Staff profile
Dr Mohammed Seaid
Associate Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 42476 |
Dr Mohammed Seaid is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University. His doctoral research focused on the design and analysis of numerical methods for simulating the radiative heat transfer equations in gas turbine combustion chambers. His post-doctoral research was conducted in the area of numerical modelling of coupled radiation and hydrodynamics using simplified PN approximations, M1 entropy models and nonlinear multilevel methods.
Along with Prof. Axel Klar (in the Fraunhofer Institut Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik at Kaiserslautern, Germany), he has been developping efficient models for radiation and conduction in high temperature gas flows. The general research results have wide applicability within engineering. Since 2001, much of his research work has been undertaken within the SFB 568 Research Group, a strongly collaborative group of mechanical engineers and distributed computing researchers at the universities of Darmstadt, Heidelberg, and Kaiserslautern.
At present he teaches L3 Hydraulics, L3 Dynamics, and L4 Hydrology.
Research Interests
- Shallow water flows
- Transport of suspended sediments
- Tidal flows and currents
- Scientific computing
- Computational radiative heat transfer
- Lattice Boltzmann and discrete-velocity methods
- Modified method of characteristics
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Rowan, T., & Seaid, M. (2022). Efficient Experimental and Numerical Methods for Solving Vertical Distribution of Sediments in Dam-Break Flows. In D. Zeidan, J. Merker, E. Goncalves Da Silva, & L. T. Zhang (Eds.), Numerical Fluid Dynamics (291-317). Springer Nature.
- El Moçayd, N., Alghosoun, A., Ouazar, D., & Seaid, M. (2020). Uncertainty Quantification of Bathymetric Effects in a Two-Layer Shallow Water Model: Case of the Gibraltar Strait. In Advances in Hydroinformatics.
Conference Paper
- Banda, M., Seaid, M., & Teleaga, I. (2008, December). Incompressible Navier-Stokes equation solvers based on lattice Boltzmann relaxation systems
- Pinnau, R., & Seaid, M. (2008, December). Simplified PN Models and Natural Convection-Radiation
- Seaid, M. (2005, December). A Monte Carlo method for the Broadwell model with relaxation
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2005, December). Animating Water Waves Using Semi-Lagrangian Techniques
- Seaid, M., & Klar, A. (2005, December). Multigrid Solution of Three-Dimensional Radiative Heat Transfer in Glass Manufacturing
- González, M., & Seaid, M. (2005, December). Finite Element Modified Method of Characteristics for Shallow Water Flows: Application to the Strait of Gibraltar
- Seaid, M. (2005, December). Numerical Relaxed Solution of the Dam-Break Flows without Riemann Problem Solvers
- Seaid, M., El-Amrani, M., & Machmoum, A. (2004, December). Recent Advances in Semi-Lagrangian Modelling of Flow Through the Strait of Gibraltar
- Pareschi, L., & Seaid, M. (2004, December). A New Monte Carlo Approach for Conservation Laws and Relaxation Systems
- Seaid, M. (2004, December). A multigrid discrete-ordinates solution for isotropic transport equation
- Seaid, M., & Klar, A. (2003, December). Generalized numerical approximations for the radiative heat transfer problems in two space dimensions
- Klar, A., & Seaid, M. (2003, December). Efficient Preconditioning of Linear Systems Arising from the Discretization of Radiative Transfer Equation
- Banda, M., & Seaid, M. (2002, December). A Class of the Relaxation Schemes for Two-Dimensional Euler Systems of Gas Dynamics
- Seaid, M., & Klar, A. (2001, December). High-Order Relaxation Methods for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Conference Proceeding
Edited book
Journal Article
- El Moçayd, N., Belhamadia, Y., & Seaid, M. (in press). Unsupervised stochastic learning and reduced order modelling for global sensitivity analysis in cardiac electrophysiology models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
- Al-Ghosoun, A., Seaid, M., & Osman, A. S. (2025). A novel approach for modelling stress fields induced by shallow water flows on movable beds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 142, Article 115960.
- El-Amrani, M., Obbadi, A., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2025). A fractional time-stepping method for unsteady thermal convection in non-Newtonian fluids. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 140, Article 108350.
