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Dr Omar Althuwaynee

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Geography


Dr. Omar F. AlThuwaynee
Omar AlThuwaynee


Durham University / Research associate JULY  2024 - PRESENT, DURHAM, UNITED KINGDOM

Monitoring, maintaining local and national landslide early warning web systems | Geohazards modeling.


Monitoring, maintaining local and national landslide early warning web systems | Geohazards modeling.

Sejong University / Post-doctoral research fellow OCTOBER 2019 -OCTOBER 2021,  SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA

Act as senior researcher as well as co supervising MSc and PhD students.. 

 Ankara University /  Faculty member JULY 2018 - APRIL 2019, Turkey Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Sciences & Department Real Estate Development and Management University of Johannesburg / Post-doctoral research fellow JULY 2017 - JULY 2018, SOUTH AFRICA

Senior researcher at the Department of town and regional planning Faculty of engineering and the built environment

Udemy /E-Learning instructor JULY 2017 - JULY 2018,  ONLINE Izmir Katip Celebi University / Assistant Professor JANUARY 2015 - FEBRUARY  2017, TURKEY

Assistant Prof. GIS and Cartography: Department of Geomatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Research Overview

BSc and MSc in Civil engineering and  PhD in GIS and Geomatics engineering. Research focuses on the spatial modeling using AI and ML and observation of Natural and Anthropogenic hazards and risk assessment (Landslide, floods, air pollution, LiDAR, TLS), as well as vulnerability of land uses. I believe that research is useful in particular when it helps solving real-world problems.

Research interests

  • Natural and Anthorpogenic hazards risk modeling (Landslide, Rockfall, Air pollution); Spatial and temporal analysis using AI and ML; Vulnerability of land uses.
  • My current research at Durham University, as PDRA, I am developing streamline automation for rockfall prediction modeling, using LiDAR product of point cloud data. The automation includes, data pre and post-processing, change detection, erosion quantification, prediction of susceptible cliffs of North Yorkshire area, UK. Also, the work includes developing plugin for open-source software.
