Staff profile
Professor Kevin Weatherill
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43666 |
Research interests
- Rydberg Non-linear optics
- Terahertz sensing and imaging using Rydberg atoms
- Atom-light interactions
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Chen, S., Reed, D., Downes, L. A., MacKellar, A. R., Almuhawish, N. F., Jamieson, M. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2021, December). THz electrometry with Rydberg atoms and all IR lasers. Presented at 2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., Macleod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2005, June). Loading of selected sites in an optical lattice using light-shift engineering. Presented at International Conference of Laser Spectroscopy, Aviemore
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Allinson, G., Jamieson, M. J., Mackellar, A. R., Downes, L. A., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2024). Simultaneous multiband radio-frequency detection using high-orbital-angular-momentum states in a Rydberg-atom receiver. Physical Review Research, 6(2), Article 023317.
- Downes, L. A., Torralbo-Campo, L., & Weatherill, K. J. (2023). A practical guide to terahertz imaging using thermal atomic vapour. New Journal of Physics, 25, Article 035002.
- Downes, L. A., Whiting, D. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2022). Rapid readout of terahertz orbital angular momentum beams using atom-based imaging. Optics Letters, 47(22), 6001-6004.
- Chen, S., Reed, D. J., MacKellar, A. R., Downes, L. A., Almuhawish, N. F., Jamieson, M. J., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2022). Terahertz electrometry via infrared spectroscopy of atomic vapor. Optica, 9(5), 485-491.
- Almuhawish, N. F., Chen, S., Downes, L. A., Jamieson, M. J., MacKellar, A. R., & Weatherill, K. J. (2021). Polarization spectroscopy of an excited state transition in Rubidium. OSA continuum, 4(10), 2598-2605.
- Spong, N. L., Jiao, Y., Hughes, O. D., Weatherill, K. J., Lesanovsky, I., & Adams, C. S. (2021). Collectively encoded Rydberg qubit. Physical Review Letters, 127(6), Article 063604.
- Jiao, Y., Spong, N. L., Hughes, O. D., So, C., Ilieva, T., Weatherill, K. J., & Adams, C. S. (2020). Single-photon stored-light Ramsey interferometry using Rydberg polaritons. Optics Letters, 45(20), 5888-5891.
- Downes, L. A., MacKellar, A. R., Whiting, D. J., Bourgenot, C., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2020). Full-Field Terahertz Imaging at Kilohertz Frame Rates Using Atomic Vapor. Physical Review X, 10(1), Article 011027.
- Wade, C. G., Levi, E., Marcuzzi, M., Kondo, J. M., Lesanovsky, I., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2018). A terahertz-driven non-equilibrium phase transition in a room temperature atomic vapour. Nature Communications, 9, Article 3567.
- Šibalić, N., Pritchard, J. D., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2017). ARC: An open-source library for calculating properties of alkali Rydberg atoms. Computer Physics Communications, 220, 319-331.
- Hanley, R. K., Bounds, A. D., Huillery, P., Keegan, N. C., Faoro, R., Bridge, E. M., Weatherill, K. J., & Jones, M. P. (2017). Probing interactions of thermal Sr Rydberg atoms using simultaneous optical and ion detection. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50(11), Article 115002.
- Wade, C., Šibalić, N., De Melo, N., Kondo, J., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2017). Real-Time Near-Field Terahertz Imaging with Atomic Optical Fluorescence. Nature Photonics, 11(1), 40-43.
- Šibalić, N., Kondo, J., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2016). Dressed-state electromagnetically induced transparency for light storage in uniform-phase spin waves. Physical Review A, 94(3), Article 033840.
- Šibalić, N., Wade, C., Adams, C., Weatherill, K., & Pohl, T. (2016). Driven-dissipative many-body systems with mixed power-law interactions: Bistabilities and temperature-driven nonequilibrium phase transitions. Physical Review A, 94(1), Article 011401.
- de Melo, N. R., Wade, C. G., Šibalić, N., Kondo, J. M., Adams, C. S., & Weatherill, K. J. (2016). Intrinsic Optical Bistability in a Strongly-Driven Rydberg Ensemble. Physical Review A, 93(6), Article 063863.
- Kondo, J., Šibalić, N., Guttridge, A., Wade, C., De Melo, N., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2015). Observation of interference effects via four-photon excitation of highly excited Rydberg states in thermal cesium vapor. Optics Letters, 40(23), 5570-5573.
