Staff profile
Dr Ross Davidson

Journal Article
- Hsu, Y.-T., Bhagani, C., Aguilar, J. A., Fox, M. A., Yufit, D., Davidson, R., & Beeby, A. (2024). Dual phosphorescent emissions from conformers of iridium complex rotors. Dalton Transactions, 53(43), 17518-17524.
- Bastante, P., Davidson, R. J., Al Malki, W., Salthouse, R. J., Cea, P., Martin, S., Batsanov, A. S., Lambert, C. J., Bryce, M. R., & Agrait, N. (2024). The Conductance and Thermopower Behavior of Pendent Trans -Coordinated Palladium(II) Complexes in Single-Molecule Junctions. ACS Omega, 9(36), 38303-38312.
- Davidson, R. J., Hsu, Y.-T., Yufit, D. S., & Beeby, A. (2024). Light Activated Release of Nitrile Ligands from trans -Ru(L)(PPh 3 ) 2 (nitrile) Complexes. ACS Omega, 9(31), 34098-34105.
- Escorihuela, E., Del Barrio, J., Davidson, R. J., Beeby, A., Low, P. J., Prez-Murano, F., Cea, P., & Martin, S. (2024). Large area arrays of discrete single-molecule junctions derived from host-guest complexes. Nanoscale, 16(3), 1238-1246.
- Chelli, Y., Ferri, N., Vezzoli, A., Davidson, R. J., Morris, J., Nichols, R. J., Higgins, S. J., Sangtarash, S., Sadeghi, H., Yufit, D. S., & Beeby, A. (2023). Connectivity-Dependent Conductance of 2,2′-Bipyridine-Based Metal Complexes. ACS Omega, 8(51), 48958-48965.
- Salthouse, R. J., Hurtado-Gallego, J., Grace, I. M., Davidson, R., Alshammari, O., Agraït, N., Lambert, C. J., & Bryce, M. R. (2023). Electronic Conductance and Thermopower of Cross-Conjugated and Skipped-Conjugated Molecules in Single-Molecule Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(28), 13751-13758.
- Qiao, X., Vezzoli, A., Smith, S., Higgins, S. J., Davidson, R. J., Beeby, A., & Nichols, R. J. (2023). Single-Molecule Junction Formation in Deep Eutectic Solvents with Highly Effective Gate Coupling. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(26), 12802-12810.
- Davidson, R., Hsu, Y.-T., Fox, M. A., Aguilar, J. A., Yufit, D., & Beeby, A. (2023). Tuning Emission Lifetimes of Ir(C^N)2(acac) Complexes with Oligo(phenyleneethynylene) Groups. Inorganic Chemistry, 62(6), 2793-2805.
- Hurtado-Gallego, J., Davidson, R., Grace, I. M., Rincón-García, L., Batsanov, A. S., Bryce, M. R., Lambert, C. J., & Agraït, N. (2022). Quantum interference dependence on molecular configurations for cross-conjugated systems in single-molecule junctions. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 7(10), 1287-1293.
- Edkins, R. M., Hsu, Y.-T., Fox, M. A., Yufit, D., Beeby, A., & Davidson, R. J. (2022). Divergent Approach for Tris-Heteroleptic Cyclometalated Iridium Complexes Using Triisopropylsilylethynyl-Substituted Synthons. Organometallics, 41(17), 2487-2493.
- Hurtado-Gallego, J., Sangtarash, S., Davidson, R., Rincón-García, L., Daaoub, A., Rubio-Bollinger, G., Lambert, C. J., Oganesyan, V. S., Bryce, M. R., Agraït, N., & Sadeghi, H. (2022). Thermoelectric Enhancement in Single Organic Radical Molecules. Nano Letters, 22(3),
- Jiang, F., Trupp, D., Algethami, N., Zheng, H., He, W., Alqorashi, A., Zhu, C., Tang, C., Li, R., Liu, J., Sadeghi, H., Shi, J., Davidson, R., Korb, M., Naher, M., Sobolev, A. N., Sangtarash, S., Low, P. J., Hong, W., & Lambert, C. (2019). Turning the Tap: Conformational Control of Quantum Interference to Modulate Single Molecule Conductance. Angewandte Chemie, 58(52), 18987-18993.
- Davidson, R., Hsu, Y.-T., Griffiths, G. C., Li, C., Yufit, D., Pal, R., & Beeby, A. (2018). Highly Linearized Twisted Iridium(III) Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 57(22), 14450-14462.
- Davidson, R. J., Milan, D. C., Al-Owaedi, O. A., Ismael, A. K., Nichols, R. J., Higgins, S. J., Lambert, C. J., Yufit, D. S., & Beeby, A. (2018). Conductance of ‘bare-bones’ tripodal molecular wires. RSC Advances, 8(42), 23585-23590.
- Davidson, R., Hsu, Y.-T., Bhagani, C., Yufit, D., & Beeby, A. (2017). Exploring the Chemistry and Photophysics of Substituted Picolinates Positional Isomers in Iridium(III) Bisphenylpyridine Complexes. Organometallics, 36(15), 2727-2735.
- Davidson, R., Hsu, Y.-T., Batchelor, T., Yufit, D., & Beeby, A. (2016). The use of organolithium reagents for the synthesis of 4-aryl-2-phenylpyridines and their corresponding iridium(III)complexes. Dalton Transactions, 45(28), 11496-11507.
- Zhang, W., Gan, S., Vezzoli, A., Davidson, R., Milan, D., Luzyanin, K., Higgins, S., Nichols, R., Beeby, A., Low, P., Li, B., & Niu, L. (2016). Single-Molecule Conductance of Viologen–Cucurbit[8]uril Host–Guest Complexes. ACS Nano, 10(5), 5212-5220.
- Davidson, R., Al-Owaedi, O. A., Milan, D. C., Zeng, Q., Tory, J., Hartl, F., Higgins, S. J., Nichols, R. J., Lambert, C. J., & Low, P. J. (2016). Effects of Electrode–Molecule Binding and Junction Geometry on the Single-Molecule Conductance of bis-2,2′:6′,2″-Terpyridine-based Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 55(6), 2691-2700.