Staff profile
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Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography |
I am an Emeritus Professor in Physical Geographer with research expertise in past and future sea-level change, with a particular interest in the Greenland Ice Sheet.
I retired from Durham University in January 2023, following a career that began as an undergraduate student (1985-1988) and ended as Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost (2016-2022). In the latter role I had responsibility for helping to deliver the University's academic strategy. This included relocating academic departments and colleges from Queen's Campus to Durham City, the recruitment of 300 new academic staff, oversight of academic promotion and pay, as well as supporting efforts to make Durham a more diverse and inclusive community.
Much of my time at Durham has been in the Geography Department, where I was privileged to serve twice as Head of Department. I was European lead of PALSEA2, a PAGES IGBP, INQUA, WUN working group that focused on using past changes in sea level and information about the Earth's cryosphere to constrain future sea-level rise. I have been Editor in Chief of Journal of Quaternary Science (2010-2014), Associate Editor of Quaternary Science Reviews and enjoyed Chairing the NERC Radiocarbon Facility Committee. I have been a long-term supporter of IGCP and INQUA coastal and sea-level projects, and was co-leader of the International Geoscience Programme IGCP Project 495 "Quaternary Land-Ocean Interactions: driving mechanisms and coastal responses".
My research interests lie in the following main areas:
- Sea-level and glacial history of the polar ice sheets
- Late Quaternary sea-level changes
- Holocene coastal evolution
- Sea-level change and climate in the North Atlantic
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Long, A. (2003). Past and future sea-level change in Yorkshire. In M. Atherden (Ed.), Global Warming: A Yorkshire Perspective (71-88). PLACE Research Centre
- Long, A., Scaife, R., & Edwards, R. (2000). Stratigraphic architecture, relative sea level, and models of estuary development in southern England: new data from Southampton Water. In K. Pye, & J. Allen (Eds.), Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology (253-279). The Geological Society
- Long, A., Innes, J., Shennan, I., & Tooley, M. (1999). Coastal stratigraphy: a case study from Johns River, Washington. In A. Jones, M. Tucker, & J. Hart (Eds.), The description and analysis of Quaternary stratigraphic field sections (267-286). Quaternary Research Association Technical Guide 7, Quarternary Research Association
- Waller, M., Long, A., Long, D., & Innes, J. (1998). Walland Marsh: wetland vegetation dynamics, sea-level change and coastal evolution. In J. Murton, C. Whiteman, M. Bates, D. Bridgland, A. Long, M. Roberts, & M. Waller (Eds.), The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex: Field Guide (70-81). Quaternary Research Association
- Long, A., & Innes, J. (1998). Midley Church Bank. In J. Murton, C. Whiteman, M. Bates, D. Bridgland, A. Long, M. Roberts, & M. Waller (Eds.), The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex: Field Guide. Quaternary Reserach Association
- Spencer, C., Plater, A., & Long, A. (1998). Holocene barrier estuary evolution: the sedimentary record of the Walland Marsh region. In J. Eddison, M. Gardiner, & A. Long (Eds.), Romney Marsh: Environmental Change and Human Occupation in a Coastal Lowland (13-29). Oxford University Committee for Achaeology Monograph
- Long, A., Waller, M., Hughes, P., & Spencer, C. (1998). Vegetation history and coastal evolution of Romney Marsh proper. In J. Eddison, M. Gardiner, & A. Long (Eds.), Romney Marsh: Environmental Change and Human Occupation in a Coastal Lowland (45-63). Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph
- Dix, J., Long, A., & Cook, R. (1998). The evolution of Rye Bay and the Dungeness Foreland: New evidence from the offshore record. In J. Eddison, M. Gardiner, & A. Long (Eds.), Romney Marsh: Environmetal Change and Human Occupation in a Coastal Lowland (1-12). Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph
