Staff profile
Professor Jan Verlet
Head of Department
Affiliation | Telephone |
Head of Department in the Department of Chemistry | +44 (0) 191 33 42159 |
- 2016 Professor, Durham University
- 2013 Reader, Durham University
- 2012 Senior Lecturer, Durham University
- 2006 Lecturer, Durham University
- 2003 Post-doctoral fellow, Univesity of California at Berkeley
- 2003 PhD. King's College London
- 1999 MSci. Chemistry, King's College London
Awards and fellowships
- Senior Scientist, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Pargue (2024-29) link
- RSC Bourke-Liversidge Prize (2023) link
- RSC Corday Morgan Prize (2021) link
- JILA Visiting Fellow (2019) link
- Co-editor, International Review in Physical Chemistry (2018 – present) link
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2016)
- European Research Council Starting Grant (2012-2017)
- EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2006-2011)
The goal of our research group is to gain new insight and understanding of chemical and physical change of molecules upon the interaction with photons and electrons. These changes underpin many processes is science and technology. For photon-driven chemistry, our interest ranges from photoactive proteins and DNA to atmospheric chemistry. For electron-driven chemistry, our interest ranges from electron transport chains in nature to electron capture within dense molecular cloud in the interstellar medium. We have developed novel methods that we exploit to access new information about the dynamics that dictate photon- or electron-driven chemistry, with a view to fully understand basic mechanistic details. Some highlights of our work include: the observation of electrons at the water/air interface (1), the first real-time measurement an electron-molecule reaction (2), the simultaneous probing of electronic and nuclear dynamics along a reaction coordinate (3); new insight into the role of non-valence states in anions (4); and the role of solvation in driving electron capture (5). For more details and other advances, visit our website.
C. J. C. Jordan, M. P. Coons, J. M. Herbert and J. R. R. Verlet "Spectroscopy and dynamics of the hydrated electron at the water/air interface" Nature Comm. 15, 182 (2024); D. M. Sagar, C. D. Bain, and J. R. R. Verlet "Hydrated electrons at the water/air interface" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 6917 (2010); P. J. Nowakowski, D. A. Woods, and J. R. R. Verlet "Charge Transfer to Solvent Dynamics at the Ambient Water/air Interface" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 4049 (2016);
D. A. Horke, Q. Li, L. Blancafort, and J. R. R. Verlet "Ultrafast above-threshold dynamics of the radical anion of a prototypical quinone electron-acceptor" Nature Chem. 5, 711 (2013); J. N. Bull, C. W. West, and J. R. R. Verlet "On the formation of anions: Frequency-, angle-, and time-resolved photoelectron imaging of the menadione radical anion" Chem. Sci. 6, 1578 (2015)
C. J. Clarke , J. A. Gibbard , L. Hutton , J. R. R. Verlet, and B. F. E. Curchod "Photochemistry of the pyruvate anion produces CO2, CO, CH3-, CH3, and a low energy electron" Nature Comm. 13, 937 (2022); C. S. Anstöter, B. F. E. Curchod, and J. R. R. Verlet "Geometric and electronic structure probed along the isomerisation coordinate of a photoactive yellow protein chromophore"Nature Comm. 11, 2827 (2020)
J. P. Rogers, C. S. Anstöter, and J. R. R. Verlet "Ultrafast dynamics of low-energy electron attachment via a non-valence correlation-bound state" Nature Chem. 10, 341 (2018); J. N. Bull, C. S. Anstöter, and J. R. R. Verlet "Ultrafast valence to non-valence excited state dynamics in a common anionic chromophore" Nature Comm. 10, 5820 (2019); J. N. Bull and J. R. R. Verlet "Observation and ultrafast dynamics of a nonvalence correlation-bound state of an anion" Sci. Adv. 3, e1603106 (2017); C. S. Anstöter, G. Mensa-Bonsu, P. Nag, M. Ranković, R. Kumar T. P., A. N. Boichenko, A. V. Bochenkova, J. Fedor, and J. R. R. Verlet "Mode-specific vibrational autodetachment following excitation of electronic resonances by electrons and photons" Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 203401 (2020)
G. A. Cooper, C. J. Clarke and J. R. R. Verlet "Low-energy Shape Resonances of a Nucleobase in Water" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 1319 (2023); A. Lietard, G. Mensa-Bonsu, and J. R. R. Verlet "The effect of solvation on electron capture revealed using anion 2D photoelectron spectroscopy" Nature Chem. (2021)
Research interests
- Quantum Dynamics of Isolated Anions
- Photon and Electron Driven Chemistry
- Photochemistry at Aqueous Interfaces
Journal Article
- Pritchard, F. G., Jordan, C. J. C., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2024). Probing photochemical dynamics using electronic vs vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy: The case of the hydrated electron at the water/air interface. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161(17), Article 170901.