- Moutahir, F.-E., Belhamadia, Y., Seaid, M., & El-Amrani, M. (2024). Modelling and simulation of radiative heat transfer in non-grey absorbing and emitting media under phase change. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 176, 432-446.
- El-Barkani, I., El-Hadouti, I., Addam, M., & Seaid, M. (2024). High-order spline finite element method for solving time-dependent electromagnetic waves. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 206, 48-74.
- Etim, B., Al-Ghosoun, A., Renno, J., Seaid, M., & Mohamed, M. S. (2024). Machine Learning-Based Modeling for Structural Engineering: A Comprehensive Survey and Applications Overview. Buildings, 14(11), Article 3515.
- El-Amrani, M., Ouardghi, A., & Seaid, M. (2024). Modelling and simulation of pollution transport in the Mediterranean Sea using enriched finite element method. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 223, 565-587.
- El-Amrani, M., Obbadi, A., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2024). A time viscosity-splitting method for incompressible flows with temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 429, Article 117103.
- Gumus, V., El Moçayd, N., Seker, M., & Seaid, M. (2024). Future projection of droughts in Morocco and potential impact on agriculture. Journal of Environmental Management, 367, Article 122019.
- Obbadi, A., El-Amrani, M., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2024). An improved splitting algorithm for unsteady generalized Newtonian fluid flow problems with natural boundary conditions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 167, 92-109.
- Belhajjam, R., Chaqdid, A., Yebari, N., Seaid, M., & Moçayd, N. E. (2024). Climate-informed flood risk mapping using a GAN-based approach (ExGAN). Journal of Hydrology, 638, Article 131487.
- Bahssini, A., Izem, N., Mohamed, M. S., & Seaid, M. (2024). Directional enrichment functions for finite element solutions of transient anisotropic diffusion. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 163, 42-55.
- Zheng, X., Seaid, M., & Osman, A. S. (2024). A fully coupled dynamic water-mooring line system: Numerical implementation and applications. Ocean Engineering, 294, Article 116792.
- Bouna, R., Izem, N., Seaid, M., & Mohamed, M. S. (2024). High-order methods for thermal behavior of plate structures with internal heat sources. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238(3), 624-641.
- El-Amrani, M., Obbadi, A., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2024). Error estimates for a viscosity-splitting scheme in time applied to non-Newtonian fluid flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 419, Article 116639.
- Belhamadia, Y., & Seaid, M. (2024). A mixed finite element method for nonlinear radiation–conduction equations in optically thick anisotropic media. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 216, 15-29.
- Salhi, L., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2024). Convergence analysis of a class of iterative methods for propagation of reaction fronts in porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 418(Part A), Article 116524.
- Belhamadia, Y., & Seaid, M. (2023). Computing enhancement of the nonlinear SPN approximations of radiative heat transfer in participating material. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 434, Article 115342.
- Zheng, X., Seaid, M., Pisanò, F., Hicks, M. A., Vardon, P. J., Huvaj, N., & Osman, A. S. (2023). A material point/finite volume method for coupled shallow water flows and large dynamic deformations in seabeds. Computers and Geotechnics, 162(October), Article 105673.
- Gumus, V., El Moçayd, N., Seker, M., & Seaid, M. (2023). Evaluation of future temperature and precipitation projections in Morocco using the ANN-based multi-model ensemble from CMIP6. Atmospheric Research, 292, Article 106880.
- El-Amrani, M., Salhi, L., & Seaid, M. (2023). A new Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for advection–dispersion problems in anisotropic porous media. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 210, 184-206.
- Salhi, L., El‐Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2023). A priori error estimates for a semi‐Lagrangian unified finite element method for coupled Darcy‐transport problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 39(4), 3441-3472.
- Gumus, V., Simsek, O., & Seaid, M. (2023). Investigating recent changes in the wind speed trends over Turkey. Acta Geophysica, 71, 1305-1319.
- El-Amrani, M., Salhi, L., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2023). An iterative scheme for solving a coupled Darcy–convection–diffusion model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 517(2), Article 126603.
- Albadr, J., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2023). Simplified finite element approximations for coupled natural convection and radiation heat transfer. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 83(5), 478-502.
