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Linda Arrighi

Research Postgraduate

Research Postgraduate in the Department of Psychology


2015 High School Diploma from Humanities High School with Latin & Greek "Polo Romani", Italy

2020 MSci Neuroscience - Integrated with Work Placement year from University of Glasgow

2021 PCert in Research Methods from Durham University

Current Role

I have a background in Neuroscience which has led me to pursue a NINE DTP (ESRC) funded Cognitive Neuroscience PhD at the Department of Psychology at Durham University. My research explores sex/gender differences in cognitive performance through a biopsychosocial approach, which looks at the interactions of biological factors (steroid hormones), psychological factors (domain-specific anxiety / self-confidence / self-efficacy), and social factors (gender stereotypes).

Being someone who deeply cares about equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within and outside of my research, I have worked with the EDI self-assessment team as a Postgraduate Research (PGR) representative during 2021 to identify EDI issues that the student body feels affected by within the Psychology Department at Durham University. I have also helped with the Athena Swan Silver Award renewal application.

During the academic year 2021/22, I was one of two PGR student representatives in the Department of Psychology alongside Tyler Ross. I was the main organiser of the 2022 PGR Conference.

I have also carried out teaching, marking, and demonstrating in various first and second year courses within Psychology throughout my PhD.

Research interests

  • A biopsychosocial approach to cognitive sex/gender differences
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Neuromodulatory properties of sex hormones
  • Spatial attention and spatial cognition
  • The effect of stress on cognition
  • Domain-specific cognitive anxiety