Staff profile
Dr Stephen Goodsell
Head of GEMINI Project
Affiliation |
Head of GEMINI Project in the Department of Physics |
Conference Paper
- Diaz, R., Goodsell, S., & Kleinman, S. (2016, December). Gemini Instrument Upgrade Program. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI
- Greenbaum, A. Z., Cheetham, A., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Tuthill, P., Norris, B., Pueyo, L., Sadakuni, N., Rantakyrö, F., Hibon, P., Goodsell, S., Hartung, M., Serio, A., Cardwell, A., Poyneer, L., Macintosh, B., Savransky, D., Perrin, M. D., Wolff, S., Ingraham, P., & Thomas, S. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager observational calibrations X: non-redundant masking on GPI. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Wang, J. J., Rajan, A., Graham, J. R., Savransky, D., Ingraham, P. J., Ward-Duong, K., Patience, J., De Rosa, R. J., Bulger, J., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Perrin, M. D., Thomas, S. J., Sadakuni, N., Greenbaum, A. Z., Pueyo, L., Marois, C., Oppenheimer, B. R., Kalas, P., Cardwell, A., Goodsell, S., …Rantakyrö, F. T. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager observational calibrations VIII: characterization and role of satellite spots. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Perrin, M. D., Maire, J., Ingraham, P., Savransky, D., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Wolff, S. G., Ruffio, J.-B., Wang, J. J., Draper, Z. H., Sadakuni, N., Marois, C., Rajan, A., Fitzgerald, M. P., Macintosh, B., Graham, J. R., Doyon, R., Larkin, J. E., Chilcote, J. K., Goodsell, S. J., Palmer, D. W., …Wiktorowicz, S. (2014, December). Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations I: Overview of the GPI data reduction pipeline. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Sadakuni, N., Macintosh, B. A., Palmer, D. W., Poyneer, L. A., Max, C. E., Savransky, D., Thomas, S. J., Cardwell, A., Goodsell, S., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Rantakyrö, F., & Serio, A. (2014, December). Effects of differential wavefront sensor bias drifts on high contrast imaging. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Hibon, P., Thomas, S., Dunn, J., Atwood, J., Saddlemyer, L., Sadakuni, N., Goodsell, S., Macintosh, B., Graham, J., Perrin, M., Rantakyro, F., Fesquet, V., Serio, A., Quiroz, C., Cardwell, A., Gausachs, G., Savransky, D., Kerley, D., Hartung, M., Galvez, R., & Hardie, K. (2014, December). Characterization of the atmospheric dispersion corrector of the Gemini planet imager. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Rantakyrö, F. T., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J., Dunn, J., Goodsell, S., Hibon, P., Macintosh, B., Quiroz, C., Perrin, M. D., Sadakuni, N., Saddlemyer, L., Savransky, D., Serio, A., Winge, C., Galvez, R., Gausachs, G., Hardie, K., Hartung, M., Luhrs, J., Poyneer, L., & Thomas, S. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager integration to the Gemini South telescope software environment. Presented at Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V
- Wiktorowicz, S. J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Perrin, M. D., Graham, J. R., Fitzgerald, M. P., Maire, J., Ingraham, P., Savransky, D., Macintosh, B. A., Thomas, S. J., Chilcote, J. K., Draper, Z. H., Song, I., Cardwell, A., Goodsell, S. J., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Rantakyrö, F., & Sadakuni, N. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager observational calibrations VII: on-sky polarimetric performance of the Gemini planet imager. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Konopacky, Q. M., Thomas, S. J., Macintosh, B. A., Dillon, D., Sadakuni, N., Maire, J., Fitzgerald, M., Hinkley, S., Kalas, P., Esposito, T., Marois, C., Ingraham, P. J., Marchis, F., Perrin, M. D., Graham, J. R., Wang, J. J., De Rosa, R. J., Morzinski, K., Pueyo, L., Chilcote, J. K., …Sivaramakrishnan, A. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager observational calibrations V: astrometry and distortion. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Poyneer, L. A., De Rosa, R. J., Macintosh, B., Palmer, D. W., Perrin, M. D., Sadakuni, N., Savransky, D., Bauman, B., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J. K., Dillon, D., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S. J., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Rantakyrö, F. T., Thomas, S., & Veran, J.