Staff profile

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Assistant Professor in the Durham Law School |
Dr Dimitrios Kagiaros joined Durham Law School as an Assistant Professor in Public Law and Human Rights in 2020, having previously been a Lecturer in Law (Education & Research) at the University of Exeter and a Teaching Fellow in Public Law and Human Rights at the University of Edinburgh, School of Law. He holds an LLB in Law from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Law and an LLM in International Human Rights Law from Brunel University in London. He completed his PhD at the University of Hull, focusing on whistleblower protection in the European Court of Human Rights. His research interests include the European Convention system of human rights protection, the impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on human rights, and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to Freedom of Expression. Dimitrios serves as a member of the editorial board of The European Convention on Human Rights Law Review (Brill Publishing).
Dimitrios welcomes inquiries for PhD supervision from prospective doctoral students in his areas of research interest.
Teaching Areas
European Human Rights Law
UK Constitutional Law
Advanced Issues in Public Law
Advanced Issues in Human Rights
Research interests
- Austerity and Human Rights
- European Convention on Human Rights
- Freedom of Expression
- International Human Rights Law
- UK Constitutional Law
Book review
Chapter in book
- Kagiaros, D. (2023). Whistleblowing, Freedom of Expression and the Public’s ‘Right to Know’ in the ECHR. In K. Gromek-Broc (Ed.), Public Law in a Troubled Era: A Tribute to Professor Patrick Birkinshaw. Kluwer Law International
- Kagiaros, D. (2023). Balancing public and private interests in freedom of expression: A case study of Whistleblower Protection in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. In J. Steel, & J. Petley (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship (334-345). Routledge.
- Kagiaros, D. (2023). Whistleblowing, Freedom of Expression and the Public’s ‘Right to Know’ in the ECHR. In . K. Gromek-Broc (Ed.), Public Law in a Troubled Era: A Tribute to Professor Patrick Birkinshaw. Wolters Kluwer
- The Contribution of the Greek Legal Order. In P. Grzebyk (Ed.), Responsibility for the Negation of International Crimes (259-290). Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Warszawa
- Tzevelekos, V., & Kagiaros, D. (2020). The Case of the Eight Turkish Military Personnel who Sought Asylum in Greece after the Failed 2016 Coup in Turkey: Fair Trial as a Reason Precluding Non-Refoulement and (Stricto Sensu) Proportionality. In P. Voyatzis, M. Tsirli, & L. Kiousopoulou (Eds.), Human Rights in Times of Illiberal Democracies: Liber Amicorum in Memoriam of Stavros Tsakyrakis (57-80). Nomiki Vivliothiki
- Kagiaros, D. (2019). Vulnerability as a Path to a ‘Social Minimum’? An Analysis of ECtHR Jurisprudence. In T. Kotkas, I. Leijten, & F. Pennings (Eds.), Specifying and Securing A Social Minimum in the Battle Against Poverty (245-260). Hart Publishing.
- Kagiaros, D. (2019). When to Use European Consensus: Assessing the Differential Treatment of Minority Groups by the European Court of Human Rights. In V. Tzevelekos, & P. Kapotas (Eds.), Building Consensus on European Consensus (283-310). Cambridge University Press.
- Kagiaros, D. (2019). Seán MacBride: A Life at the Frontline. In K. McCall Smith, J. Wouters, & F. Gomez Isa (Eds.), The Faces of Human Rights (211-218). Hart Publishing
- Kagiaros, D. (2019). Rape Crisis Centre v Secretary of State for the Home Department 2000 SC 527. In S. Cowan, C. Kennedy, & V. Munro (Eds.), Scottish Feminist Judgments: (Re)Creating Law from the Outside In (369-388). Hart Publishing.
- Kagiaros, D., & Wyper, A. (2018). Protecting Whistleblowers: The Roles of Public and Private International Law. In V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm, K. McCall-Smith, & D. French (Eds.), Linkages and Boundaries in Private and Public International Law (217-240). Hart Publishing.
Journal Article
- Kagiaros, D. (2024). Judicial limitation of claims vs effective protection of rights under the ECHR European Court of Human Rights (Third Section): Judgment of 23 January 2024. European Human Rights Law Review, 2024(4), 332-342
- Kagiaros, D. (2021). Reassessing the Framework for the Protection of Civil Servant Whistleblowers in the European Court of Human Rights. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 39(3), 220-240.
- Kagiaros, D. (2019). Austerity Measures at the European Court of Human Rights: Can the Court Establish a Minimum of Welfare Provisions?. European Public Law, 25(4), 535-558
- Adam, E. C., Kagiaros, D., & Tierney, S. (2018). Democracy in Question? Direct Democracy in the European Union. European Constitutional Law Review, 14(2), 261-282.
- Kagiaros, D. (2017). BPP Holdings Ltd and others v HMRC: Securing administrative justice in tax tribunals. British Tax Review. British Tax Review, 5,
- Kagiaros, D. (2016). Bédat v. Switzerland (Eur. Ct. H.R.). International legal materials, 55(6),
- Kagiaros, D. (2015). Protecting ‘national security’ whistleblowers in the Council of Europe: an evaluation of three approaches on how to balance national security with freedom of expression. The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(4), 408-428.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Kagiaros, D., & Thiemann, I. (2024). M.A. and others v. France: The ‘End Demand’ model of Regulating Sex Work goes to Strasbourg. [Strasbourg Observers]
- Kagiaros, D. (2021). Is begging speech? Assessing Judge Keller’s concurring opinion in Lăcătuş v. Switzerland
- Caird, S. J., Daly, T., Grogan, J., & Kagiaros, D. (2019). UK Report 2018’ for the I·CONnect - Clough Center 2018 Global Review of Constitutional Law
Other (Print)