Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43599 |
Professor in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology | +44 (0) 191 33 43599 |
Holder of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
Research interests
My research interests are in Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology, Quantum Field Theory, Supersymmetry, Scattering Amplitudes, Non-perturbative Effects, Guage Theory / String Theory Dualities
Journal Article
- Khoze, V. V., Reiness, J., Spannowsky, M., & Waite, P. (online). Precision measurements for the Higgsploding Standard Model
- Abel, S. A., Ellis, J. R., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (online). Will the LHC Look into the Fate of the Universe?
- Abercrombie, D., Akchurin, N., Akilli, E., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Allen, B., Alvarez Gonzalez, B., Andrea, J., Arbey, A., Azuelos, G., Azzi, P., Backović, M., Bai, Y., Banerjee, S., Beacham, J., Belyaev, A., Boveia, A., Brennan, A., Buchmueller, O., Buckley, M., Busoni, G., …Zucchetta, A. (online). Dark Matter Benchmark Models for Early LHC Run-2 Searches: Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum. arXiv,
- Abel, S. A., & Khoze, V. V. (online). Metastable SUSY breaking within the standard model. arXiv,
- Abel, S. A., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (online). Naturalised supersymmetric grand unification
- Golling, T., Spannowsky, M., & Khoze, V. (online). Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: beyond the Standard Model phenomena
- Khoze, V. V. (2024). Monopoles and fermions in the Standard Model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(9), Article 146.
- Luna, E., Ryskin, M., & Khoze, V. (2024). Odderon contribution in light of the LHC low-t data. Physical Review D, 110(1), Article 014002.
- Khoze, V. V. (2023). Scattering amplitudes of fermions on monopoles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(11), Article 214.
- Khoze, V. A., & Ryskin, M. G. (2023). Large rapidity gaps in proton–nucleus interaction. The European Physical Journal C, 83(11), Article 991.
- Khoze, V. V., & Milne, D. L. (2023). Gravitational waves and dark matter from classical scale invariance. Physical Review D, 107(9), Article 095012.
- Khoze, V. V., & Schenk, S. (2022). Multiparticle amplitudes in a scalar EFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(5), Article 134.
- Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2022). Central instanton production. Physical Review D, 105(3),
- Khoze, V. V., & Milne, D. L. (2022). Optical effects of domain walls. Physics Letters B, 829,
- Criado, J. C., Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(12), Article 26.
- Gupta, R., Khoze, V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Small instantons and the strong CP problem in composite Higgs models. Physical Review D, 104(7), Article 075011.
- Criado, J. C., Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). The emergence of electroweak Skyrmions through Higgs bosons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(3), Article 162.
- Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2021). Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps. Physical Review D, 104(5),
- Khoze, V. V., Milne, D. L., & Spannowsky, M. (2021). Searching for QCD instantons at hadron colliders. Physical Review D, 103(1), Article 014017.
- Khoze, V. V., Krauss, F., & Schott, M. (2020). Large Effects from Small QCD Instantons: Making Soft Bombs at Hadron Colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(4), Article 201.
- Gherghetta, T., Khoze, V. V., Pomarol, A., & Shirman, Y. (2020). The axion mass from 5D small instantons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3), Article 063.
- Boveia, A., Buchmueller, O., Busoni, G., D'Eramo, F., De Roeck, A., De Simone, A., Doglioni, C., Dolan, M. J., Genest, M.-H., Hahn, K., Haisch, U., Harris, P. C., Heisig, J., Ippolito, V., Kahlhoefer, F., Khoze, V. V., Kulkarni, S., Landsberg, G., Lowette, S., Malik, S., …Zurek, K. (2020). Recommendations on presenting LHC searches for missing transverse energy signals using simplified s-channel models of dark matter. Physics of the Dark Universe, 27, Article 100365.
- Chala, M., Khoze, V. V., Spannowsky, M., & Waite, P. (2019). Mapping the shape of the scalar potential with gravitational waves. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 34(33), Article 1950223
- Khoze, V. V., & Reiness, J. (2019). Review of the semiclassical formalism for multiparticle production at high energies. Physics Reports, 822, 1-52.
- Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2019). Consistency of Higgsplosion in localizable QFT. Physics Letters B, 790, 466-474.
- Abada, A., & Khoze, V. (2019). FCC Physics Opportunities. The European Physical Journal C, C79(6),
- Abada, A., & Khoze, V. (2019). HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider Volume. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228(5), 1109-1382.
- Abada, A., & Khoze, V. (2019). FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228(2), 261-623.
- Abada, A., & Khoze, V. (2019). FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228(4), 755-1107.
- Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2018). Higgsplosion: Solving the hierarchy problem via rapid decays of heavy states into multiple Higgs bosons. Nuclear Physics B, 926, 95-111.
- Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2017). Higgsploding universe. Physical Review D, 96(7), Article 075042.
- Khoze, V. V. (2017). Multiparticle production in the large λn limit: realising Higgsplosion in a scalar QFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(06), Article 148.
- Khoze, V. V., Plascencia, A. D., & Sakurai, K. (2017). Simplified models of dark matter with a long-lived co-annihilation partner. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(6), 1-28.
- Albert, A., Bauer, M., Brooke, J., Buchmueller, O., Cerdeño, D. G., Citron, M., Davies, G., de Cosa, A., De Roeck, A., De Simone, A., Du Pree, T., Flaecher, H., Fairbairn, M., Ellis, J., Grohsjean, A., Hahn, K., Haisch, U., Harris, P. C., Khoze, V. V., Landsberg, G., …Wardle, N. (2017). Towards the next generation of simplified Dark Matter models. Physics of the Dark Universe, 16, 49-70.
- Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Spannowsky, M. (2016). Hearing the signal of dark sectors with gravitational wave detectors. Physical Review D, 94(10), Article 103519.
- Khoze, V. V., & Plascencia, A. D. (2016). Dark matter and leptogenesis linked by classical scale invariance. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 025.
- Degrande, C., Khoze, V. V., & Mattelaer, O. (2016). Multi-Higgs-boson production in gluon fusion at 100 TeV. Physical Review D, 94(8), Article 085031.
- Abel, S., & Khoze, V. V. (2016). Photo-production of a 750 GeV di-photon resonance mediated by Kaluza-Klein leptons in the loop. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(5), Article 063.
- Harris, P., Khoze, V. V., Spannowsky, M., & Williams, C. (2016). Closing up on Dark Sectors at colliders: from 14 to 100 TeV. Physical Review D, 93(5), Article 054030.
- Malik, S. A., McCabe, C., Araujo, H., Belyaev, A., Boehm, C., Brooke, J., Buchmueller, O., Davies, G., De Roeck, A., de Vries, K., Dolan, M. J., Ellis, J., Fairbairn, M., Flaecher, H., Gouskos, L., Khoze, V. V., Landsberg, G., Newbold, D., Papucci, M., Sumner, T., …Worm, S. (2015). Interplay and Characterization of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments. Physics of the Dark Universe, 9-10, 51-58.
- Khoze, V. V., Ro, G., & Spannowsky, M. (2015). Spectroscopy of scalar mediators to dark matter at the LHC and at 100 TeV. Physical Review D, 92(7), Article 075006.
- Abdallah, J., Araujo, H., Arbey, A., Ashkenazi, A., Belyaev, A., Berger, J., Boehm, C., Boveia, A., Brennan, A., Brooke, J., Buchmueller, O., Buckley, M., Busoni, G., Calibbi, L., Chauhan, S., Daci, N., Davies, G., De Bruyn, I., De Jong, P., De Roeck, A., …Zurek, K. (2015). Simplified Models for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC. Physics of the Dark Universe, 9-10, 8-23.
- Khoze, V. V. (2015). Diagrammatic computation of multi-Higgs processes at very high energies: scaling logσn with MadGraph. Physical Review D, 92(1), Article 014021.
- Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2015). Upper limit on the scale of new physics phenomena from rising cross sections in high multiplicity Higgs and vector boson events. Physical Review D, 91, Article 093007.
