Staff profile
Dr Tom Marshall
Teaching Fellow

Affiliation |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of English Studies |
I am an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of literature and philosophy, with particular interest in Romanticism. My work explores the potential for re-interpeting and re-imagining the significance of Romantic literature and philosophy in light of later philosophical paradigms from the twentieth century. This was the main focus of my first book, Aesthetics, Poetics, and Phenomenology in Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Palgrave, 2020), which offered an extended analysis of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria through the lens of the transcendental phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.
I am currently working on a second book project provisionally entitled Romanticism and the Space of Reasons, which seeks to bring a broad swathe of Romantic era thinkers and writers into dialogue with philosophers from the Anglo-American 'Analytic' tradition focused on the status of normativity as it relates to epistemology, ethics, aesthetics and politics.
I am currently teaching on Theory and Practice of Literary Criticism and Literature of the Romantic Period, and my office hours for Michaelmas term are 11am-12pm on Fridays at the following link
Research interests
- Aesthetics
- Kantian and Post-Kantian Philosophy
- Literary Theory
- Phenomenology
- Romanticism
Authored book
Journal Article
- Marshall, T. (2020). Coleridge’s Epoché: Phenomenology and the Suspension of Disbelief. Essays in Romanticism, 27(1),
- Marshall, T. (2018). Coleridge on Double Touch: A Phenomenological Analysis. European Romantic Review, 29(2), 213-227.