- El-Amrani, M., Kacimi, A. E., Khouya, B., & Seaid, M. (2023). A Bernstein–Bézier Lagrange–Galerkin method for three-dimensional advection-dominated problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403, Article 115758.
- Ghoudi, T., Mohamed, M. S., & Seaid, M. (2023). Novel adaptive finite volume method on unstructured meshes for time-domain wave scattering and diffraction. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 141,
- Ouardghi, A., Seaid, M., El‐Amrani, M., & El Mocayd, N. (2023). A fast and accurate method for transport and dispersion of phosphogypsum in coastal zones: Application to Jorf Lasfar. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 96(3), 336-363.
- Salhi, L., Seaid, M., & Yakoubi, D. (2022). Well-posedness and numerical approximation of steady convection-diffusion-reaction problems in porous media. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 124, 129-148.
- Carrer, J., Solheid, B., Trevelyan, J., & Seaid, M. (2022). A boundary element method formulation based on the Caputo derivative for the solution of the diffusion-wave equation. Engineering with Computers, 38(Suppl 4), 3563–3580.
- El-Amrani, M., Khouya, B., & Seaid, M. (2022). A semi-Lagrangian Bernstein–Bézier finite element method for two-dimensional coupled Burgers’ equations at high Reynolds numbers. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 199, 160-181.
- Rowan, T., & Seaid, M. (2022). A multilayered shallow water model for sediment transport in flows over heterogeneous erodible beds. European Physical Journal Plus, 137(8), Article 974.
- El-Amrani, M., El-Kacimi, A., Khouya, B., & Seaid, M. (2022). Bernstein-Bézier Galerkin-Characteristics Finite Element Method for Convection-Diffusion Problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 92(2), Article 58.
- Asmouh, I., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2022). Isogeometric semi-Lagrangian analysis for transport problems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 130, Article 107994.
- Asmouh, I., El‐Amrani, M., Seaid, M., & Yebari, N. (2022). High‐order isogeometric modified method of characteristics for two‐dimensional coupled Burgers' equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 94(6), 608-631.
- Ouardghi, A., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2022). An adaptive enriched semi-Lagrangian finite element method for coupled flow-transport problems. Computers and Fluids, 240, Article 105474.
- Alghosoun, A., Mocayd, N. E., & Seaid, M. (2022). A Nonintrusive Reduced-Order Model for Uncertainty Quantification in Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Free-Surface Water Flows Over Stochastic Beds. International Journal of Computational Methods, 19(04),
- Salhi, L., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2022). A Galerkin-characteristic unified finite element method for moving thermal fronts in porous media. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 404, Article 113159.
- Asmouh, I., El-Amrani, M., Seaid, M., & Yebari, N. (2022). A Cell-Centered Semi-Lagrangian Finite Volume Method for Solving Two-Dimensional Coupled Burgers’ Equations. Computational and mathematical methods, 2022, Article 8192192.
- Bassou Khouya, N., Mofdi El-Amrani, N., & Seaid, M. (2022). A Conservative and Monotone Characteristic Finite Element Solver for Three-Dimensional Transport and Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Grids. Communications in computational physics, 31(1), 224-256.
- Izem, N., & Seaid, M. (2022). A Well-Balanced Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Multilayer Shallow Water Equations with Non-Flat Bottom Topography. Advances in applied mathematics and mechanics, 14(3), 725-758.
- El Moçayd, N., & Seaid, M. (2021). Data-driven polynomial chaos expansions for characterization of complex fluid rheology: Case study of phosphate slurry. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 216,
- Al-Ghosoun, A., El Moçayd, N., & Seaid, M. (2021). A surrogate model for efficient quantification of uncertainties in multilayer shallow water flows. Environmental Modelling and Software, 144, Article 105176.
- Ouardghi, A., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2021). An enriched Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-dominated and transport problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 167, 119-142.
- Mocayd, N. E., Mohamed, M. S., & Seaid, M. (2021). Non-intrusive polynomial chaos methods for uncertainty quantification in wave problems at high frequencies. Journal of Computational Science, 53, Article 101344.
- Jiang, J., Shadi Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., & Li, H. (2021). Fast inverse solver for identifying the diffusion coefficient in time-dependent problems using noisy data. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91(4), 1623-1639.