- Long, A., & Roberts, D. (1997). Sea-level change. In M. Fulford, T. Champion, & A. Long (Eds.), England's Coastal Heritage: A Survey for English Heritage and the RCHME. English Heritage and the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (25-49). Archaeological Report
- Long, A., & Innes, J. (1995). A palaeoenvironmental investigation of the Midley Sand, Roment Marsh, Kent. In J. Eddison (Ed.), Romney Marsh: the Debatable Ground (37-50)
- Plater, A., & Long, A. (1995). The morphology and evolution of Denge Beach and Denge Marsh, Romney Marsh. In J. Eddison (Ed.), Romney Marsh: the Debatable Ground (8-21). Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph Series
- Scaife, R., & Long, A. (1995). Evidence for Holocene sea-level changes at Caldicot Pill, the Seven Estuary. In M. Bell (Ed.), Archaeology in the Seven estuary 1994. Annual report of the Seven Estuary Levels Research Committee (81-86)
- Long, A. (1995). Sea-level and crustal movements in the Thames estuary, Essex and East Kent. In D. Bridgland, P. Allen, & B. Haggart (Eds.), The Quaternary of the Lower Thames: Field Guide (99-105). Quaternary Research Association
- Long, A. (1990). The East Kent Fens. In S. Jennings (Ed.), Field Excursion Guide, IGCP Project 274 UK Working Group: Coastal Evolution of the Quaternary
Doctoral Thesis
Edited book
- Long, A., Hipkin, S., & Clarke, H. (Eds.). (2002). Romney Marsh: Coastal and Landscape Change Through the Ages. Oxbow
- Eddison, J., Gardiner, M., & Long, A. (Eds.). (1998). Romney Marsh: Environmental Change and Human Occupation in a Coastal Lowland. Oxbow
- Murton, J., Whiteman, C., Bates, M., Bridgland, D., Long, A., Roberts, M., & Waller, M. (Eds.). (1998). The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
Journal Article
- Long, A., & Tooley, M. (online). Holocene sea-level and crustal movements in Hampshire and Southeast, England, United Kingdom. Journal of coastal research, 299-310
- Woodroffe, S. A., Wake, L. M., Kjeldsen, K. K., Barlow, N. L. M., Long, A. J., & Kjær, K. H. (2023). Missing sea level rise in southeastern Greenland during and since the Little Ice Age. Climate of the Past, 19(8), 1585-1606.
- Nicholls, R. J., Hanson, S. E., Lowe, J. A., Slangen, A. B., Wahl, T., Hinkel, J., & Long, A. J. (2021). Integrating new sea-level scenarios into coastal risk and adaptation assessments: An on-going process. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 12(3), Article e706.
- Medeiros, A. S., Milošević, Đ., Francis, D. R., Maddison, E., Woodroffe, S., Long, A., Walker, I. R., Hamerlík, L., Quinlan, R., Langdon, P., Brodersen, K. P., & Axford, Y. (2021). Arctic chironomids of the northwest North Atlantic reflect environmental and biogeographic gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 48(3), 511-525.
- Gehrels, W., Dangendorf, S., Barlow, N., Saher, M., Long, A., Woodworth, P., Piecuch, C., & Berk, K. (2020). A pre‐industrial sea‐level rise hotspot along the Atlantic coast of North America. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(4), Article e2019GL085814.
- Scaife, R., Long, A., Monteath, A., Hughes, P., Bentley, M., & Stone, P. (2019). The Falkland Islands palaeoecological response to millennial scale climate perturbations during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: implications for future vegetation stability in Southern Ocean islands. Journal of Quaternary Science, 34(8), 609-620.
- Carlson, A. E., Dutton, A., Long, A. J., & Milne, G. A. (2019). PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): Ice-sheet and sea-level responses to past climate warming. Quaternary Science Reviews, 212, 28-32.
- Walker, M., Head, M. H., Berklehammer, M., Bjorck, S., Cheng, H., Cwynar, L., Fisher, D., Gkinis, V., Long, A., Lowe, J., Newnham, R., Rasmussen, S. O., & Weiss, H. (2018). Formal ratification of the subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period): two new Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) and three new stages/subseries. Episodes, 41(4),
- Barlow, N., McClymont, E., Whitehouse, P., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Woodroffe, S., Bentley, M., Callard, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., Horrocks, J., Lloyd, J., Long, A., Margold, M., Roberts, D., & Sanchez-Montes, M. (2018). Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial. Nature Geoscience, 11, 627-634.
