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Sara Shaanoun

Research Postgraduate (MSc)

Research Postgraduate (MSc) in the Department of Biosciences


I am a student of Cell Technology (MRes) in Professor Stefan Przyborski’s lab group. My project involves the bioengineering of novel in vitro 3D full thickness skin models to investigate the impact of skin ageing on pigmentation. These full thickness models are constructed using 2D primary human cells and Alvetex® technology to produce robust, reproducible 3D full thickness skin equivalents which consistently mimic the structure and function of native human skin tissue. The skin models do not contain animal derived materials and are representative of a diversity of skin types. These models will be used in fundamental healthcare research and in the testing of skincare products, replacing the use of animal testing in industrial settings. I am a graduate of Biological Sciences (BSc) with Placement Year at Durham University. I completed my placement year at Procter & Gamble in Germany, where I worked on the research and development of haircare products.