Staff profile
Dr Jonathan Warren
Jon Warren is a Social Scientist. His research interests are focussed on de-industrialisation and how its effects have manifested themselves in the lives and experiences of those living in areas like the North East of England. He has published work in the fields of disability studies, social policy and the sociology of work.
Jon first came to Durham as a part time postgraduate student in 1996 and completed his Master’s degree in the Sociology department, his dissertation supervisor was Professor Roy Boyne who would later become Principal of Cuth’s. He returned to Durham to study for his doctorate in 2005. Jon’s research on the call centre industry centred on the North East but also took him to India for two months fieldwork. After completing his PhD Jon worked in the School of Applied Social Sciences before moving to the Geography department where he worked until 2017. Jon worked briefly at Newcastle University in 2017/2018 before returning to Durham to take up his current position at Cuth’s in 2018.
As Vice-Principal Jon has a wide remit. This involves enhancing intellectual curiosity within the student body, ensuring students have opportunities for personal development, liaison with academic departments and outreach to the local community.
Jon is married to Susan and has one son James. He is a trustee of his local community library and a Boy’s Brigade leader. His other interests include, motorcycling, (riding and rebuilding), cricket (watching and playing), music, flying, photography and cinema.
Research interests
- Disability Studies
- Sociology of Work
- Sociology of the North East of England
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Warren, J. Policy, practice and difference within welfare regimes: Evidence from the UK. In Handbook of Social Policy Evaluation.
- Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (2015). How can integrated services help sick and disabled people remain in employment? Findings from an evaluation of an in-work support service in the North of England. In C. Grover, & L. Piggott (Eds.), Disabled people, work and welfare: Is employment really the answer?. Policy Press
- Warren, J., & Garthwaite, K. (2014). Biographies of Place: Challenging Official Spatial Constructions of Sickness and Disability. In K. Soldatic, A. Roulstone, & H. Morgan (Eds.), Disability – Spaces and Places of Policy Exclusion. Routledge
- Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (2013). A health problem? Health and employability in the UK labour market. In C. Lindsay, & D. Houston (Eds.), Disability Benefits and Employment Policy: Fit for Work? Fit for Purpose?. Palgrave Macmillan
Journal Article
- Baumberg, B., Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (online). Incapacity needs to be assessed in the real world Rethinking the Work Capability Assessment
- Akhter, N., Fairbairn, R. S., Pearce, M., Warren, J., Kasim, A., & Bambra, C. (2021). Local inequalities in health behaviours: longitudinal findings from the Stockton-on-Tees cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), Article 11018.
- Warren, J. (2020). “Whatever Did Ever Happen to the Likely Lads”? Social Change, Mobility, Class, and Identity in the UK 1969–2019. Frontiers in Sociology, 5,
- Mattheys, K., Warren, J., & Bambra, C. (2018). “Treading in sand”: A qualitative study of the impact of austerity on inequalities in mental health. Social Policy and Administration, 52(7), 1275-1289.
- Geiger, B. B., Garthwaite, K., Warren, J., & Bambra, C. (2018). Assessing work disability for social security benefits: international models for the direct assessment of work capacity. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(24), 2962-2970.
- Bhandari, R., Kasim, A., Warren, J., Akhter, N., & Bambra, C. (2017). Geographical inequalities in health in a time of austerity: Baseline findings from the Stockton-on-Tees cohort study. Health & Place, 48, 111-122.
- Warren, J. (2017). “The way things get done around here…” Exploring spatial biographies, social policy and governance in the North East of England. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37(11/12), 655-666.
- Lake, A., Warren, J., Copeland, A., Rushmer, R., & Bambra, C. (2016). Developing virtual public health networks: aspiration and reality. Journal of Public Health, 38(4), e446-e454.
- Mattheys, K., Bambra, C., Warren, J., Kasim, A., & Akhter, N. (2016). Inequalities in mental health and well-being in a time of austerity: Baseline findings from the Stockton-on-Tees cohort study. SSM - Population Health, 2, 350-359.
- Cairns, J., Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., Greig, G., & Bambra, C. (2015). Go slow: an umbrella review of the effects of 20mph zones and limits on health and health inequalities. Journal of Public Health, 37(3), 515-520.
- Warren, J., & Garthwaite, K. (2015). Whose side are we on and for whom do we write? Notes on issues and challenges facing those researching and evaluating public policy. Evidence and Policy, 11(2), 225-237.
- Warren, J., & Garthwaite, K. (2015). ‘We are volunteers and that sometimes gets forgotten’: exploring the motivations and needs of volunteers at a healthy living resource centre in the North East of England. Perspectives in Public Health, 135(2), 102-107.
- Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (2015). Help for heroes? Evaluating a case management programme for ex-service personnel in the United Kingdom. Perspectives in Public Health, 135(1), 37-42.
- Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (2014). After Atos Healthcare: is the Employment and Support Allowance fit for purpose and does the Work Capability Assessment have a future?. Disability and Society, 29(8), 1319-1323.
- Garthwaite, K., Bambra, C., Warren, J., Kasim, A., & Greig, G. (2014). Shifting the Goalposts: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study of the Health of Long-Term Incapacity Benefit Recipients during a Period of Substantial Change to the UK Social Security System. Journal of Social Policy, 43(02), 311-330.
- Warren, J., Wistow, J., & Bambra, C. (2014). Applying qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in public health: a case study of a health improvement service for long-term incapacity benefit recipients. Journal of Public Health, 36(1), 126-133.
- Warren, J., Bambra, C., Kasim, A., Garthwaite, K., Mason, J., & Booth, M. (2014). Prospective pilot evaluation of the effectiveness and cost-utility of a "health first" case management service for long-term Incapacity Benefit recipients. Journal of Public Health, 36(1), 117-125.
- Warren, J., Garthwaite, K., & Bambra, C. (2013). ‘It was just nice to be able to talk to somebody’: long-term incapacity benefit recipients' experiences of a case management intervention. Journal of Public Health, 35(4), 518-524.
- Warren, J., Wistow, J., & Bambra, C. (2013). Applying Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to evaluate a public health policy initiative in the North East of England. Policy and Society, 32(4),
- Garthwaite, K., Bambra, C., & Warren, J. (2013). 'The unwilling and the unwell’? Exploring stakeholders’ perceptions of working with long term sickness benefits recipients. Disability and Society, 28, 1104-1117.