- Clarke, C. J., Burrow, E. M., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2024). The valence electron affinity of uracil determined by anion cluster photoelectron spectroscopy . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(29), 20037-20045.
- Clarke, C. J., Gibbard, J. A., Brittain, W. D. G., & Brittain, J. R. R. (2024). Predicting the increase in electron affinity of phenoxy upon fluorination. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 277, Article 110306.
- Slimak, S., Lietard, A., Jordan, K. D., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2024). Effect of N Atom Substitution on Electronic Resonances: A 2D Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Computational Study of Anthracene, Acridine, and Phenazine Anions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 128(27), 5321-5330.
- Gibbard, J. A., Kellow, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2024). Photoelectron spectroscopy of the deprotonated tryptophan anion: the contribution of deprotomers to its photodetachment channels. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(15), 12053-12059.
- Jordan, C. J. C., Coons, M. P., Herbert, J. M., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2024). Spectroscopy and dynamics of the hydrated electron at the water/air interface. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 182.
- Gibbard, J. A., Reppel, J., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2023). Photodissociation of permanganate (MnO 4 − ) produces the manganese dioxide anion (MnO 2 − ) in an excited triplet state. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(48), 32939-32947.
- Gibbard, J. A., Reppel, J., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2023). Note: Photoelectron imaging of MnO3- to probe its nuclear and electronic structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 159(14), Article 146101.
- Cooper, G. A., Clarke, C. J., & Verlet, J. R. R. (2023). Electron impact resonances of uracil in an aqueous environment from anion photoelectron imaging. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 56(18), Article 185102.
- Gibbard, J., & Verlet, J. (2023). Unraveling the decarboxylation dynamics of the fluorescein dianion with fragment action spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158(15), Article 154306.
- Ranković, M., Nag, P., Anstöter, C. S., Mensa-Bonsu, G., Kumar T.P., R., Verlet, J. R., & Fedor, J. (2022). Resonances in nitrobenzene probed by the electron attachment to neutral and by the photodetachment from anion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(6), Article 064302.
- Jordan, C. J., Lowe, E. A., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Photooxidation of the Phenolate Anion is Accelerated at the Water/Air Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(31), 14012-14015.
- Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). A Hückel Model for the Excited-State Dynamics of a Protein Chromophore Developed Using Photoelectron Imaging. Accounts of Chemical Research, 55(9), 1205-1213.
- Lietard, A., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Effect of Microhydration on the Temporary Anion States of Pyrene. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13(16), 3529-3533.
- Anstöter, C. S., Curchod, B. F., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Photo-isomerization of the isolated photoactive yellow protein chromophore: what comes before the primary step?. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(3), 1305-1309.
- Gibbard, J. A., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Photoelectron imaging of PtI2− and its PtI− photodissociation product. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(13),
- Cooper, G. A., Clarke, C. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Low-Energy Shape Resonances of a Nucleobase in Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(2), 1319-1326.
- Gibbard, J. A., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Photoelectron Imaging Study of the Diplatinum Iodide Dianions [Pt2I6]2– and [Pt2I8]2–. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126(22),
- Guillen-Garcia, A., Gibson, S., Jordan, C., Ramaswamy, V., Linthwaite, V., Bromley, E., Brown, A., Hodgson, D., Blower, T., Verlet, J., Degiacomi, M., Palsson, L.-O., & Cann, M. (2022). Allophycocyanin A is a carbon dioxide receptor in the cyanobacterial phycobilisome. Nature Communications, 13, Article 5289.