- Wade, C., Sibalic, N., Keaveney, J., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2014). Probing an Excited-State Atomic Transition Using Hyperfine Quantum Beat Spectroscopy. Physical Review A, 90, Article 033424.
- Urvoy, A., Carr, C., Ritter, R., Adams, C., Weatherill, K., & Löw, R. (2013). Optical coherences and wavelength mismatch in ladder systems. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 46(24), Article 245001.
- Ates, C., Lesanovsky, I., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2013). Fast and quasideterministic single ion source from a dipole-blockaded atomic ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 110(21), Article 213003.
- Maxwell, D., Szwer, D., Paredes-Barato, D., Busche, H., Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2013). Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons. Physical Review Letters, 110(10), Article 103001.
- Carr, C., Ritter, R., Wade, C., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2013). Nonequilibrium phase transition in a dilute Rydberg Ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 111(11), Article 113901.
- Carr, C., Tanasittikosol, M., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Three-photon electromagnetically induced transparency using Rydberg states. Optics Letters, 37(18), 3858-3860
- West, A., Wade, C., Weatherill, K., & Hughes, I. (2012). Piezoelectrically actuated time-averaged atomic microtraps. Applied Physics Letters, 101(2), Article 023115.
- West, A., Hayward, T., Weatherill, K., Schrefl, T., Allwood, D., & Hughes, I. (2012). A simple model for calculating magnetic nanowire domain wall fringing fields. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(9), Article 095002.
- Carr, C., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Polarization spectroscopy of an excited state transition. Optics Letters, 37(1), 118-120.
- Tanasittikosol, M., Carr, C., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2012). Subnatural linewidths in two-photon excited-state spectroscopy. Physical Review A, 85(3), Article 033830.
- West, A., Weatherill, K., Hayward, T., Fry, P., Schrefl, T., Gibbs, M., Adams, C., Allwood, D., & Hughes, I. (2012). Realization of the Manipulation of Ultracold Atoms with a Reconfigurable Nanomagnetic System of Domain Walls. Nano Letters, 12(8),
- Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Schrefl, T., Hughes, I., & Allwood, D. (2011). Nanomagnetic engineering of the properties of domain wall atom traps. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(12), Article 123918.
- Tanasittikosol, M., Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2011). Microwave dressing of Rydberg dark states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184020.
- Sevincli, S., Ates, C., Pohl, T., Schempp, H., Hofmann, C., Guenter, G., Amthor, T., Weidemueller, M., Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2011). Quantum interference in interacting three-level Rydberg gases: coherent population trapping and electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44,
- Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2011). Optical non-linearity in a dynamical Rydberg gas. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18),
- Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2010). Cooperative Atom-Light Interaction in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 105(19), Article 193603.
- Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Curran, P., Fry, P., Fundi, P., Gibbs, M., Schrefl, T., Adams, C., Hughes, I., Bending, S., & Allwood, D. (2010). Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(4),
- Abel, R., Mohapatra, A., Bason, M., Pritchard, J., Weatherill, K., Raitzsch, U., & Adams, C. (2009). Laser frequency stabilization to excited state transitions using electromagnetically induced transparency in a cascade system. Applied Physics Letters, 94(7), Article 071107.
- Weatherill, K., Pritchard, J., Griffin, P., Dammalapati, U., Adams, C., & Riis, E. (2009). A versatile and reliably re-usable ultra-high vacuum viewport. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(2),
- Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2009). Narrow absorptive resonances in a four-level atomic system. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(7),
- Mohapatra, A., Bason, M., Butscher, B., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2008). A giant electro-optic effect using polarizable dark states. Nature Physics, 4(11), 890-894.
- Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2008). Electro-optic control of atom-light interactions using Rydberg dark-state polaritons. Physical Review A, 77(3),
- Weatherill, K., Pritchard, J., Abel, R., Bason, M., Mohapatra, A., & Adams, C. (2008). Electromagnetically induced transparency of an interacting cold Rydberg ensemble. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(20), Article 201002.
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., MacLeod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2006). Spatially selective loading of an optical lattice by light-shift engineering using an auxiliary laser field. New Journal of Physics, 8(11),
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2005). Fast switching of alkali atom dispensers using laser induced heating. Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(9),
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