-P. (2014, December). On-sky performance during verification and commissioning of the Gemini Planet Imager's adaptive optics system. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Dunn, J., Kerley, D., Saddlemyer, L., Smith, M., Wooff, R., Savransky, D., Palmer, D., Macintosh, B., Weiss, J., Quiroz, C., Rantakyrö, F. T., & Goodsell, S. J. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager one button approach. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Macintosh, B. A., Anthony, A., Atwood, J., Bauman, B., Cardwell, A., Caputa, K., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erickson, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gavel, D. T., Galvez, R., Goodsell, S., Graham, J., Greenbaum, A. Z., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., …Wolff, S. G. (2014, December). The Gemini planet imager: first light and commissioning. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Draper, Z. H., Marois, C., Wolff, S., Perrin, M., Ingraham, P. J., Ruffio, J.-B., Rantakyro, F. T., Hartung, M., & Goodsell, S. J. (2014, December). Gemini planet imager observational calibrations IX: least-squares inversion flux extraction. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Kleinman, S., Boccas, M., Goodsell, S. J., Gomez, P., Murowinski, R., Chené, A.-N., & Henderson, D. (2014, December). Instrumentation at Gemini Observatory. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Savransky, D., Thomas, S. J., Poyneer, L. A., Dunn, J., Macintosh, B. A., Sadakuni, N., Dillon, D., Goodsell, S. J., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Rantakyrö, F., Cardwell, A., & Serio, A. (2014, December). Automated alignment and on-sky performance of the Gemini planet imager coronagraph. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Larkin, J. E., Chilcote, J. K., Aliado, T., Bauman, B. J., Brims, G., Canfield, J. M., Cardwell, A., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Fitzgerald, M. P., Graham, J. R., Goodsell, S., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Ingraham, P., Johnson, C. A., Kress, E., Konopacky, Q. M., Macintosh, B. A., …Weiss, J. L. (2014, December). The integral field spectrograph for the Gemini planet imager. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Hartung, M., Hayward, T., Saddlemyer, L., Poyneer, L., Cardwell, A., Cavedoni, C., Cho, M., Chilcote, J. K., Collins, P., Dillon, D., Galvez, R., Gausachs, G., Goodsell, S., Guesalaga, A., Hibon, P., Larkin, J., Macintosh, B., Palmer, D., Sadakuni, N., Savransky, D., …Wallace, K. (2014, December). On-sky vibration environment for the Gemini Planet Imager and mitigation effort. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Hartung, M., Macintosh, B., Langlois, P., Sadakuni, N., Gavel, D., Wallace, J., Palmer, D., Poyneer, L., Savransky, D., Thomas, S., Dillon, D., Dunn, J., Hibon, P., Rantakyrö, F., & Goodsell, S. (2014, December). On-sky low order non-common path correction of the GPI calibration unit. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Vernet, E., Kasper, M., Vérinaud, C., Fedrigo, E., Tordo, S., Hubin, N., Esposito, S., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Tozzi, A., Basden, A. G., Goodsell, S. J., Love, G. D., & Myers, R. M. (2006, December). Extreme adaptive optics system optimization with the high order test bench. Presented at Advances in Adaptive Optics II
- Basden, A., Wilson, R., Assemat, F., Bharmal, N., Butterley, T., Geng, D., Goodsell, S., Harrison, M., Morris, T., Myers, R., & Saunter, C. (2006, December). Acceleration of AO simulation using programmable logic
- Fedrigo, E., Donaldson, R., Soenke, C., Myers, R., Goodsell, S., Geng, D., Saunter, C., & Dipper, N. (2006, December). SPARTA: the ESO standard platform for adaptive optics real time applications. Presented at Advances in Adaptive Optics II
- Goodsell, S., Fedrigo, E., Dipper, N., Donaldson, R., Geng, D., Myers, R., Saunter, C., & Soenke, C. (2005, December). FPGA developments for the SPARTA project. Presented at Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and Applications II