- Clarke, C. J., Gibbard, J. A., Hutton, L., Verlet, J. R., & Curchod, B. F. (2022). Photochemistry of the pyruvate anion produces CO2, CO, CH3–, CH3, and a low energy electron. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 937.
- Gibbard, J. A., & Verlet, J. R. (2022). Kasha’s Rule and Koopmans’ Correlations for Electron Tunnelling through Repulsive Coulomb Barriers in a Polyanion. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13(33), 7797-7801.
- Bull, J. N., Anstöter, C. S., Stockett, M. H., Clarke, C. J., Gibbard, J. A., Bieske, E. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Nonadiabatic Dynamics between Valence, Nonvalence, and Continuum Electronic States in a Heteropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(49), 11811-11816.
- Lietard, A., Screen, M. A., Flindt, D. L., Jordan, C. J., Robson, J. M., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). A Combined Spectrophotometer and Fluorometer to Demonstrate the Principles of Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(12), 3871-3877.
- Jordan, C. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Time-resolved electronic sum-frequency generation spectroscopy with fluorescence suppression using optical Kerr gating. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155(16),
- Lietard, A., Mensa-Bonsu, G., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). The effect of solvation on electron capture revealed using anion two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy. Nature Chemistry, 13(8), 737-742.
- Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Modeling the Photoelectron Angular Distributions of Molecular Anions: Roles of the Basis Set, Orbital Choice, and Geometry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(22), 4888-4895.
- Castellani, M. E., Avagliano, D., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Ultrafast Dynamics of the Isolated Adenosine-5′-triphosphate Dianion Probed by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Imaging. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(17), 3646-3652.
- Castellani, M. E., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Intramolecular Photo-Oxidation as a Potential Source to Probe Biological Electron Damage: A Carboxylated Adenosine Analogue as Case Study. Molecules, 26(10), Article 2877.
- Ashworth, E. K., Anstöter, C. S., Verlet, J. R., & Bull, J. N. (2021). Autodetachment dynamics of 2-naphthoxide and implications for astrophysical anion abundance. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(10), 5817-5823.
- Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Photoelectron imaging of the SO3 anion: vibrational resolution in photoelectron angular distributions*. Molecular Physics, 119(1-2), Article e1821921.
- Lietard, A., Verlet, J. R., Slimak, S., & Jordan, K. D. (2021). Temporary Anion Resonances of Pyrene: A 2D Photoelectron Imaging and Computational Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(32), 7004-7013.
- Gibbard, J. A., Clarke, C. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2021). Photoelectron spectroscopy of the protoporphyrin IX dianion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(34),
- Castellani, M. E., Avagliano, D., González, L., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Site-Specific Photo-oxidation of the Isolated Adenosine-5′-triphosphate Dianion Determined by Photoelectron Imaging. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(19), 8195-8201.
- Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Gas-phase Synthesis and Characterisation of the Methyl-2,2-dicyanoacetate Anion Using Photoelectron Imaging and Dipole-bound State Autodetachment. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(15), 6456-6462.
- Anstöter, C. S., Mensa-Bonsu, G., Nag, P., Ranković, M., Kumar T. P., R., Boichenko, A. N., Bochenkova, A. V., Fedor, J., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Mode-Specific Vibrational Autodetachment Following Excitation of Electronic Resonances by Electrons and Photons. Physical Review Letters, 124(20), Article 203401.
- Mensa-Bonsu, G., Lietard, A., Tozer, D. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Low energy electron impact resonances of anthracene probed by 2D photoelectron imaging of its radical anion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(17), Article 174303.
- Verlet, J. R., Anstöter, C. S., Bull, J. N., & Rogers, J. P. (2020). Role of Nonvalence States in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Isolated Anions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(18), 3507-3519.
- Gregory, J., Verlet, J. R., & Bull, J. N. (2020). Spectroscopic characterisation of radical polyinterhalogen molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(16), 8284-8288.
- Bull, J. N., Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Fingerprinting the Excited State Dynamics in Methyl Ester and Methyl Ether Anions of Deprotonated para-Coumaric Acid. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(11), 2140-2151.
- Zagorec-Marks, W., Foreman, M. M., Verlet, J. R., & Weber, J. M. (2020). Probing the Microsolvation Environment of the Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore In Vacuo. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(5), 1940-1946.
