A. D., & Ryskin, M. G. (2024). Oscillations in the elastic high energy amplitude. The European Physical Journal C, 84(8), Article 787.
- Flett, C., Jones, S., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2022). Exclusive J/ψ and ϒ production in high-energy pp and p-Pb collisions. Physical Review D, 106(7),
- Cridge, T., Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., & Thorne, R. (2022). QED parton distribution functions in the MSHT20 fit. The European Physical Journal C, 82(1), Article 90.
- Flett, C., Jones, S., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2022). Predictions of exclusive ϒ photoproduction at the LHC and future colliders. Physical Review D, 105(3),
- Cridge, T., Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., & Thorne, R. (2021). An investigation of the $$\alpha _S$$ and heavy quark mass dependence in the MSHT20 global PDF analysis. The European Physical Journal C, 81(8), Article 744.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2021). Dynamics of diffractive dissociation. The European Physical Journal C, 81(2), Article 175.
- Bailey, S., Cridge, T., Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., & Thorne, R. (2021). Parton distributions from LHC, HERA, Tevatron and fixed target data: MSHT20 PDFs. The European Physical Journal C, 81(4), Article 341.
- Flett, C., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2020). Very low x gluon density determined by LHCb exclusive J/ψ data. Physical Review D, 102(11), Article 114021.
- Flett, C., Jones, S., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2020). How to include exclusive J/ψ production data in global PDF analyses. Physical Review D, 101(9), Article 094011.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Bethe phase including proton excitations. Physical Review D, 101(1), Article 016018.
- Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Comments on Global Parton Analyses. Acta Physica Polonica B, 51(5), 1079-1096.
- McNulty, R., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 80(3), Article 80.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2019). Colliding Pomerons. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 46(11), Article 11LT01.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., Nathvani, R., & Thorne, R. (2019). Ad Lucem: QED parton distribution functions in the MMHT framework. The European Physical Journal C, 79(10), Article 811.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2019). Exclusive vector meson production in heavy ion collisions. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 46(8), Article 085002.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., Shuvaev, A., & Surnin, I. (2019). The fusion of hard and soft Pomerons: 3-jet diffractive production. The European Physical Journal C, 79(7), Article 605.
- Harland-Lang, L., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2019). Searching for the odderon in ultraperipheral proton-ion collisions at the LHC. Physical Review D, 99(3), Article 034011.
- Pelicer, M., de Oliveira, E., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2019). Absorptive effects and power corrections in low x DGLAP evolution. The European Physical Journal C, 79(1), Article 9.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Black disk radius constrained by unitarity. Physics Letters B, 787, 167-170.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Elastic and diffractive scattering at the LHC. Physics Letters B, 784, 192-198.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Multiple interactions and rapidity gap survival. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 45(5), Article 053002.
- de Oliveira, E., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Open charm production and low x gluons. Physical Review D, 97(7), Article 074021.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., & Thorne, R. (2018). The impact of LHC jet data on the MMHT PDF fit at NNLO. The European Physical Journal C, 78(3), Article 248.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Black disk, maximal Odderon and unitarity. Physics Letters B, 780, 352-356.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2018). Elastic proton-proton scattering at 13 TeV. Physical Review D, 97(3), Article 034019.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2017). Total π + p cross section extracted from the leading neutron spectra at the LHC. Physical Review D, 96(3), Article 034018.
- Harland-Lang, L., Nathvani, R., Thorne, R., & Martin, A. (2017). MMHT PDFs: Updates and Outlook. Acta Physica Polonica B, 48(6), 1011-1024.
- Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2017). Optimal choice of factorization scales for the description of jet production at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 77(4), Article 218.
- Oliveira, E. D., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2017). Scale dependence of open cc¯ and bb¯ production in the low x region. The European Physical Journal C, 77(3), Article 182.
- Jones, S., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2017). Exclusive J=ψ production at the LHC in the kT factorisation approach. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 44(3), Article 03LT01.
- Jones, S., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Teubner, T. (2016). The exclusive J/ψ process at the LHC tamed to probe the low x gluon. The European Physical Journal C, 76(11), Article 633.
- Akiba, K., Akbiyik, M., Albrow, M., Khoze, V., & Martin, A. (2016). LHC Forward Physics. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 43(11), Article 110201.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Schegelsky, V. (2016). Two scales in Bose–Einstein correlations. The European Physical Journal C, 76(4), Article 193.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., Motylinski, P., & Thorne, R. (2016). The impact of the final HERA combined data on PDFs obtained from a global fit. The European Physical Journal C, 76(4), Article 186.
- Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2016). Advantages of exclusiveγγproduction to probe high mass systems. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 43(4), Article 04LT02.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., Motylinski, P., & Thorne, R. (2016). Charm and beauty quark masses in the MMHT2014 global PDF analysis. The European Physical Journal C, 76(1), Article 10.
- Shuvaev, A., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2015). Inclusive prompt $$\chi _{c,b}(1^{++})$$ χ c , b ( 1 + + ) production at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 75(12), Article 616.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., Motylinski, P., & Thorne, R. (2015). Uncertainties on αSαS in the MMHT2014 global PDF analysis and implications for SM predictions. The European Physical Journal C, 75(9), Article 435.
- Harland-Lang, L., Martin, A., Motylinski, P., & Thorne, R. (2015). Parton distributions in the LHC era: MMHT 2014 PDFs. The European Physical Journal C, 75(5), Article 204.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2015). Elastic scattering and diffractive dissociation in the light of LHC data. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30(08), Article 1542004.
- de Oliveira, E., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2014). Evolution in opening angle combining DGLAP and BFKL logarithms. The European Physical Journal C, 74(10), Article 3118.
- Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2014). The photon PDF of the proton. The European Physical Journal C, 74(9), Article 3040.
- de Oliveira, E., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2014). BFKL equation for an integrated gluon density. The European Physical Journal C, 74(8), Article 3030.
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2014). High-energy elastic and diffractive cross sections. The European Physical Journal C, 74(2), Article 2756.
- Ryskin, M., Martin, A., & Khoze, V. (2011). High-energy strong interactions: from ‘hard’ to ‘soft’. The European Physical Journal C, 71(4), Article 1617.
- Hagiwara, K., Liao, R., Martin, A. D., Nomura, D., & Teubner, T. (2011). (g-2)_mu and alpha(M_Z^2) re-evaluated using new precise data. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 38(8), Article 085003.
- Martin, A., Stirling, W., Thorne, R., & Watt, G. (2009). Uncertainties on alpha(S) in global PDF analyses and implications for predicted hadronic cross sections. The European Physical Journal C, 64(4), 653-680.
- Martin, A., Stirling, W., Thorne, R., & Watt, G. (2009). Parton distributions for the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 63(2), 189-285.
- Martin, A., Roberts, R., Stirling, W., & Thorne, R. (2004). Physical gluons and high-ET jets. Physics Letters B, 604(1-2), 61-68.
- Hagiwara, K., Martin, A., Nomura, D., & Teubner, T. (2004). Predictions for g-2 of the muon and alpha(QED)(M(Z**2)). Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 69,
- Hagiwara, K., Martin, A., Nomura, D., & Teubner, T. (2003). The SM prediction of g-2 of the muon. Physics Letters B, 557(1-2), 69-75.
- Kimber, M., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2001). Unintegrated parton distributions. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 63(11),
- Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2001). Double-diffractive processes in high resolution missing-mass experiments at the Tevatron. The European Physical Journal C, 19(3), 477-483.