- Strzelecki, M., Long, A., & Lloyd, J. (2017). Post-Little Ice Age development of a High Arctic paraglacial beach complex. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28(1), 4-17.
- Lawrence, T., Long, A., Gehrels, W., Jackson, L., & Smith, D. (2016). Relative sea-level data from southwest Scotland constrain meltwater-driven sea-level jumps prior to the 8.2 kyr BP event. Quaternary Science Reviews, 151, 292-308.
- Long, A., Barlow, N., Dawson, S., Hill, J., Innes, J., Kelham, C., Milne, F., & Dawson, A. (2016). Lateglacial and Holocene relative sea-level changes and first evidence for the Storegga tsunami in Sutherland, Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(3), 239-255.
- Long, A., Szczucinski, W., & Lawrence, T. (2015). Sedimentary evidence for a mid-Holocene iceberg-generated tsunami in a coastal lake, west Greenland. Arktos (Cham. Internet), 1(1), Article 6.
- Plets, R., Callard, S., Cooper, J., Long, A., Quinn, R., Belknap, D., Edwards, R., Jackson, D., Kelley, J., Long, D., Milne, G., & Monteys, X. (2015). Late Quaternary evolution and sea-level history of a glaciated marine embayment, Bantry Bay, SW Ireland. Marine Geology, 369, 251-272.
- Long, A., Barlow, N., Busschers, F., Cohen, K., Gehrels, W., & Wake, L. (2015). Near-field sea-level variability in northwest Europe and ice sheet stability during the last interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 126, 26-40.
- Dutton, A., Carlson, A., Long, A., Milne, G., Clark, P., DeConto, R., Horton, B., Rahmstorf, S., & Raymo, M. (2015). Sea-level rise due to polar ice-sheet mass loss during past warm periods. Science, 349(6244), Article aaa4019.
- Woodroffe, S., Long, A., Milne, G., Bryant, C., & Thomas, A. (2015). New constraints on late Holocene eustatic sea-level changes from Mahé, Seychelles. Quaternary Science Reviews, 115, 1-16.
- Woodroffe, S., Long, A., Punwong, P., Selby, K., Bryant, C., & Marchant, R. (2015). Radiocarbon dating of mangrove sediments to constrain Holocene relative sea-level change on Zanzibar in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Holocene, 25(5), 820-831.
- Buchwal, A., Szczucinski, W., Strzelecki, M., & Long, A. (2015). New insights into the 21 November 2000 tsunami in west Greenland from analyses of the tree-ring structure of Salix glauca. Polish Polar Research, 36(1), 51-65.
- Saher, M., Gehrels, W., Barlow, N., Long, A., Haigh, I., & Blaauw, M. (2015). Sea-level changes in Iceland and the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the last half millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, 108, 23-36.
- Lecavalier, B., Milne, G., Simpson, M., Wake, L., Huybrechts, P., Tarasov, L., Kjeldsen, K., Funder, S., Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Dyke, A., & Larsen, N. (2014). A model of Greenland ice sheet deglaciation constrained by observations of relative sea level and ice extent. Quaternary Science Reviews, 102, 54-84.
- Barlow, N., Long, A., Saher, M., Gehrels, W., Garnett, M., & Scaife, R. (2014). Salt-marsh reconstructions of relative sea-level change in the North Atlantic during the last 2000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 99, 1-16.
- Woodroffe, S., Long, A., Lecavalier, B., Milne, G., & Bryant, C. (2014). Using relative sea-level data to constrain the deglacial and Holocene history of southern Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92, 345-356.
- Long, A., Barlow, N., Gehrels, W., Saher, M., Woodworth, P., Scaife, R., Brain, M., & Cahill, N. (2014). Contrasting records of sea-level change in the eastern and western North Atlantic during the last 300 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 388, 110-122.
