Staff profile
Dr Hamed Bahmani
Assistant Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 41759 |
Hamed H Bahmani is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering in the Department of Engineering at Durham University. He received the BEng (Hons) in electrical engineering in 2005, MSc (Hons) in electrical engineering in 2007, and PhD degree in electrical engineering from Cardiff University, UK in 2014. His PhD study was funded by Cogent power Ltd and ABB, and concerned development of novel techniques for the assessment of inter-laminar resistance in transformer and reactor cores. Following his PhD he was appointed as a research associate at Cardiff University in the field of grounding systems for HVAC and HVDC networks in corporation with the UK National Grid. He was later appointed as a lecturer in electrical engineering at Ulster University. He had also worked as a consultant engineer in HV substations and distribution networks, with engineering consultant companies.
Dr Bahmani is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Member of the IET, Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE), and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). He is also Associate Editor-in-Chief (AEiC) for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, and committee member of the UK Magnetic Society.
My research began from dynamic modelling for linear induction motors (LIM), and industrial applications. My current research spans both the theory and applications of magnetic materials for future energy systems, e.g. electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. My major research interests are new magnetic materials for modern electrical machines, static and dynamic modelling of magnetic materials under complex magnetisation conditions, condition monitoring of magnetic cores of power transformers and rotating machines, and optimised design of linear motors for industrial applications. In this respect notable projects include, development of novel techniques for condition monitoring of magnetic cores, static and dynamic hysteresis modelling of magnetic materials for high frequency applications. These activities are approached from the phenomenological concepts of magnetic hysteresis and energy loss mechanism of magnetic materials.
I also have interests in reactive power control in renewable energy systems, dynamic modelling of grid connected renewable energy systems, high frequency and transient response analysis of grounding systems, and dynamic modelling of grounding systems for HVAC and HVDC systems under transient fault conditions.
I have published over 25 journal papers and 35 peer reviewed conference papers, and regularly present my work at international conferences.
Research interests
- Condition monitoring of electrical machines and power transformers
- Magnetic materials for modern electrical machines
- Dynamic hysteresis modelling of magnetic materials under complex magnetisation conditions
- Static hysteresis modelling of magnetic materials
- Design and analysis of linear motors for industrial applications
- Reactive power control in renewable energy systems
- Grounding systems for HVAC and HVDC networks
Esteem Indicators
- 2025: Associate Editor-in-Chief (AEiC) for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement:
- 2024: Outstanding Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2024):
- 2024: Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA):
- 2023: Committee Member of the UK Magnetic Society:
- 2023: IET Professional Registration Advisor (PRA):
- 2023: Outstanding Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023):
- 2022: Outstanding Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022):
- 2021: Associate Editor and member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement:
- 2019: Academic adviser of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC).:
Conference Paper
- Orientation in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet. Presented at IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field computation (IEEE CEFC), Pisa, Italy
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Anderson, P., Hall, J., & Fox, D. (2013, September). Inter-laminar insulation faults detection in magnetic cores using flux injection probe. Paper presented at Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM21), Budapest, Hungary
- Khaliq, A., Zhahloul, H., & Hamzehbahmani, H. (2022, December). A Control Approach for Power Quality Improvement of a Large-Scale Grid Connected PV System at Standard Test Conditions. Presented at 11th IET International Conference on Renewable Power Generation, London, UK
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Sabariego, R., & Ducharne, B. (2023, September). A Comparative Analysis of Energy Loss Mechanism of GO Electrical Steels. Paper presented at 26th Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM26) conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Shibauchi, T., Gao, Y., Guan, W., & Muramatsu, K. (2023, December). An Experimental-Numerical Approach for Energy Loss Separation of Grain-Oriented Electrical Steels. Presented at International Magnetic Conference (InterMag 2023), Sendai, Japan
- Gao, Y., Matsuyuki, K., Dozono, H., Muramatsu, K., Guan, W., Tian, C., Yuan, J., Chen, B., & Hamzehbahmani, H. (2022, December). Modeling of Excess Loss in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet Considering Grain Orientation. Presented at ”, IEEE 20th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), Virtual
- Guan, W., Gao, Y., Muramatsu, K., & Hamzehbahmani, H. (2020, December). Modelling of Domain Wall Associated Eddy Current in Silicon Steels. Presented at IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field computation (IEEE CEFC), Pisa, Italy
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2022, December). A Novel Experimental Approach for Static Hysteresis Modelling of Electrical Steels for Energy Loss Analysis. Presented at International Electric Steel Sheet Summit 2022 (IESSS2022), Aachen, Germany
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Anderson, P., Hall, J., & Fox, D. (2013, September). Modeling inter-laminar insulation faults at random positions in laminated magnetic cores. Paper presented at Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM21), Budapest-Hungary
