Staff profile
Brivael Laloux

Journal Article
- Laloux, B., Georgakakis, A., Alexander, D. M., Buchner, J., Andonie, C., Acharya, N., Aird, J., Alonso-Tetilla, A. V., Bongiorno, A., Hickox, R. C., Lapi, A., Musiimenta, B., Almeida, C. R., Villforth, C., & Shankar, F. (2024). Accretion properties of X-ray AGN: evidence for radiation-regulated obscuration with redshift-dependent host galaxy contribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(3), 3459-3479.
- Musiimenta, B., Speranza, G., Urrutia, T., Brusa, M., Ramos Almeida, C., Perna, M., López, I. E., Alexander, D., Laloux, B., Shankar, F., Lapi, A., Salvato, M., Toba, Y., Andonie, C., & Rodríguez, I. M. (2024). Ionised AGN outflows in the Goldfish galaxy: The illuminating and interacting red quasar eFEDSJ091157.4+014327 at z ∼ 0.6. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, Article A111.
- Pouliasis, E., Ruiz, A., Georgantopoulos, I., Vito, F., Gilli, R., Vignali, C., Ueda, Y., Koulouridis, E., Akiyama, M., Marchesi, S., Laloux, B., Nagao, T., Paltani, S., Pierre, M., Toba, Y., Habouzit, M., Vijarnwannaluk, B., & Garrel, C. (2024). Active galactic nucleus X-ray luminosity function and absorption function in the Early Universe (3 ≤ z ≤ 6). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, Article A97.
- Alonso-Tetilla, A. V., Shankar, F., Fontanot, F., Menci, N., Valentini, M., Buchner, J., Laloux, B., Lapi, A., Puglisi, A., Alexander, D. M., Allevato, V., Andonie, C., Bonoli, S., Hirschmann, M., López, I. E., Raimundo, S. I., & Ramos Almeida, C. (2024). Probing the roles of orientation and multiscale gas distributions in shaping the obscuration of active galactic nuclei through cosmic time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(4), 10878-10896.
- Andonie, C., Alexander, D. M., Greenwell, C., Puglisi, A., Laloux, B., Alonso-Tetilla, A. V., Calistro Rivera, G., Harrison, C., Hickox, R. C., Kaasinen, M., Lapi, A., López, I. E., Petter, G., Ramos Almeida, C., Rosario, D. J., Shankar, F., & Villforth, C. (2024). Obscuration beyond the nucleus: infrared quasars can be buried in extreme compact starbursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(1), L144–L150.
- López, I. E., Brusa, M., Bonoli, S., Shankar, F., Acharya, N., Laloux, B., Dolag, K., Georgakakis, A., Lapi, A., Ramos Almeida, C., Salvato, M., Chaves-Montero, J., Coelho, P., Díaz-García, L. A., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Hernán-Caballero, A., González Delgado, R. M., Marquez, I., Pović, M., Soria, R., …Ramió, H. V. (2023). The miniJPAS survey: AGN and host galaxy coevolution of X-ray-selected sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 672, 1-20.
- Laloux, B., Georgakakis, A., Andonie, C., Alexander, D. M., Ruiz, A., Rosario, D. J., Aird, J., Buchner, J., Carrera, F. J., Lapi, A., Ramos Almeida, C., Salvato, M., & Shankar, F. (2023). The demographics of obscured AGN from X-ray spectroscopy guided by multiwavelength information. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 2546-2566.
- Laloux, B., & Petitjean, P. (2021). Towards modelling ghostly damped Ly αs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(3), 3855-3869.