- Barlow, N., Shennan, I., Long, A., Gehrels, W., Saher, M., Woodroffe, S., & Hillier, C. (2013). Salt marshes as late Holocene tide gauges. Global and Planetary Change, 106, 90-110.
- Brain, M., Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Petley, D., Milledge, D., & Parnell, A. (2012). Modelling the effects of sediment compaction on salt marsh reconstructions of recent sea-level rise. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 345-348, 180-193.
- Long, A., Strzelecki, M., Lloyd, J., & Bryant, C. (2012). Dating High Arctic Holocene relative sea level changes using juvenile articulated marine shells in raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews, 48, 61-66.
- Wake, L., Milne, G., Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Simpson, M., & Huybrechts, P. (2012). Century-scale relative sea-level changes in West Greenland — A plausibility study to assess contributions from the cryosphere and the ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 86-93.
- Barlow, N., Shennan, I., & Long, A. (2012). Relative sea-level response to Little Ice Age ice mass change in south central Alaska: Reconciling model predictions and geological evidence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 62-75.
- Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Milne, G., Bryant, C., Simpson, M., & Wake, L. (2012). Relative sea-level change in Greenland during the last 700 years and ice sheet response to the Little Ice Age. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 76-85.
- Walker, M., Berkelhammer, M., Björck, S., Cwynar, L., Fisher, D., Long, A., Lowe, J., Newnham, R., Rasmussen, S., & Weiss, H. (2012). Formal subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch: A Discussion Paper by a Working Group of INTIMATE (Integration of ice-core, marine and terrestrial records) and the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (International Commission on Stratigraphy). Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(7), 649-659.
- Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Roberts, D., & Dawson, S. (2011). Isolation basins, sea-level changes and the Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(27-28), 3748-3768.
- Hogan, K., Dix, J., Lloyd, J., Long, A., & Cotterill, C. (2011). Seismic stratigraphy records the deglacial history of Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26(7), 757-766.
- Brain, M., Long, A., Petley, D., Horton, B., & Allison, R. (2011). Compression behaviour of minerogenic low energy intertidal sediments. Sedimentary Geology, 233(1-4), 28-41.
- Jakobsson, M., Long, A., Ingólfsson, O., Kjær, K., & Spielhagen, R. (2010). New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(25-26), 3349-3358.
- Woodroffe, S., & Long, A. (2010). Reconstructing recent relative sea-level changes in West Greenland: local diatom-based transfer functions are superior to regional models. Quaternary International, 222(1-2), 91-103.
- Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Milne, G., Bryant, C., & Wake, L. (2010). Relative sea level change in west Greenland during the last millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(3-4), 367-383.
- Roberts, D., Long, A., Davies, B., Simpson., M., & Schnabel, C. (2010). Stream influence on West Greenland Ice Sheet dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, 850-864
- Roberts, D., Long, A., Schnabel, C., Davies, B., Simpson., M., Sheng, X., & Huybrechts, P. (2009). Ice sheet extent and early deglacial history of the southwestern sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(25-26), 2760-2773.
- Simpson, M., Milne, G., Huybrechts, P., & Long, A. (2009). Calibrating a glaciological model of the Greenland ice sheet from the Last Glacial Maximum to present-day using field observations of relative sea level and ice extent. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(17-18), 1631-1657.
- Long, A. (2009). Back to the future: Greenland's contribution to sea-level change. GSA Today, 19(6), 4-10.
- Long, A., Woodroffe, S., Dawson, S., Roberts, D., & Bryant, L. (2009). Late Holocene relative sea level rise and the Neoglacial history of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 24(4), 345-359.
- Roberts, D., Yde, J., Long, A., Knudsen, N., & Lloyd, J. (2009). Ice marginal dynamics during surge activity, Kuannersuit Glacier, Disko Island, West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(3-4), 209-222.
