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Assistant Professor in the Durham Law School+44 (0) 191 33 46862
Assistant Professor in Intellectual Property Law in the Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences)


Mike Adcock is a Lecturer at the Department of Law, Durham University. He obtained a PhD in plant sciences from the University of Sheffield in 1992 and worked for many years in science on a variety of projects. In 1999 he moved to the School of Law, University of Sheffield, to work on an EU funded project entitled Plant Intellectual Property (PIP). The main aim of the PIP project was to look at the attitudes towards and use of, intellectual property rights by the European plant breeding community. He gained a postgraduate qualification in Law in May 2003 from Nottingham University. While at the University of Sheffield, he co-ordinated several projects funded from a variety of sources including “Bioethics-Today” a web based resource covering all aspects of bioethics in relation to modern biotechnology, “Bioethical Issues of Intellectual Property Rights” a project aimed at facilitating ethical, legal and social discussions within a multidisciplinary fora and “Co-Extra” looking into the legal issues surrounding the coexistence and traceability of genetically modified organisms. He is a co-author of a report entitled “Intellectual Property Rights and Genetics” which was published in July 2003. The study, funded by the UK’s Department of Health looked into the impact and management of intellectual property rights within the healthcare sector. He was co-author of a report on “The Use of Patents by Governments: A Comparative Study of Compulsory Licences and Government Use” commission in 2005 by Health Canada.
Teaching Areas
Intellectual Property and Biotechnology Relationship between science, law and bioethics.

Research interests

  • Intellectual property rights (IPRs) and biotechnology
  • IPRs and access to medicines
  • Protection of plant genetic resources
  • IPRs and bioethics


Authored book

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article

Other (Print)


Supervision students