Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures | |
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Before coming to Durham University, I spent three years as an IAS and then as a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Warwick. Previously, I studied Philosophy and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford, where I also completed an M.St. and a D.Phil in Comparative Literature. At Durham, I teach on various courses, including the second-year module ‘Narratives of Fascist and Post-war Italy’ and my research-led final-year module 'Writing the Modern Self'. I currently serve as the Director of Italian Studies and I direct the MA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
My first book, Gadda and Beckett: Storytelling, Subjectivity and Fracture (awarded the Gadda First Prize), was published with Legenda's Italian Perspectives Series (2014). It provides an in-depth comparative reading of the two authors’ prose writings, shedding new light on the central notions of textual and linguistic fragmentation and the fractured sense of selfhood. Whilst situating Gadda and Beckett at the heart of the debate of these fundamental aspects of the late modernist European literary context, the study also rethinks some of the plurilingual and macaronic features associated with a particular tendency in the Italian literary tradition.
Research interests
My research interests include comparative approaches to twentieth-century and contemporary narrative and cultural products, with a particular focus on European modernism, the theoretical intersections between psychoanalysis and literature, gender studies, feminist theory, visual culture, trauma studies and discourses surrounding subjectivity and space. In recent years my research has mainly focused on post-WWII and contemporary women’s writing from a comparative perspective, including Elsa Morante, Natalia Ginzburg, Goliarda Sapienza, Elena Ferrante, Toni Morrison and Alice Sebold, and I am currently working on the intersections between visual tropes and traumatic expression.
Current research and collaborations
I have recently co-edited and co-written the introduction for the first volume of critical essays on Trauma Narratives in Italian and Transnational Women's Writing (Sapienza Università Editrice, 2022, co-edited with Tiziana de Rogatis), which includes a solely authored chapter on traumatic images and multistable visions in Elsa Morante’s La Storia. I have also guest-edited a Special Issue on Comparative Approaches to Elena Ferrante: Traumas, Bodies, Languages for the journal Romance Studies (with Stiliana Milkova), which includes an article on transgenerational trauma in Toni Morrison, Elsa Morante and Elena Ferrante's works (available in open access here). Furthermore, I am co-editing a Special Issue (with Franco Baldasso, Ursula Fanning, Mara Josi and Stefania Porcelli) on Fifty Years of La Storia: Elsa Morante Beyond History, Annali d'Italianistica, vol. 42 (forthcoming 2024). I have previously guest edited the Special Journal Issue Elena Ferrante in a Global Context for Modern Language Notes (2021), for which I have contributed an article on sexual violence and the traumatized self in the works of Alice Sebold and Elena Ferrante. Together with Tiziana de Rogatis, I have co-authored an article on 'Traumatic Realism and the Poetics of Trauma in Elsa Morante's Works' (Allegoria 83), a discussion of which has been published in the Section 'Spazio aperto' of the same journal. I have also co-edited the first volume of critical essays in English on the Sicilian author Goliarda Sapienza (Goliarda Sapienza in Context: Intertextual Relationships with Italian and European Literature, co-edited by Alberica Bazzoni, Emma Bond and Katrin Wehling-Giorgi; Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016).
My current book project, entitled Spectral (Hi)stories: Women Narrating Trauma in Post-war Italy (under contract with Palgrave Macmillan), seeks to provide new insights into female-authored post-war cultural production through the polifocal lens of trauma studies. Contrary to the long-held belief that trauma is unrepresentable, my study focuses on how female creators - both in the Italian and the transnational context (including authors and filmmakers Elsa Morante, Elena Ferrante, Goliarda Sapienza, Igiaba Scego, Toni Morrison, Elizabeth Strout, Alice Sebold and Alina Marazzi) - are uniquely placed to intercept and articulate spectral (hi)stories. With Italy distinctively imbricated in the micro and macro traumas of our times, the project will focus on how unruly female bodies and visual/spatial imaginaries provide privileged sites of the synecdochal channelling of suffering. The book will show that the female body not only centres multiple discourses of power, but its exploration as a site of trauma also invites new insights into the co-constitution of material and discursive productions of reality, ultimately defining a new traumascape in post-WWII female-authored cultural production.