- Kelly, M., & Long, A. (2009). The dimensions of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the last glacial maximum. PAGES news, 17(2), 60-61
- Woodroffe, S., & Long, A. (2009). Salt marshes as sources of recent relative sea level change data in West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(17-18), 1750-1761
- Long, A., Roberts, D., Simpson, M., Dawson, S., Milne, G., & Huybrechts, P. (2008). Late Weichselian relative sea-level changes and ice sheet history in southeast Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272(1-2), 8-18.
- Roberts, D., Long, A., Schnabel, C., Simpson, M., & Freeman, S. (2008). The geochronology and dynamics of southeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 1505-1516
- Allen, J., Long, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Huntley, B. (2007). Holocene climate variability in northernmost Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(9-10), 1432-1453.
- Lloyd, J., Kuijpers, A., Long, A., Moros, M., & Park, L. (2007). Foraminiferal reconstruction of mid- to late-Holocene ocean circulation and climate variability in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Holocene, 17(8), 1079-1091.
- Long, A., Waller, M., & Plater, A. (2006). Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: The evolution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh depositional complex (U.K.). Geomorphology, 82(3-4), 309-330.
- Long, A., Roberts, D., & Dawson, S. (2006). Early Holocene history of the west Greenland Ice Sheet and the GH-8.2 event. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(9-10), 904-922.
- Long, A., Waller, M., & Stupples, P. (2006). Driving mechanisms of coastal change: Peat compaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands. Marine Geology, 225(1-4), 63-84.
- Waller, M., Long, A., & Schofield, J. (2006). Interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late-Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands. Holocene, 16(1), 51-61.
- Lim, M., Petley, D., Rosser, N., Allison, R., Long, A., & Pybus, D. (2005). Combined digital photogrammetry and time-of-flight laser scanning for monitoring cliff evolution. The Photogrammetric Record, 20(110), 109-129.
- Milne, G., Long, A., & Bassett, S. (2005). Modelling Holocene Relative Sea-Level Observations from the Caribbean and South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(10-11), 1183-1202.
- Roberts, D., & Long, A. (2005). Streamlined bedrock terrain and fast ice flow, Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland: implications for ice stream and ice sheet dynamics. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 34(1), 25-42.
- Maddy, D., Long, A., & Bridgland, D. (2005). Quaternary land-ocean correlation: a tribute to Professor D. Q. Bowen. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(14-15), 1543-1755
- Long, A., Roberts, D., & Rasch, M. (2003). New observations on the relative sea level and deglacial history of Greenland from Innaarsuit, Disko Bugt. Quaternary Research, 60(2), 162-171.
- Long, A., & Roberts, D. (2003). Late Weichselian deglacial history of Disko Bugt, West Greenland, and the dynamics of the Jakobshavns Isbrae ice stream. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 32(1), 208-226.
- Waller, M., & Long, A. (2003). Holocene coastal evolution and sea-level change on the southern coast of England: a review. Journal of Quaternary Science, 18(3-4), 351-359
- Long, A. (2003). The coastal strip: sea-level change, coastal evolution and land-ocean correlation. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(3), 455-466
- Long, A., & Roberts, D. (2002). A revised chronology for the 'Fjord Stade' moraine in Disko Bugt, west Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(5-6), 561-579.
- Cundy, A., Long, A., Hill, C., Spencer, C., & Croudace, I. (2002). Sedimentary response of Pagham Harbour, southern England to barrier breaching in AD 1910. Geomorphology, 46(3-4), 163-176
- Evans, J., Kirby, J., & Long, A. (2001). The litho- and biostratigraphy of a late Holocene tidal channel in Romney Marsh, southern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 112, 111-130
- Long, A. (2001). Mid Holocene sea-level change and coastal evolution. Progress in Physical Geography, 25(3), 399-408
- Long, A. (2001). The mid and late Holocene evolution of Romney Marsh and the Thames Estuary. Archaeology in the Severn Estuary, 11, 55-68
- Long, A. (2000). Late Holocene sea-level change and climate. Progress in Physical Geography, 24(3), 415-423
- Long, A., Roberts, D., & Wright, M. (1999). Isolation basin stratigraphy and Holocene relative sea-level change on Arveprinsen Ejland, Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 14(4), 323-345
- Long, A., Scaife, R., & Edwards, R. (1999). Pine pollen in interidal sediments from Poole Harbour, U.K.; implications for late-Holocene sediment accretion rates and sea-level rise. Quaternary International, 55(3-16),
- Plater, A., Long, A., Spencer, C., & Delacour, R. (1999). The stratigraphic record of sea-level changes and storms during the last 2000 years: Romney Marsh, southeast England. Quaternary International, 55, 17-27
- Waller, M., Long, A., Long, D., & Innes, J. (1999). Vegetation dynamics, sea-level change and coastal evolution on Walland Marsh, southeast England. Quaternary Science Reviews, 18, 1419-1444
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1998). Models of rapid relative sea-level change in Washington and Oregon, USA. Holocene, 8, 129-142.
