Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor (Research) in the Department of Anthropology | |
Fellow of the Durham Research Methods Centre | |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
I am currently working as an Assistant Professor (Research) in statistics and quantitative methods in the Department of Anthropology. My research is interdisciplinary, at the crossroads of statistics, demography, and public health. My area of expertise are Quantitative Data Analysis and Methods, Biostatistics, Mathematical Demography, Mortality and Health, and multilevel analysis. I have vast experience of handling information from the big population, social or behavioural data sources like Demographic Health Surveys, educational trials or census data, which makes me well versed in different sampling design, type of data, estimation using softwares such as SAS, R, Excel, SPSS, STATA and MLwiN. I have worked in several Global projects including Education Endowment Foundation Archive of Educational Trials UK, Longitudinal Ageing Study in India and Global Adult Tobacco Survey Project. I have also worked with international collaborators Education Endowment Foundation, UK, Harvard School of Public Health, WHO and CDC Atlanta, USA. For the last 2 year, I have been working on the appropriate use of quantitative methods in education and other social indicators and the application of machine learning techniques on public health indicators. I am delighted to have received an opportunity to be affiliated as an associated researcher in Institute for Data Science at Durham University. Apart from my research, I am actively involved in supervision of Masters Students working as interns in our projects and mentor PhD students to successfully conduct and develop their research work and career.
- Selected for Techup women program in the North East England to receive training in data science methods
- Selected for Aurora 2019-2020 program in United Kingdom an Advance HE`s leadership development initiative.
- SAS Best paper award by SAS Institute, Czech Republic and Young Demographers in 9th Young Demographer Conference, Charles University Prague.
- Awarded PN Mari Bhat Medal for best PhD thesis by Academic Council International Institute for Population Sciences, India for the academic year 2013-2016.
- Incoming Post-doctoral Move-in-Louvain Fellowship by Universite Cathlique de Louvain and co-funded by the Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission in 2016.
- Financial grant from Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany to attend Max Planck Winter Program 2014/15.
- Financial grant from International Statistical Institute (ISI), funded by
World Bank Trust Fund to attend ISI Regional Statistics Conference 2014 from 16-19 November, 2014 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Asian Population Association scholarship to attend 2nd Asian Population Conference at Bangkok in July 2012.
- Government of India (MoHFW) Fellowship for pursuing Master and M.Phil. in Population Studies course at IIPS, Mumbai in 2008-2009.
Research interests
- Mathematical Demography
- Public Health Statistics
- Social Statistics
- Survey and RCT Data Analysis
Chapter in book
- Singh, A., & Katyan, H. Gender Differences In Health Care Expenditures Using Multilevel Modelling. In K. Kumar, & A. Chaturvedi (Eds.), Some Recent Developments in Statistical Theory and Applications. BrownWalker Press
- Zhang, Q., Uwimpuhwe, G., Vallis, D., Singh, A., Coolen-Maturi, T., & Einbeck, J. (2024). Elicitation of Priors for Intervention Effects in Educational Trial Data. In J. Einbeck, H. Maeng, E. Ogundimu, & K. Perrakis (Eds.), Developments in Statistical Modelling (28-33). Springer.
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Misra, S., Singh, A., Goli, S., & James, K. S. (online). Trends in adult mortality rates in India, 1970 to 2018: age-period-cohort analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science,
- Singh, A., & Ladusingh, L. (online). Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco Use in India: Evidence from Recent Global Adult Tobacco Survey Data. PLoS ONE, 9(12),
- Einbeck, J., Coolen-Maturi, T., Uwimpuhwe, G., & Singh, A. (online). A Comparison of Threshold-Free Measures for Assessing the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions. The Journal of Experimental Education,
- Chowdhury, P., & Singh, A. (2024). Are Informal Older Workers Utilizing Less Healthcare Services? Evidence from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India, Wave-1. Journal of Population Ageing, 17(4), 721-749.
- Chowdhury, P., Mohanty, I., Singh, A., & Niyonsenga, T. (2023). Informal sector employment and the health outcomes of older workers in India. PLoS ONE, 18(2), Article e0266576.
- Yadav, A. K., Ram, F., Singh, A., & Shekhar, C. (2022). Does the prenatal factor or the postnatal factor contribute more to changes in the child sex ratio in India? An investigation in the context of fertility and mortality transition. Journal of Biosocial Science, 54(3), 473-481.