- Harris, P., Khoze, V. V., Spannowsky, M., & Williams, C. (2015). Constraining Dark Sectors at Colliders: Beyond the Effective Theory Approach. Physical Review D, 91(5),
- Khoze, V. V. (2015). Perturbative growth of high-multiplicity W, Z and Higgs production processes at high energies. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(3),
- Khoze, V. V., & Ro, G. (2014). Dark matter monopoles, vectors and photons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), Article 61.
- Khoze, V. V., McCabe, C., & Ro, G. (2014). Higgs vacuum stability from the dark matter portal. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(8), Article 26.
- Khoze, V. V. (2014). Multiparticle Higgs and vector boson amplitudes at threshold. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(7), Article 8.
- Khoze, V. V. (2013). Inflation and dark matter in the Higgs portal of classically scale invariant Standard Model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11), Article 215.
- Khoze, V. V., & Ro, G. (2013). Leptogenesis and neutrino oscillations in the classically conformal standard model with the Higgs portal. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10), Article 75.
- Englert, C., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., & Spannowsky, M. (2013). Emergence of the electroweak scale through the Higgs portal. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(4), Article 60.
- Grellscheid, D., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., Richardson, P., & Wymant, C. (2012). Direct SUSY searches at the LHC in the light of LEP Higgs bounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(03),
- Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., Plehn, T., & Richardson, P. (2012). Travels on the squark-gluino mass plane. Physical Review D, 85(1), Article 015015.
- Goddard, T., Heslop, P., & Khoze, V. V. (2012). Uplifting Amplitudes in Special Kinematics. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1210,
- Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2012). The TeV Dawn of SUSY Models - Consequences for Flavour and CP. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1211,
- Dolan, M., Grellscheid, D., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., & Richardson, P. (2011). New Constraints on Gauge Mediation and Beyond from LHC SUSY Searches at 7 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(06),
- Heslop, P., & Khoze, V. V. (2011). Wilson Loops @ 3-Loops in Special Kinematics. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1111,
- Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Wymant, C. (2011). RG Invariants, Unification and the Role of the Messenger Scale in General Gauge Mediation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1105,
- Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Wymant, C. (2011). Mass Sum Rules and the Role of the Messenger Scale in General Gauge Mediation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1104,
- Abel, S., Dolan, M. J., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2010). Pure General Gauge Mediation for Early LHC Searches. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(12), Article 049.
- Abel, S., & Khoze, V. V. (2010). Dual unified SU(5). Journal of High Energy Physics, 1001,
- Heslop, P., & Khoze, V. V. (2010). Regular Wilson loops and MHV amplitudes at weak and strong coupling. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1006,
- Abel, S. A., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2010). Gaugino versus Sfermion Masses in Gauge Mediation. Physics Letters B, B682, 441-445.
- Heslop, P., & Khoze, V. V. (2010). Analytic Results for MHV Wilson Loops. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11), Article 035.
- Brandhuber, A., Heslop, P., Khoze, V. V., & Travaglini, G. (2010). Simplicity of Polygon Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1001,
- Anastasiou, C., Brandhuber, A., Heslop, P., Khoze, V. V., Spence, B., & Travaglini, G. (2009). Two-loop polygon Wilson loops in Script N = 4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(05), Article 115
- Abel, S., Dolan, M., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. (2009). Phenomenology of Pure General Gauge Mediation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(12), Article 001.
- Abel, S., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Matos, L. (2009). On the Diversity of Gauge Mediation: Footprints of Dynamical SUSY Breaking. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0903,
- Brummer, F., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2009). Magnetic Mixing: Electric Minicharges from Magnetic Monopoles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0906,
- Abel, S., & Khoze, V. (2008). Direct Mediation, Duality and Unification. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(11),
- Abel, S., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., & Ringwald, A. (2008). Illuminating the hidden sector of string theory by shining light through a magnetic field. Physics Letters B, 666(1), 66-70.