- Goodsell, S., Dipper, N., Geng, D., Myers, R., & Saunter, C. (2005, December). DARTS: a low-cost high-performance FPGA implemented real-time control platform for adaptive optics. Presented at Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and Applications II
- Goodsell, S., Myers, R., Clark, P., & Buscher, D. (2004, September). The real-time control system of NAOMI. Presented at Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series
- Jolley, P. D., Goodsell, S., Benn, C. R., Gregory, T., Rees, S., van der Hoeven, M., Blanken, M., & Pit, R. (2004, December). Recent enhancements to the NAOMI AO system. Presented at Advancements in Adaptive Optics
- Talbot, G., Abrams, D. C., Benn, C. R., Chopping, A., Dee, K., Els, S., Fisher, M., Goodsell, S., Gray, D., & Jolley, P. D. (2004, December). GRACE: a controlled environment for adaptive optics at the William Herschel Telescope. Presented at Advancements in Adaptive Optics
- Benn, C. R., Blanken, M., Bevil, C., Els, S., Goodsell, S., Gregory, T., Jolley, P., Longmore, A. J., Martin, O., Myers, R. M., Ostensen, R., Rees, S., Rutten, R. G., Soechting, I., Talbot, G., & Tulloch, S. M. (2004, December). NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT. Presented at Advancements in Adaptive Optics
- Goodsell, S. J., Blanken, M. F., Corradi, R., Dee, K. M., & Jolley, P. (2003, December). AutoFib2: small fibers. Presented at Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes
Journal Article
- Zhang, S. Y., Duchêne, G., De Rosa, R. J., Ansdell, M., Konopacky, Q., Esposito, T., Chiang, E., Rice, M., Matthews, B., Kalas, P., Macintosh, B., Marchis, F., Metchev, S., Patience, J., Rameau, J., Ward-Duong, K., Wolff, S., Fitzgerald, M. P., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T. S., …Wiktorowicz, S. J. (2023). Testing the Interaction between a Substellar Companion and a Debris Disk in the HR 2562 System. Astronomical Journal, 165(5), Article 219.
- Esdaile, J., Labbé, I., Glazebrook, K., Antwi-Danso, J., Papovich, C., Taylor, E., Marsan, Z. C., Muzzin, A., Straatman, C. M., Marchesini, D., Diaz, R., Spitler, L., Tran, K.-V. H., & Goodsell, S. (2021). Introducing the FLAMINGOS-2 Split-K Medium-band Filters: The Impact on Photometric Selection of High-z Galaxies in the FENIKS-pilot survey. Astronomical Journal, 162(6), Article 225.
- Arriaga, P., Fitzgerald, M. P., Duchêne, G., Kalas, P., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Perrin, M. D., Chen, C. H., Mazoyer, J., Ammons, M., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T. S., Bulger, J., Chilcote, J. K., Cotten, T., De Rosa, R. J., Doyon, R., Esposito, T. M., Follette, K. B., Gerard, B. L., Goodsell, S., …Wolff, S. G. (2020). Multiband Polarimetric Imaging of HR 4796A with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astronomical Journal, 160(2), Article 79.
- Angeloni, R., Gonçalves, D. R., Akras, S., Gimeno, G., Diaz, R., Scharwächter, J., Nuñez, N. E., Luna, G. J. M., Lee, H.-W., Heo, J.-E., Lucy, A. B., Arancibia, M. J., Moreno, C., Chirre, E., Goodsell, S. J., King, P. S., Sokoloski, J. L., Choi, B.-E., & Ribeiro, M. D. (2019). RAMSES II: RAMan Search for Extragalactic Symbiotic Stars Project Concept, Commissioning, and Early Results from the Science Verification Phase. Astronomical Journal, 157(4), Article 156.
- Follette, K. B., Rameau, J., Dong, R., Pueyo, L., Close, L. M., Duchêne, G., Fung, J., Leonard, C., Macintosh, B., Males, J. R., Marois, C., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Morzinski, K. M., Mullen, W., Perrin, M., Spiro, E., Wang, J., Ammons, S. M., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T., …Wolff, S. (2017). Complex Spiral Structure in the HD 100546 Transitional Disk as Revealed by GPI and MagAO. Astronomical Journal, 153(6), Article 264.
- Rameau, J., Follette, K. B., Pueyo, L., Marois, C., Macintosh, B., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Wang, J. J., Vega, D., Doyon, R., Lafrenière, D., Nielsen, E. L., Bailey, V., Chilcote, J. K., Close, L. M., Esposito, T. M., Males, J. R., Metchev, S., Morzinski, K. M., Ruffio, J.-B., Wolff, S. G., …Wiktorowicz, S. (2017). An Optical/Near-infrared Investigation of HD 100546 b with the Gemini Planet Imager and MagAO. Astronomical Journal, 153(6), Article 244.