- Settati, A., Lahrouz, A., Zahri, M., Tridane, A., El Fatini, M., El Mahjour, H., & Seaid, M. (2021). A stochastic threshold to predict extinction and persistence of an epidemic SIRS system with a general incidence rate. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 144, Article 110690.
- Malek, M., Izem, N., Mohamed, M. S., Seaid, M., & Wakrim, M. (2021). Numerical solution of Rosseland model for transient thermal radiation in non-grey optically thick media using enriched basis functions. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 180, 258-275.
- Al-Ghosoun, A., Osman, A., & Seaid, M. (2021). A Computational Model for Simulation of Shallow Water Waves by Elastic Deformations in the Topography. Communications in computational physics, 29(4), 1095–1124.
- Al-Ghosoun, A., Osman, A., & Seaid, M. (2021). A hybrid finite volume/finite element method for shallow water waves by static deformation on seabeds. Engineering Computations, 38(5), 2434-2459.
- Khouya, B., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2021). A Galerkin-Characteristic Finite Element Method for Three-Dimensional Convection-Dominated Problems. Advances in applied mathematics and mechanics, 13(3), 503-526.
- Khouya, B., El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2021). A Three-Dimensional Monotonicity-Preserving Modified Method of Characteristics on Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes. International Journal of Computational Methods, 18(01), Article 2050027.
- El-Amrani, M., Ouardghi, A., & Seaid, M. (2021). Enriched Galerkin-Characteristics Finite Element Method for Incompressible Navier--Stokes Equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(2), A1336 - A1361.
- Carrer, J., Solheid, B., Trevelyan, J., & Seaid, M. (2021). A boundary element method formulation based on the Caputo derivative for the solution of the anomalous diffusion problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 122, 132-144.
- Rowan, T., & Seaid, M. (2020). Two-dimensional numerical modelling of shallow water flows over multilayer movable beds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 88, Article 474-497.
- Asmouh, I., El-Amrani, M., Seaid, M., & Yebari, N. (2020). A Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Finite Volume Method for Convection–Diffusion Problems on Unstructured Grids. Journal of Scientific Computing, 85(1), Article 11.
- Carrer, J., Solheid, B., Trevelyan, J., & Seaid, M. (2020). The Boundary Element Method applied to the solution of the Diffusion-Wave problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 117, 13-25.
- Malek, M., Izem, N., Mohamed M, S., & Seaid, M. (2020). A three-dimensional enriched finite element method for nonlinear transient heat transfer in functionally graded materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 155, Article 119804.
- Jiang, J., Seaid, M., Mohamed, M. S., & Li, H. (2020). Inverse algorithm for real-time road roughness estimation for autonomous vehicles. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 90(6), 1333-1348.
- El Kahoui, A., Malek, M., Izem, N., Shadi Mohamed, M., & Seaid, M. (2020). Partition of Unity Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Transient Diffusion Problems Using p-Version Refinement. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 124(1), 61-78.
- Giani, S., & Seaid, M. (2020). Multi-hp adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for simplified PN approximations of 3D radiative transfer in non-gray media. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 150, 252-273.
- El Moçayd, N., Shadi Mohamed, M., Ouazar, D., & Seaid, M. (2020). Stochastic model reduction for polynomial chaos expansion of acoustic waves using proper orthogonal decomposition. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195,
- Sari, S., Rowan, T., Seaid, M., & Benkhaldoun, F. (2020). Simulation of Three-Dimensional Free-SurfaceFlows Using Two-Dimensional Multilayer Shallow Water Equations. Communications in computational physics, 27(5), 1413-1442.
- Drolia, M., Mohamed, M., Laghrouche, O., Seaid, M., & El Kacimi, A. (2020). Explicit time integration with lumped mass matrix for enriched finite elements solution of time domain wave problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77(2), 1273-1293.
- Carrer, J., Seaid, M., Trevelyan, J., & Solheid, B. (2019). The Boundary Element Method Applied to the Solution of the Anomalous Diffusion Problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 109, 129-142.
- El-Kacimi, A., Laghrouche, O., Ouazar, D., Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., & Trevelyan, J. (2019). Enhanced Conformal Perfectly Matched Layers for Bernstein-Bezier Finite Element Modelling of Short Wave Scattering. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 355, 614-638.