- Anstöter, C. S., Curchod, B. F., & Verlet, J. R. (2020). Geometric and electronic structure probed along the isomerisation coordinate of a photoactive yellow protein chromophore. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 2827.
- Bull, J. N., Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Ultrafast valence to non-valence excited state dynamics in a common anionic chromophore. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article 5820.
- Mensa-Bonsu, G., Wilson, M. R., Tozer, D. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Photoelectron spectroscopy of para-benzoquinone cluster anions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(20), Article 204302.
- Zagorec-Marks, W., Foreman, M. M., Verlet, J. R., & Weber, J. M. (2019). Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy of the Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore in Vacuo. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(24), 7817-7822.
- Mensa-Bonsu, G., Tozer, D. J., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Photoelectron spectroscopic study of I−·ICF3: a frontside attack SN2 pre-reaction complex. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(26), 13977-13985.
- Anstöter, C. S., Rogers, J. P., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Spectroscopic Determination of an Anion-π Bond Strength. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(15), 6132-6135.
- Tyson, A. L., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). On the Mechanism of Phenolate Photo-Oxidation in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 123(10), 2373-2379.
- Rogers, J. P., Anstöter, C. S., Bull, J. N., Curchod, B. F., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Photoelectron Spectroscopy of the Hexafluorobenzene Cluster Anions: (C₆F₆)n− (n = 1 – 5) and I−(C₆F₆). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(8), 1602-1612.
- Lietard, A., & Verlet, J. R. (2019). Selectivity in Electron Attachment to Water Clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(6), 1180-1184.
- Tyson, A. L., Woods, D. A., & Verlet, J. R. (2018). Time-resolved second harmonic generation with single-shot phase sensitivity. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149(20), Article 204201.
- Anstöter, C. S., Gartmann, T. E., Stanley, L. H., Bochenkova, A. V., & Verlet, J. R. (2018). Electronic structure of the para-dinitrobenzene radical anion: a combined 2D photoelectron imaging and computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(37), 24019-24026.
- Rogers, J. P., Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2018). Evidence of Electron Capture of an Outgoing Photoelectron Wave by a Nonvalence State in (C6F6)n–. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9, 2504-2509.
- Rogers, J. P., Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2018). Ultrafast dynamics of low-energy electron attachment via a non-valence correlation-bound state. Nature Chemistry, 10, 341-346.
- Anstöter, C. S., Dean, C. R., & Verlet, J. R. (2017). Chromophores of chromophores: a bottom-up Hückel picture of the excited states of photoactive proteins. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(44), 29772-29779.
- Bull, J. N., & Verlet, J. R. (2017). Dynamics of π*-resonances in anionic clusters of para-toluquinone. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(39), 26589-26595.
- Bull, J. N., & Verlet, J. R. (2017). Observation and ultrafast dynamics of a nonvalence correlation-bound state of an anion. Science Advances, 3(5), Article e1603106.
- Anstöter, C. S., Dean, C. R., & Verlet, J. R. (2017). Sensitivity of Photoelectron Angular Distributions to Molecular Conformations of Anions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(10), 2268-2273.
- Stanley, L. H., Anstöter, C. S., & Verlet, J. R. (2017). Resonances of the anthracenyl anion probed by frequency-resolved photoelectron imaging of collision-induced dissociated anthracene carboxylic acid. Chemical Science, 8(4), 3054-3061.
- West, C., Bull, J., & Verlet, J. (2016). Charged Particle Imaging of the Deprotonated Octatrienoic Acid Anion: Evidence for a Photoinduced Cyclization Reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(22), 4635-4640.
- Nowakowski, P., Woods, D., & Verlet, J. (2016). Charge Transfer to Solvent Dynamics at the Ambient Water/Air Interface. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(20), 4079-4085.
- Bruggeman, P., Kushner, M., Locke, B., Gardeniers, J., Graham, W., Graves, D., Hofman-Caris, R., Maric, D., Reid, J., Ceriani, E., Fernandez Rivas, D., Foster, J., Garrick, S., Gorbanev, Y., Hamaguchi, S., Iza, F., Jablonowski, H., Klimova, E., Kolb, J., Krcma, F., …Zvereva, G. (2016). Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(5), Article 053002.