- Spencer, C., Plater, A., & Long, A. (1998). Rapid coastal change during the mid- to late-Holocene: The record of barrier estuary sedimentation in the Romney Marsh region, south-east England. Holocene, 8, 143-163.
- Shennan, I., Long, A., Rutherford, M., Kirby, J., Green, F., Innes, J., & Walker, K. (1998). Tidal marsh stratigraphy, sea-level change and large earthquakes, II: Events during the last 3500 years at Netarts Bay, Oregon, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 365-393
- Long, A., Plater, A., Waller, M., & Innes, J. (1996). Holocene coastal sedimentation in the eastern English Channel: new data from the Romney Marsh region, United Kingdom. Marine Geology, 136, 97-120.
- Shennan, I., Long, A., Rutherford, M., Green, F., Innes, J., Lloyd, J., Zong, Y., & Walker, K. (1996). Tidal marsh stratigraphy, sea-level change and large earthquakes, 1; a 5000 year record in Washington, U.S.A. Quaternary Science Reviews, 15, 1-37.
- Nelson, A., Shennan, I., & Long, A. (1996). Identifying coseismic sea-level change in tidal wetland stratigraphic sequences in the Cascadia subduction zone of western North America. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 6115-6135
- Long, A., & Innes, J. (1995). The back-barrier and barrier depositional history of Romney Marsh, Walland Marsh and Dungeness, Kent, England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 10, 267-283
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1995). Late Devensian and Holocene relative sea-level changes in northwestern Scotland: New data to test existing models. Quaternary International, 26(97-123),
- Long, A., & Hughes, P. (1995). Evolution of the Dungeness foreland during the last 4000 years. Marine Geology, 124, 253-271.
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1995). Holocene relative sea-level changes at Kentra Moss, Argyll, Northwestern Scotland. Marine Geology, 124, 43-59.
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1994). Late Devensian and Holocene relative sea-level changes at Loch nan Eala, near Arisaig, Northwest Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 9, 261-283
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1994). Sea-level changes in Washington and Oregon and the 'Earthquake deformation cycle'. Journal of coastal research, 10, 825-838
- Fletcher, C., Fairbridge, R., Moller, J., & Long, A. (1993). Emergence of the Varanger Peninsula, Artic Norway and climate changes since deglaciation. Holocene, 3, 116-127.
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1993). Late and post glacial sea-level movements in northwest Scotland, UK. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73, 161-174
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1993). Holocene sea-level and crustal movements in southeast and northeast England, UK
- Long, A., & Innes, J. (1993). Holocene sea-level and coastal sedimentation in Romney Marsh, southeast England, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 104, 223-237
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1993). Late-Glacial and Holocene sea-level changes at Rumach, northwest Scotland. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73, 161-174
- Long, A., Gunn, C., Goulty, N., & Bedlington, D. (1992). Mapping the Pre-Holocene Surface of an Infilled Valley in the East Kent Fens, UK, with a Shear-Wave Seismic Refraction Survey. Holocene, 2(1), 57-62.
- Long, A. (1992). Coastal responses to changes in sea-level in the East Kent Fens and southeast England, UK over the last 7500 years. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 103, 187-199
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