Staff profile
Caroline Greenwood Dower

Caroline is a funded PhD student in the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Caroline is also a practising psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and trainer.
Prior to beginning academic research Caroline was the Head of the Counselling Service at Durham University, where she began to innovate approaches to managing student anxiety. Caroline is a former Consultant Psychotherapist in the NHS and continues to supervise colleagues in specialist psychotherapeutic and psychology roles.
Caroline’s undergraduate degree was Economics at Cambridge University, followed by a brief career in consultancy, developing an interest in team dynamics and organisational culture. Caroline undertook a Psychology Degree through the Open University and a professional training MSc in Integrative Psychotherapy at the Metanoia Institute. She also trained in Cognitive Analytic Therapy at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Caroline’s clinical work is informed by further training in Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy in New York.
Caroline’s doctoral research focuses on experiences of anxiety in young adults. Caroline aims to establish a theoretical basis for the development of movement-based approaches to everyday as well as clinical experiences of anxiety. The study will explore whether and how movement can inform the theorised ideas about the nature of anxiety, and perhaps challenge the predominant view that anxiety is always related to fear and/or uncertainty.
The first phase of this study is now open to recruitment. Caroline is looking for 8 participants aged 18-25 years for four online group discussions in early 2022. Potential participants will have had experiences of anxiety within the past three months, but not necessarily any clinical diagnosis of anxiety. For a Participant Information Pack please email