- Rowan, T., & Seaid, M. (2019). Efficient computational models for shallow water flows over multilayer erodible beds. Engineering Computations, 37(2), 401-429.
- Mohamed, M. S., Seaid, M., & Bouhamidi, A. (2018). Iterative solvers for generalized finite element solution of boundary-value problems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 25(6),
- Jiang, J., Mohamed, M. S., Seaid, M., & Li, H. (2018). Identifying the wavenumber for the inverse Helmholtz problem using an enriched finite element formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 340, 615-629.
- Al-Ghosoun, A., Herty, M., & Seaid, M. (2018). A new numerical treatment of moving wet/dry fronts in dam-break flows. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 59(1-2), 489-516.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Halassi, A., Ouazar, D., Seaid, M., & Taik, A. (2017). A stabilized meshless method for time-dependent convection-dominated flow problems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 137, 159-176.
- Drolia, M., Mohamed, M., Laghrouche, O., Seaid, M., & Trevelyan, J. (2017). Enriched finite elements for initial-value problem of transverse electromagnetic waves in time domain. Computers and Structures, 182, 354-367.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Elmahi, I., Moumna, A., & Seaid, M. (2016). A non-homogeneous Riemann solver for shallow water equations in porous media. Applicable Analysis, 95(10), 2181-2202.
- He, L., & Seaid, M. (2016). A Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev SPH algorithm for elastodynamics. Acta Mechanica, 227(7), 1813-1835.
- Giani, S., & Seaid, M. (2016). hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for simplified PN approximations of frequency-dependent radiative transfer. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 301, 52-79.
- Izem, N., Seaid, M., & Wakrim, M. (2016). A discontinuous Galerkin method for two-layer shallow water equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 120,
- Benkhaldoun, F., Halassi, A., Ouazar, D., Seaid, M., & Taik, A. (2016). Slope limiters for radial basis functions applied to conservation laws with discontinuous flux function. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 66,
- Benkhaldoun, F., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2015). Projection finite volume method for shallow water flows. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 118, 87-101.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2015). A family of finite volume Eulerian–Lagrangian methods for two-dimensional conservation laws. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 285, 181-202.
- Addam, M., Bouhamidi, A., & Seaid, M. (2015). A Frequency-domain Approach for the P1 Approximation of Time-dependent Radiative Transfer. Journal of Scientific Computing, 62(3), 623-651.
- Diwan, G., Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., Trevelyan, J., & Laghrouche, O. (2015). Mixed enrichment for the finite element method in heterogeneous media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 101(1), 54-78.
- Alhuri, Y., Benkhaldoun, F., Ouazar, D., Seaid, M., & Taik, A. (2015). A meshless method for numerical simulation of depth-averaged turbulence flows using ak-ϵmodel. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 80(1),
- Izem, N., Seaid, M., Elmahi, I., & Wakrim, M. (2015). Discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional bilayer shallow water equations. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 96(1), 1-21.
- Audusse, E., Benkhaldoun, B., Sari, S., Seaid, M., & Tassi, P. (2014). A fast finite volume solver for multi-layered shallow water flows with mass exchange. Journal of Computational Physics, 272, 23-45.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2014). A simple multi-layer finite volume solver for density-driven shallow water flows. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 99, 170-189.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Izem, N., Sahmim, S., Seaid, M., & Wakrim, M. (2014). A new composite scheme for two-layer shallow water flows with shocks. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 44(1-2), 467-489.
- Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., Trevelyan, J., & Laghrouche, O. (2014). An enriched finite element model with q-refinement for radiative boundary layers in glass cooling. Journal of Computational Physics, 258, 718-737.
- Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., Trevelyan, J., & Laghrouche, O. (2013). Time-independent hybrid enrichment for finite element solution of transient conduction–radiation in diffusive grey media. Journal of Computational Physics, 251, 81-101.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Elmahi, I., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2013). An unstructured finite-volume method for coupled models of suspended sediment and bed load transport in shallow-water flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 72(9), 967-993.
- Herty, M., & Seaid, M. (2013). Assessment of coupling conditions in water way intersections. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 71(11), 1438-1460.