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Gao, Y., Guan, W., Tian, C., Yuan, J., Chen, B., & Hamzehbahmani, H. (2023, November). Modeling of Excess Loss Due to Variation of Grain Orientation in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet. Presented at ISEM 2023: 21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
- Sabariego, R., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Ducharne, B. (2023, December). Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Laminated Magnetic Cores with Inter-Laminar Faults. Presented at 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2023), Kyoto, Japan
- Zhao, H., Gao, Y., Guan, W., Muramatsu, K., & Hamzehbahmani, H. (2021, December). Iron loss calculation of non-oriented silicon steel considering hysteresis using Fourier series expansion. Presented at International Magnetic Conference (InterMag 2021), Virtual
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Sabariego, R., & Ducharne, B. (2023, December). An Experimental-Analytical Approach for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores with Predominant Focus on Axial off-set Between the Short Circuit Points. Presented at International Magnetic Conference (InterMag 2023), Sendai, Japan
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2023, December). Spectrum Analysis of Magnetic Field Strength for Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores. Presented at 26th Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM26) conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2019, December). Characterisation of Grain Oriented Electrical Steels based on the Dynamic Hysteresis Loop (DHL). Presented at Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM), Poznań, Poland
- Zahloul, H., Khaliq, A., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Veremieiev, S. (2022, December). An Approach to Dynamic Behaviour of a Grid Connected PV System During Symmetrical Short Circuit Fault. Presented at The 13th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2022), Hammamet, Tunisia
- Hamzehbahmani, H., & Zhang, Z. (2019, December). Characterisation of Non Oriented Electrical Steels based on the Dynamic Hysteresis Loop (DHL). Presented at Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM), Poznań, Poland
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2022, May). Magnetic Hysteresis: A Reliable Technique for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores. Paper presented at 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM25), Grenoble, France
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Sabariego, R., & Ducharne, B. (2024, April). A Pragmatic Approach for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores with Predominant Focus on Axial off-set Between the Fault Points. Presented at The International Steel Sheet Summit, Aachen, Germany
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2024, May). Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Magnetic Field Strength for Effective Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores. Presented at 2024 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Bahmani, H. (2024, May). Interlaminar faults in a GOFeSi laminated magnetic core: measurements and simulations. Presented at IEEE International Magnetic Conference (InterMag 2024), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Kira, A., Gao, Y., Guan, W., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Muramatsu, K. (2024, June). AC Hysteresis Modeling of Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel Considering DC Hysteresis and Anomalous Field. Presented at 2024 IEEE 21st Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), Jeju, Korea, Republic of
- Zhang, Z., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Gaskell, P. (2022, December). A New Hysteresis Model for characterising Grain-Oriented Electrical Steels. Presented at 25th Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM25), Grenoble, France,
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2018, December). Development of a New Approach to Core Quality Assessment of Modern Electrical Machines. Presented at International Magnetic Conference (InterMag2018),, Singapore
- Hamzehbahmani, H., & Anderson, P. (2017, December). Characterization of Non-Oriented Electrical Steels for High Frequency Applications. Presented at Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM23), Sevilla-Spain
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Haddad, A., Griffiths, H., Harid, N., & Guo, D. (2016, December). Application of an analysis technique to characterise impulse response of grounding systems. Presented at 2016 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Estoril, Lisboa
- Hasan, H., Hamzehbahmani, H., Robson, S., Griffiths, H., Clark, D., & Haddad, A. (2015, December). Characterization of horizontal earth electrodes: Variable frequency and impulse responses. Presented at 2015 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Stoke‐on‐Trent, United Kingdom
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Griffiths, H., Haddad, A., & Guo, D. (2015, December). Earthing requirements for HVDC systems. Presented at 2015 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Stoke‐on‐Trent, United Kingdom
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Anderson, P., & Eldieb, A. (2015, December). An overview of the recent developments of the inter-laminar short circuit fault detection methods in magnetic cores. Presented at 2015 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Stoke‐on‐Trent, United Kingdom
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2011, September). Investigation of series compensation on dynamic performance of short rotor linear induction motors. Presented at 46th International Universities Power engineering Conference (UPEC2011),, Soest, Germany
Journal Article
- Ducharne, B., Hamzehbahmani, H., Sabariego, R. V., & Gao, Y. (2024). Magnetic behavior of a laminated magnetic core in the presence of interlaminar faults: A simulation method based on fractional operators. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 603, Article 172278.