Postgraduate Supervision
I have supervised PhD students working on a range of topics, including twentieth-century women's writing and cross-cultural, spatial and postcolonial approaches to twentieth-century and contemporary literature, as well as on gender and translation.
I welcome enquiries by prospective PhD students focusing on women’s writing and discourses around female subjectivity and space (20th – 21st century); gender studies; trauma studies; motherhood studies and feminist theory; discourses around subjectivity and space in modernist writing, and other fields related to my research specialisms.
Authored book
Book review
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2011). "Enciclopedie aperte": Self and World in Joyce’s and Gadda’s Modernist Novels. Edinburgh journal of Gadda studies, 7,
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2007). Gadda e il moderno. Il vortice delle concause e le forme del riso. Edinburgh journal of Gadda studies, 5,
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2007). Federica G. Pedriali, La farmacia degli incurabili: Da Collodi a Calvino. Italian Studies, 62(2), 254-264.
Chapter in book
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2022). «Come un fotogramma spezzato»: Traumatic Images and Multistable Visions in Elsa Morante’s History: A Novel. In T. de Rogatis, & K. Wehling-Giorgi (Eds.), Trauma Narratives in Italian and Transnational Women's Writing (55-78). Sapienza Università Editrice.
- Rogatis, T. D., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2022). Introduction: A Theoretical Framework on Trauma. In T. D. Rogatis, & K. Wehling-Giorgi (Eds.), Trauma Narratives in Italian and Transnational Women's Writing. Sapienza Università Editrice.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2020). Ripensare gli spazi femminili: una lettura dell’Università di Rebibbia di Goliarda Sapienza. In D. Brogi, T. de Rogatis, & G. Marrani (Eds.), La pratica del commento 3. Il canone: Esclusioni e inclusioni (215-230). Pacini Editore
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2020). Rethinking Constructs of Maternity in the Novels of Elena Ferrante and Alice Sebold. In V. Heffernan, & G. Wilgus (Eds.), Imagining Motherhood in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2017). Violence, Language and the Maternal Body: Negotiating Resistance in Goliarda Sapienza’s and Elena Ferrante’s Works. In M. Spunta, & S. Storchi (Eds.), Women and the public sphere in modern and contemporary Italy : essays for Sharon Wood. Troubadour
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2017). ‘Dislocazioni materne: memoria, linguaggio e identità femminile nelle opere di Goliarda Sapienza’. In D. Brogi, T. de Rogatis, C. Franco, & L. Spera (Eds.), Nel nome della madre. Ripensare le figure della maternità (143-156). Del Vecchio Editore
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2016). "Ero separata da me": Memory, Selfhood and Mother-Tongue in Goliarda Sapienza and Elena Ferrante. In A. Bazzoni, E. Bond, & K. Wehling-Giorgi (Eds.), Goliarda Sapienza in context : intertextual relationships with Italian and European culture (215-230). University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2014). "Tuo scandalo tuo splendore": The Split Mother in Morante's Works from Diario 1938 to Aracoeli. In S. Lucamante (Ed.), Elsa Morante's politics of writing : rethinking subjectivity, history, and the power of art (193-203). Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2014). "Il mondo delle madri": Pre-Oedipal Desire and the Decentred Self in Elsa Morante's La Storia and Aracoeli. In E. Borelli (Ed.), The fire within : desire in modern and contemporary Italian literature (190-210). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Deuber-Mankowsky, A. (2012). Translation of 'Cinematographic Aesthetics as Subversion of Moral Reason in Pasolini's Medea'. In L. Di Blasi, M. Gragnolati, & C. E. Holzhey (Eds.), The Scandal of Self-Contradiction: Pasolini's Multistable Subjectivities, Traditions, Geographies. Turia + Kant
- Deuber-Mankowsky, A. (2012). Translation of 'Bingo! The Spiritual Automaton in Lars von Trier's Dogville'. In S. Fortuna, & L. Scuriatti (Eds.), Dekalog 05. On Dogville (51-67). Wallflower Press
- Deuber-Mankowsky, A. (2009). Translation of 'Baubo - Another and Additional Name for Aracoeli: Morante's Queer Feminism'. In S. Fortuna, & M. Gragnolati (Eds.), The Power of Disturbance: Elsa Morante’s Aracoeli. Legenda
Edited book
- Katrin, W.-G., Franco, B., Ursula, F., Mara, J., & Stefania, P. (Eds.). (2024). Fifty Years of La Storia: Elsa Morante Beyond History. Special issue of Annali d'italianistica. Elon University
- Wehling-Giorgi, K., & Milkova, S. (Eds.). (2023). Comparative Approaches to Elena Ferrante: Traumas, Bodies, Languages. Taylor and Francis
- de Rogatis, T., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (Eds.). (2022). Trauma Narratives in Italian and Transnational Women's Writing. Sapienza Università Editrice.