- Johnson-Groh, M., Marois, C., De Rosa, R. J., Nielsen, E. L., Rameau, J., Blunt, S., Vargas, J., Ammons, S. M., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T. S., Bulger, J., Chilcote, J. K., Cotten, T., Doyon, R., Duchêne, G., Fitzgerald, M. P., Follette, K. B., Goodsell, S., Graham, J. R., Greenbaum, A. Z., …Wolff, S. G. (2017). Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astronomical Journal, 153(4), Article 190.
- Chilcote, J., Pueyo, L., De Rosa, R. J., Vargas, J., Macintosh, B., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T., Bauman, B., Bruzzone, S., Bulger, J., Burrows, A. S., Cardwell, A., Chen, C. H., Cotten, T., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Draper, Z. H., Duchêne, G., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., …Wolff, S. (2017). 1–2.4 μm Near-IR Spectrum of the Giant Planet β Pictoris b Obtained with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astrophysical Journal, 153(4), Article 182.
- Konopacky, Q. M., Rameau, J., Duchêne, G., Filippazzo, J. C., Giorla Godfrey, P. A., Marois, C., Nielsen, E. L., Pueyo, L., Rafikov, R. R., Rice, E. L., Wang, J. J., Ammons, S. M., Bailey, V. P., Barman, T. S., Bulger, J., Bruzzone, S., Chilcote, J. K., Cotten, T., Dawson, R. I., De Rosa, R. J., …Wolff, S. G. (2016). Discovery of a Substellar Companion to the Nearby Debris Disk Host HR 2562. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 829(1), Article L4.
- Basden, A., Atkinson, D., Bharmal, N., Bitenc, U., Brangier, M., Buey, T., Butterley, T., Cano, D., Chemla, F., Clark, P., Cohen, M., Conan, J.-M., de Cos, F., Dickson, C., Dipper, N., Dunlop, C., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gach, J., Gendron, E., …Younger, E. (2016). Experience with wavefront sensor and deformable mirror interfaces for wide-field adaptive optics systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(2), 1350-1359.
- De Rosa, R. J., Rameau, J., Patience, J., Graham, J. R., Doyon, R., Lafrenière, D., Macintosh, B., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A., Wang, J. J., Ward-Duong, K., Hung, L.-W., Maire, J., Nielsen, E. L., Ammons, S. M., Bulger, J., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J. K., Galvez, R. L., Gerard, B. L., …Thomas, S. (2016). Spectroscopic Characterization of HD 95086 b with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astrophysical Journal, 824(2), 121-138.
- Lacour, S., Biller, B., Cheetham, A., Greenbaum, A., Pearce, T., Marino, S., Tuthill, P., Pueyo, L., Mamajek, E., Girard, J., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Baraffe, I., Chauvin, G., Olofsson, J., Juhasz, A., Benisty, M., Pott, J.-U., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Henning, T., …Thomas, S. (2016). An M-dwarf star in the transition disk of Herbig HD 142527. Physical parameters and orbital elements. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 590,
- Wolff, S. G., Perrin, M., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Nielsen, E. L., Wang, J., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J., Dong, R., Draper, Z. H., Duchêne, G., Fitzgerald, M. P., Goodsell, S. J., Grady, C. A., Graham, J. R., Greenbaum, A. Z., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Hines, D. C., Hung, L.-W., Kalas, P., …Wiktorowicz, S. J. (2016). The PDS 66 Circumstellar Disk as Seen in Polarized Light with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 818(1), Article L15.
- Macintosh, B., Graham, J., Barman, T., De Rosa, R., Konopacky, Q., Marley, M., Marois, C., Nielsen, E., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A., Rameau, J., Saumon, D., Wang, J., Patience, J., Ammons, M., Arriaga, P., Artigau, E., Beckwith, S., Brewster, J., Bruzzone, S., …Zuckerman, B. (2015). Discovery and spectroscopy of the young jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager. Science, 350(6256), 64-67.