- Bahmani, H. (2024). Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Magnetic Field Strength for Effective Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 60(9), 1-9.
- Zahloul, H., Khaliq, A., Hamzehbahmani, H., Veremieiev, S., & Salous, S. (2024). Evaluation of LVRT capability and stability analysis of VSC based advanced control approach for grid connected PV system under grid fault conditions. Heliyon, 10(5), Article e26935.
- Ducharne, B., Hamzehbahmani, H., Gao, Y., Fagan, P., & Sebald, G. (2024). High-Frequency Fractional Predictions and Spatial Distribution of the Magnetic Loss in a Grain-Oriented Magnetic Steel Lamination. Fractal and Fractional, 8(3), Article 176.
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Sabariego, R. V., & Ducharne, B. (2024). A Knowledge-Based Analysis of Interlaminar Faults for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores With Predominant Focus on Axial Offset Between the Fault Points. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 1-10.
- Zhang, Z., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Gaskell, P. (2023). A new hysteresis simulation method for interpreting the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 576, Article 170763.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2023). An Enhanced Analysis of Inter-Laminar Faults in Magnetic Cores with Grain Oriented Electrical Steels for Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring: Theoretical Background and Experimental Verification. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72, Article 6002610.
- Zhang, Z., Hamzehbahmani, H., & Gaskell, P. H. (2022). A Novel Dynamic Hysteresis Model for Grain-Oriented Electrical Steels Based on Magnetic Domain Theory. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58(1), 1-9.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2021). Static hysteresis modeling for grain-oriented electrical steels based on the phenomenological concepts of energy loss mechanism. Journal of Applied Physics, 130(5), Article 055102.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2021). A Phenomenological Approach for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores based on the Hysteresis Phenomenon. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, Article 6003409.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2020). An Experimental Approach for Condition Monitoring of Magnetic Cores with Grain Oriented Electrical Steels. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(6), 3395-3402.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2020). Inter-Laminar Fault Analysis of Magnetic Cores with Grain-Oriented Electrical Steels under Harmonic Distortion Magnetisations. IET Science, Measurements and Technology, 14(1), 26-31.
- Hamzehbahmani, H. (2019). Development of a New Approach to Core Quality Assessment of Modern Electrical Machines. IET Electric Power Applications, 13(6), 750-756.
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Jenkins, K., Anderson, P., & Lindenmo, M. (2016). Experimental study on inter-laminar short-circuit faults at random positions in laminated magnetic cores. IET Electric Power Applications, 10(7), 604-613.
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Preece, S., & Anderson, P. (2015). Application of an advanced eddy-current loss modelling to magnetic properties of electrical steel laminations in a wide range of measurements. IET Science, Measurements and Technology, 9(7), 807-816.
- Hamzehbahmani, H., Anderson, P., Hall, J., & Fox, D. (2013). Eddy Current Loss Estimation of Edge Burr-Affected Magnetic Laminations Based on Equivalent Electrical Network—Part I: Fundamental Concepts and FEM Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29(2), 642-650.