- Marzo, R. R., Khanal, P., Ahmad, A., Rathore, F. A., Chauhan, S., Singh, A., Shrestha, S., AlRifai, A., Lotfizadeh, M., Younus, D. A., Billah, M. A., Rahman, F., Sivaladchanam, Y., Mohan, D., & Su, T. T. (2022). Quality of Life of the Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asian Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study across Six Countries. Life, 12(3), Article 365.
- Singh, A., Uwimpuhwe, G., Li, M., Einbeck, J., Higgins, S., & Kasim, A. (2022). Multisite educational trials: estimating the effect size and its confidence intervals. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(1), 18-38.
- Uwimpuhwe, G., Singh, A., Higgins, S., Coux, M., Xiao, Z., Shkedy, Z., & Kasim, A. (2022). Latent Class Evaluation in Educational Trials: What Percentage of Children Benefits from an Intervention?. The Journal of Experimental Education, 90(2), 404-418.
- Ashraf, B., Singh, A., Uwimpuhwe, G., Higgins, S., & Kasim, A. (2021). Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis of the Impact of Educational Interventions on Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals. British Educational Research Journal, 47(6), 1675-1699.
- Singh, A., & Kim, Y. (2021). What has contributed to the large sex differentials in lifespan variation and life expectancy in South Korea?. Journal of Biosocial Science, 53(3), 396-406.
- Marzo, R. R., Ismail, Z., Nu Htay, M. N., Bahari, R., Ismail, R., Villanueva, E. Q., Singh, A., Lotfizadeh, M., Respati, T., Irasanti, S. N., Sartika, D., Mong, P., Lekamwasam, S., Thapa, B. B., Kucuk Bicer, B., Aye, S. S., Songwathana, K., El-Abasiri, R. A., Ahmad, A., Nikmat, A., …Su, T. T. (2021). Psychological distress during pandemic Covid-19 among adult general population: Result across 13 countries. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 10, Article 100708.
- Marzo, R. R., Singh, A., & Mukti, R. F. (2021). A Survey of Psychological Distress among Bangladeshi People During the COVID-19 Pandemic . Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 10, Article 100693.
- Uwimpuhwe, G., Singh, A., Higgins, S., & Kasim, A. (2021). Application of Bayesian posterior probabilistic inference in educational trials. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44(5), 533-554.
- Yadav, A. K., Singh, A., & Ram, F. (2020). Association between the total fertility rate and under-five child sex ratio in India: a panel study among districts of the major states. Journal of Biosocial Science, 52(4), 514-522.
- Singh, A., & Katyan, H. (2019). Classification of nicotine-dependent users in India: a decision-tree approach. Journal of Public Health, 27(4), 453-459.
- Singh, A., & Masquelier, B. (2018). Continuities and changes in spatial patterns of under-five mortality at the district level in India (1991–2011). International Journal of Health Geographics, 17(1),
- Singh, A., & Ladusingh, L. (2016). Life expectancy at birth and life disparity: an assessment of sex differentials in mortality in India. International journal of population studies, 2(1), 38-52.
- Singh, A., & Ladusingh, L. (2016). MEASURING EARLY LIFE DISPARITY IN INDIA. Journal of Biosocial Science, 48(4), 457-471.
- Ladusingh, L., & Singh, A. (2015). Contextual correlates of intensity of smoking in northeast India. International Journal of Public Health, 60(3),
- Singh, A., & Ladusingh, L. (2013). Increasing life expectancy and convergence of age at death in India
- Singh, A., & Sahoo, N. (2013). Urban–rural differentials in the factors associated with exposure to second-hand smoke in India. BMJ Open, 3(11),
- Singh, A., Uwimpuhwe, G., Vallis, D., Akhter, N., Coolen-Maturi, T., Einbeck, J., Higgins, S., Culliney, M., & Demack, S. (2023). Improving power calculations in educational trials. Education Endowment Foundation
- Ashraf, B., Singh, A., Uwimpuhwe, G., Coolen-Maturi, T., Einbeck, J., Higgins, S., & Kasim, A. (2021). Individual-participant-data-meta-analysis-of-the-impact-of-EEF-trials-on-the-educational-attainment-of-pupils-on-Free-School-Meals. EEF