- Mohamed, M., Seaid, M., Trevelyan, J., & Laghrouche, O. (2013). A partition of unity FEM for time-dependent diffusion problems using multiple enrichment functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 93(3), 245-265.
- Mohamed, K., Seaid, M., & Zahri, M. (2013). A finite volume method for scalar conservation laws with stochastic time-space dependent flux function. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237(1), 614-632.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Daoudi, S., Elmahi, I., & Seaid, M. (2012). Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Nador lagoon (Morocco). Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(12), 1749-1766.
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2012). A finite element semi-Lagrangian method with L² interpolation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 90(12), 1485-1507.
- El-Amrani, M., Seaid, M., & Zahri, M. (2012). A stabilized finite element method for stochastic incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 89(18), 2576-2602.
- Izem, N., Seaid, M., & Wakrim, M. (2012). Simulation of the Lock-Exchange Hydraulics using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. International Journal of Computer Applications, 43(6),
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2012). A conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the Galerkin-characteristic approximation of interfacial flows. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(9), 1197-1214.
- Benkhaldoun, B., Sari, S., & Seaid, M. (2012). A flux-limiter method for dam-break flows over erodible sediment beds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(10), 4847-4861.
- Audusse, E., Benkhaldoun, F., Sainte-Marie, J., & Seaid, M. (2011). Multilayer Saint-Venant equations over movable beds. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 15(4), 917 - 934.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Daoudi, S., Elmahi, I., & Seaid, M. (2011). Comparison of unstructured finite-volume morphodynamic models in contracting channel flows. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81(10), 2087-2097.
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2011). An L²-projection for the Galerkin-characteristic Solution of Incompressible Flows. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33(6), 3110-3131.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Seaid, M., & Sahmim, S. (2011). Mathematical development and verification of a finite volume model for morphodynamic flow applications. Advances in applied mathematics and mechanics, 3, 470-492.
- Benkhaldoun, F., & Seaid, M. (2011). Combined Characteristics and Finite Volume Methods for Sediment Transport and Bed Morphology in Surface Water Flows. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81(10), 2073-2086.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Elmahi, I., & Seaid, M. (2010). A new finite volume method for flux-gradient and source-term balancing in shallow water equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(49-52),
- Benkhaldoun, F., Sahmim, S., & Seaid, M. (2010). A two-dimensional finite volume morphodynamic model on unstructured triangular grids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 63(11), 1296-1327.
- Benkhaldoun, F., & Seaid, M. (2010). A simple finite volume method for the shallow water equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234(1), 58-72.
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2010). An Essentially Non-Oscillatory Semi-Lagrangian Method for Tidal Flow Simulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 81(7), 805-834.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Elmahi, I., & Seaid, M. (2009). Application of Mesh-Adaptation for Pollutant Transport by Water Flow. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(12), 3415-3423.
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2009). Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transport in the Strait of Gibraltar. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(12), 3444-3454.
- Rößler, A., Seaid, M., & Zahri, M. (2009). Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Replicator Models in Catalyzed RNA-like Polymers. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(12), 3577-3586.
- Manouzi, H., & Seaid, M. (2009). Solving Wick-Stochastic Water Waves using a Galerkin Finite Element Method. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(12), 3523-3533.
- Seaid, M. (2009). An Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Coupled Parabolic-Hyperbolic Equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 59(3-4), 754-768.
- Klar, A., Reuterswärd, P., & Seaid, M. (2009). A semi-Lagrangian method for a Fokker-Planck equation describing fiber dynamics. Journal of Scientific Computing, 38(3), 349-367.
- El-Amrani, M., & Seaid, M. (2009). A Spectral Stochastic Semi-Lagrangian Method for Convection-Diffusion Equations with Uncertainty. Journal of Scientific Computing, 39(3), 371-393.
- Banda, M., Seaid, M., & Thömmes, G. (2009). Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Dispersion in Two-Dimensional Tidal Flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 77(6), 878-900.
- Benkhaldoun, F., Sahmim, S., & Seaid, M. (2009). Solution of the Sediment Transport Equations using a Finite Volume Method based on Sign Matrix. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 31, 2866-2889.
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