- de Rogatis, T., Milkova, S., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (Eds.). (2021). Elena Ferrante in a Global Context. Johns Hopkins University Press
- Bazzoni, A., Bond, E., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (Eds.). (2016). Goliarda Sapienza in Context: Intertextual Relationships with Italian and European Culture. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Journal Article
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (in press). Beyond the Eternal City: Topographies of Trauma in Elsa Morante's La Storia and Igiaba Scego's Cassandra a Mogadiscio. Allegoria (Testo stampato),
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2024). “Una Stampa Lucida”: Traumatic images and ruinous landscapes in Elsa Morante's La Storia and Aracoeli. Annali d'italianistica, 42, 105-124
- Lagani, C., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2023). ‘Generative Traumatic Wounds’: Notes of a Female Artist – A Conversation with Chiara Lagani (translated by Maria Massucco). Romance Studies, 41(4), 336-347.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2023). Unspeakable Things Spoken: Legacies of Transgenerational Trauma in Toni Morrison, Elsa Morante and Elena Ferrante’s Works. Romance Studies, 41(4), 248-266.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K., & Rousseva, S. M. (2023). Comparative Approaches to Elena Ferrante: Traumas, Bodies, Languages. Romance Studies, 41(4), 241-247.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K., & de Rogatis, T. (2021). Traumatic Realism and the Poetics of Trauma in Elsa Morante's Works. Allegoria (Testo stampato), 83, 169-183
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2021). Unclaimed Stories: Narrating Sexual Violence and the Traumatized Self in Elena Ferrante and Alice Sebold’s Writings. Modern Language Notes, 136(1), 118-142.
- de Rogatis, T., & Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2021). Il realismo traumatico e la poetica del trauma nell’opera di Elsa Morante
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2019). Rethinking Constructs of Maternity in the Novels of Elena Ferrante and Alice Sebold. Women: A Cultural Review, 30(1), 66-83.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2017). 'Playing with the Maternal Body: Violence, Mutilation,and the Emergence of the Female Subject in Ferrante’s Novels'. California Italian studies, 7(1), 1-15
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2016). ‘Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels: Writing Liminality’. Allegoria (Testo stampato),
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2013). ‘Totetaco’: the Mother–Child Dyad and the Pre-Conceptual Self in Elsa Morante's La Storia and Aracoeli. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 49(2), 192-200.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2011). Abjection and the Fear of Alterity: Matricide and the Element of the Maternal in the Works of Carlo Emilio Gadda and Samuel Beckett. Italian Studies, 66(1), 76-92.
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2011). Defilement, War and the Corpse: On Abjection in Gadda and Céline. Edinburgh journal of Gadda studies, 7,
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2010). "Splendid little pictures": Leibnizian Terminology in the Works of Samuel Beckett and Carlo Emilio Gadda. Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 22, 341-354
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2007). The Leibnizian Monad and the Self through the Lens of Carlo Emilio Gadda's and Samuel Beckett's Writings. MHRA working papers in the humanities, 2, 57-68
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
Other (Print)
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. The Lost Daughter: Elena Ferrante's Haunting Mothers on the Big Screen
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. The Lost Daughter: portraying the darker sides of motherhood on the page and the screen
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (online). Forging the Female Voice Out of the Ruins of History: Reading Natalia Ginzburg
- Wehling-Giorgi, K. (2013). Naples into Words