- Anstöter, C., Bull, J., & Verlet, J. (2016). Ultrafast dynamics of temporary anions probed through the prism of photodetachment. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 35(4), 509-538.
- Bull, J., West, C., & Verlet, J. (2016). Ultrafast dynamics of formation and autodetachment of a dipole-bound state in an open-shell π-stacked dimer anion. Chemical Science, 7(8), 5352-5361.
- Anstöter, C., West, C., Bull, J., & Verlet, J. (2016). The Vitamin E Radical Probed by Anion Photoelectron Imaging. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 120(29), 7108-7113.
- Stavros, V., & Verlet, J. (2016). Gas-Phase Femtosecond Particle Spectroscopy: A Bottom-Up Approach to Nucleotide Dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 67(1), 211-232.
- West, C., Bull, J., Woods, D., & Verlet, J. (2016). Photoelectron imaging as a probe of the repulsive Coulomb barrier in the photodetachment of antimony tartrate dianions. Chemical Physics Letters, 645, 138-143.
- Bull, J., West, C., & Verlet, J. (2015). Internal conversion outcompetes autodetachment from resonances in the deprotonated tetracene anion continuum. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(48), 32464-32471.
- Bull, J., West, C., & Verlet, J. (2015). Anion resonances and above-threshold dynamics of coenzyme Q0. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(24), 16125-16135.
- West, C., Bull, J., Hudson, A., Cobb, S., & Verlet, J. (2015). Excited State Dynamics of the Isolated Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore Anion Following UV Excitation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 119(10), 3982-3987.
- Nowakowski, P. J., Woods, D. A., Bain, C. D., & Verlet, J. R. (2015). Time-resolved phase-sensitive second harmonic generation spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(8),
- Bull, J. N., West, C. W., & Verlet, J. R. (2015). On the formation of anions: frequency-, angle-, and time-resolved photoelectron imaging of the menadione radical anion. Chemical Science, 6(2), 1578-1589.
- Horke, D., Chatterley, A., Bull, J., & Verlet, J. (2015). Time-Resolved Photodetachment Anisotropy: Gas-Phase Rotational and Vibrational Dynamics of the Fluorescein Anion. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(1), 189-194.
- West, C., Bull, J., Antonkov, E., & Verlet, J. (2014). Anion Resonances of para-Benzoquinone Probed by Frequency-Resolved Photoelectron Imaging. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118(48), 11346-11354.
- Chatterley, A., West, C., Stavros, V., & Verlet, J. (2014). Time-resolved photoelectron imaging of the isolated deprotonated nucleotides. Chemical Science, 5(10), 3963-3975.
- Verlet, J., Horke, D., & Chatterley, A. (2014). Excited states of multiply-charged anions probed by photoelectron imaging: riding the repulsive Coulomb barrier. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(29), 15043-15052.
- Chatterley, A., West, C., Roberts, G., Stavros, V., & Verlet, J. (2014). Mapping the Ultrafast Dynamics of Adenine onto Its Nucleotide and Oligonucleotides by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Imaging. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(5), 843-848.
- Chatterley, A., Horke, D., & Verlet, J. (2014). Effects of resonant excitation, pulse duration and intensity on photoelectron imaging of a dianion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(2), 489-496.
- Horke, D., Chatterley, A., & Verlet, J. (2013). Influence of the repulsive Coulomb barrier on photoelectron spectra and angular distributions in a resonantly excited dianion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(8), Article 084302.
- West, C., Hudson, A., Cobb, S., & Verlet, J. (2013). Communication: Autodetachment versus internal conversion from the S1 state of the isolated GFP chromophore anion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(7),
- Horke, D., Li, Q., Blancafort, L., & Verlet, J. (2013). Ultrafast above-threshold dynamics of the radical anion of a prototypical quinone electron-acceptor. Nature Chemistry, 5(8), 711-717.
- Chatterley, A., Johns, A., Stavros, V., & Verlet, J. (2013). Base-Specific Ionization of Deprotonated Nucleotides by Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Detachment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117(25), 5299-5305.