- Chilcote, J., Barman, T., Fitzgerald, M. P., Graham, J. R., Larkin, J. E., Macintosh, B., Bauman, B., Burrows, A. S., Cardwell, A., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S. J., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., Ingraham, P., Kalas, P., …Wolff, S. (2015). The First H-band Spectrum of the Giant Planet beta Pictoris b. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 798(1),
- Wang, J. J., Graham, J. R., Pueyo, L., Nielsen, E. L., Millar-Blanchaer, M., De Rosa, R. J., Kalas, P., Ammons, S. M., Bulger, J., Cardwell, A., Chen, C., Chiang, E., Chilcote, J. K., Doyon, R., Draper, Z. H., Duchêne, G., Esposito, T. M., Fitzgerald, M. P., Goodsell, S. J., Greenbaum, A. Z., …Wolff, S. G. (2015). Gemini Planet Imager Observations of the AU Microscopii Debris Disk: Asymmetries within One Arcsecond. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 811(2),
- Hung, L.-W., Duchêne, G., Arriaga, P., Fitzgerald, M. P., Maire, J., Marois, C., Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Bruzzone, S., Rajan, A., Pueyo, L., Kalas, P. G., De Rosa, R. J., Graham, J. R., Konopacky, Q., Wolff, S. G., Ammons, S. M., Chen, C. H., Chilcote, J. K., Draper, Z. H., Esposito, T. M., …Wiktorowicz, S. J. (2015). First Scattered-light Image of the Debris Disk around HD 131835 with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 815(1),
- Millar-Blanchaer, M. A., Graham, J. R., Pueyo, L., Kalas, P., Dawson, R. I., Wang, J., Perrin, M. D., moon, D.-S., Macintosh, B., Ammons, S. M., Barman, T., Cardwell, A., Chen, C. H., Chiang, E., Chilcote, J., Cotten, T., De Rosa, R. J., Draper, Z. H., Dunn, J., Duchêne, G., …Wolff, S. G. (2015). Beta Pictoris' Inner Disk in Polarized Light and New Orbital Parameters for Beta Pictoris b. Astrophysical Journal, 811(1),
- De Rosa, R. J., Nielsen, E. L., Blunt, S. C., Graham, J. R., Konopacky, Q. M., Marois, C., Pueyo, L., Rameau, J., Ryan, D. M., Wang, J. J., Bailey, V., Chontos, A., Fabrycky, D. C., Follette, K. B., Macintosh, B., Marchis, F., Ammons, S. M., Arriaga, P., Chilcote, J. K., Cotten, T. H., …Wolff, S. G. (2015). Astrometric Confirmation and Preliminary Orbital Parameters of the Young Exoplanet 51 Eridani b with the Gemini Planet Imager. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 814(1),
- Kalas, P. G., Rajan, A., Wang, J. J., Millar-Blanchaer Maxwell, A., Duchene, G., Chen, C., Fitzgerald, M. P., Dong, R., Graham, J. R., Patience, J., Macintosh, B., Murray-Clay, R., Matthews, B., Rameau, J., Marois, C., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Doyon, R., Draper, Z. H., Lawler, S., …Wolff, S. G. (2015). Direct Imaging of an Asymmetric Debris Disk in the HD 106906 Planetary System. Astrophysical Journal, 814(1),
- Perrin, M. D., Duchene, G., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Fitzgerald, M. P., Graham, J. R., Wiktorowicz, S. J., Kalas, P. G., Macintosh, B., Bauman, B., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., …Wolff, S. G. (2015). Polarimetry with the Gemini Planet Imager: Methods, Performance at First Light, and the Circumstellar Ring around HR 4796A. Astrophysical Journal, 799(2),
- Macintosh, B., Graham, J. R., Ingraham, P., Konopacky, Q., Marois, C., Perrin, M., Poyneer, L., Bauman, B., Barman, T., Burrows, A. S., Cardwell, A., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S., …Wolff, S. (2014). First light of the Gemini Planet Imager. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(35),
- Millar-Blanchaer, M., Wiktorowicz, S. J., Perrin, M. D., Graham, J. R., Thomas, S. J., Dillon, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Maire, J., Macintosh, B., & Goodsell, S. J. (2014). Polarimetry with the Gemini Planet Imager: Instrument Characterization and Future Science. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 8(S299),
- Ingraham, P., Marley, M. S., Saumon, D., Marois, C., Macintosh, B., Barman, T., Bauman, B., Burrows, A., Chilcote, J. K., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erikson, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gavel, D., Goodsell, S. J., Graham, J. R., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., …Wolff, S. G. (2014). Gemini Planet Imager Spectroscopy of the HR 8799 Planets c and d. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 794(1),