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Assistant Lecturer in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures+44 (0) 191 33 42457


My first degree was in Linguistics at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, and I completed MA and PhD in Applied Linguistics at University of East Anglia. Having worked as teaching associate in Japanese at the School of East Asian Studies at the University of Sheffield, I joined Durham University in 2021 and currently teach Japanese modules in the BA Japanese Studies programme. I convene Japanese Language 1A/2B (JPNS1062/2012). I also hold Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

My research explores the interconnection between linguistics and health communication, with an emphasis on Japanese public health and clinical discourses. My research interests include the analysis of discourses on patient narratives, health inclusivity and accessibility, clinical empathy, person-centred communication in health and social care, neurodiversity, and public health messaging. My approach is grounded in sociolinguistics, ethnography, pragmatic functions, and qualitative methodologies. My work has been published as a monograph, Patient-centred Communication: Discourse of In-home Medical Consultations for Older Adults (Multilingual Matters) in the Language at Work series. I am also co-editor of Pandemic and Crisis Discourse: Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy (Bloomsbury).

I am currently working on a new book project and co-editing volumes, Healthcare, Language and Inclusivity (Routledge). My research examines media discourses of health with a particular focus on autism and autistic voices in the UK and Japan. Additionally, I am also working on a research project on goal setting in Japanese language teaching in the UK higher education context.

Research interests

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Health discourses
  • Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Medical Humanities
  • Neurodiversity
  • Patient narratives
  • Person-centred communication


Authored book

Chapter in book

Edited book

Journal Article

Other (Digital/Visual Media)