- Mooney, C., Horke, D., Chatterley, A., Simperler, A., Fielding, H., & Verlet, J. (2013). Taking the green fluorescence out of the protein:dynamics of the isolated GFP chromophore anion. Chemical Science, 4(3), 921-927.
- Chatterley, A., Horke, D., & Verlet, J. (2012). On the intrinsic photophysics of indigo: a time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy study of the indigo carmine dianion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(46), 16155-16161.
- Horke, D., & Verlet, J. (2012). Photoelectron spectroscopy of the model GFP chromophore anion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(24), 8511-8515.
- Horke, D., Roberts, G., Lecointre, J., & Verlet, J. (2012). Velocity-map imaging at low extraction fields. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(6),
- Horke, D., Chatterley, A., & Verlet, J. (2012). Femtosecond Photoelectron Imaging of Aligned Polyanions: Probing Molecular Dynamics through the Electron−Anion Coulomb Repulsion. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3(7), 834-838.
- Horke, D., Chatterley, A., & Verlet, J. (2012). Effect of Internal Energy on the Repulsive Coulomb Barrier of Polyanions. Physical Review Letters, 108(8), Article 083003.
- Horke, D., & Verlet, J. (2011). Time-resolved photoelectron imaging of the chloranil radical anion: ultrafast relaxation of electronically excited electron acceptor states. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(43), 19546-19552.
- Horke, D., Roberts, G., & Verlet, J. (2011). Excited States in Electron-Transfer Reaction Products: Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of an Isolated Acceptor Radical Anion. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(30), 8369-8374.
- Lecointre, J., Roberts, G., Horke, D., & Verlet, J. (2010). Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics Observed Through Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114(42), 11216-11224.
- Roberts, G., Lecointre, J., Horke, D., & Verlet, J. .. (2010). Spectroscopy and dynamics of the 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane radical anion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(23), 6226-6232.
- Sagar, D., Bain, C., & Verlet, J. (2010). Hydrated Electrons at the Water/Air Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(20), 6917-6919.
- Roberts, G., Nixon, J., Lecointre, J., Wrede, E., & Verlet, J. (2009). Toward real-time charged-particle image reconstruction using polar onion-peeling. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(5), Article 053104.
- Verlet, J. (2008). Femtosecond spectroscopy of cluster anions: insights into condensed-phase phenomena from the gas-phase. Chemical Society Reviews, 37(3),
- Kammrath, A., Griffin, G., Verlet, J., Young, R., & Neumark, D. (2007). Time-resolved photoelectron imaging of large anionic methanol clusters: (Methanol)(n)(-)(n similar to 145-535). The Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(24),
- Kammrath, A., Verlet, J., Griffin, G., & Neumark, D. (2006). Photoelectron spectroscopy of large (water)(n)(-) (n=50-200) clusters at 4.7 eV. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125(7),
- Kammrath, A., Verlet, J., Griffin, G., & Neumark, D. (2006). Photoelectron imaging of large anionic methanol clusters: (MeOH)(n)(-) (n similar to 70-460. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125(17),
- Bragg, A., Verlet, J., Kammrath, A., Cheshnovsky, O., & Neumark, D. (2005). Electronic relaxation dynamics of water cluster anions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(43),
- Verlet, J., Bragg, A., Kammrath, A., Cheshnovsky, O., & Neumark, D. (2005). Observation of large water-cluster anions with surface-bound excess electrons. Science, 307(5706), 93-96.
- Verlet, J., Kammrath, A., Griffin, G., & Neumark, D. (2005). Electron solvation in water clusters following charge transfer from iodide. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 123(23),
- Kammrath, A., Verlet, J., Bragg, A., Griffin, G., & Neumark, D. (2005). Dynamics of charge-transfer-to-solvent precursor states in I-(water)(n) (n=3-10) clusters studied with photoelectron imaging. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 109(50),
- Verlet, J., Bragg, A., Kammrath, A., Cheshnovsky, O., & Neumark, D. (2005). Comment on "Characterization of excess electrons in water-cluster anions by quantum simulations". Science, 310(5755),
- Bragg, A., Verlet, J., Kammrath, A., Cheshnovsky, O., & Neumark, D. (2005). Time-resolved intraband electronic relaxation dynamics of Hg-n(-) clusters (n=7-13,15,18) excited at 1.0 eV. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 122(5),
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