- Abel, S., Goodsell, M., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., & Ringwald, A. (2008). Kinetic Mixing of the Photon with Hidden U(1)s in String Phenomenology. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(07), Article 124.
- Abel, S., Durnford, C., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. (2008). Dynamical breaking of U(1)_{R} and supersymmetry in a metastable vacuum. Physics Letters B, 661(2-3), 201-209.
- Glover, E. N., Khoze, V. V., & Williams, C. (2008). Component MHV amplitudes in N=2 SQCD and in N=4 SYM at one loop. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0808,
- Abel, S., Durnford, C., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. (2008). Patterns of Gauge Mediation in Metastable SUSY Breaking. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(02), Article 074.
- Abel, S., Forste, S., & Khoze, V. (2007). Scattering amplitudes in strongly coupled N = 4 SYM from semiclassical strings in AdS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(2), Article 042.
- Abel, S. A., Chu, C.-S., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2007). SUSY breaking by a metastable ground state: Why the early universe preferred the non-supersymmetric vacuum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(01),
- Abel, S. A., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. V. (2007). Why the early universe preferred the non-supersymmetric vacuum. II. Journal of High Energy Physics, 01,
- Badger, S., Glover, E., & Khoze, V. V. (2006). Recursion Relations for Gauge Theory Amplitudes with Massive Vector Bosons and Fermions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006, Article 066.
- Abel, S., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V., & Ringwald, A. (2006). Photon defects in noncommutative standard model candidates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 53, 843-864.
- Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Ringwald, A. (2006). Telltale traces of U(1) fields in noncommutative standard model extensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 02,
- Georgiou, G., & Khoze, V. V. (2006). Instanton calculations in the beta-deformed AdS/CFT correspondence. Journal of High Energy Physics, 04,
- Khoze, V. V. (2006). Amplitudes in the beta-deformed conformal Yang-Mills. Journal of High Energy Physics, 02,
- Chu, C.-S., & Khoze, V. (2006). String theory dual of the beta-deformed gauge theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(07), Article 011.
- Badger, S., Glover, E., & Khoze, V. V. (2006). Recursion relations for gauge theory amplitudes with massive vector bosons and fermions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 01,
- Abel, S. A., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Ringwald, A. (2006). Vacuum birefringence as a probe of Planck scale noncommutativity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09,
- Abel, S. A., Jaeckel, J., Khoze, V. V., & Ringwald, A. (2006). Noncommutativity, extra dimensions, and power law running in the infrared. Journal of High Energy Physics, 01,
- Chu, C.-S., Georgiou, G., & Khoze, V. V. (2006). Magnons, classical strings and beta-deformations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11,
- Durnford, C., Georgiou, G., & Khoze, V. V. (2006). Instanton test of non-supersymmetric deformations of the AdS(5) x S**5. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09,
- Badger, S., Glover, E., Khoze, V., & Svrcek, P. (2005). Recursion relations for gauge theory amplitudes with massive particles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(07),
- Badger, S., Glover, E., & Khoze, V. (2005). MHV rules for Higgs plus multi-parton amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(03),
- Birthwright, T. G., Glover, E. N., Khoze, V. V., & Marquard, P. (2005). Collinear limits in QCD from MHV rules. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7, 68-
- Birthwright, T., Glover, E., Khoze, V., & Marquard, P. (2005). Multi-gluon collinear limits from MHV diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0505,
- Dixon, L., Glover, E., & Khoze, V. (2004). MHV rules for Higgs plus multi-gluon amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(12),
- Georgiou, G., Glover, E., & Khoze, V. (2004). Non-MHV tree amplitudes in gauge theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(07),
- Georgiou, G., & Khoze, V. (2004). Tree amplitudes in gauge theory as scalar MHV diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(05),
- Chu, C., Khoze, V., Petrini, M., Russo, R., & Tanzini, A. (2004). A note on string interaction on the pp-wave background. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21(8), 1999-2009.
- Khoze, V. V., & Levell, J. (2004). Noncommutative Standard Modelling. Journal of High Energy Physics, 9, 19-
- Khoze, V. V. (2004). From branes to branes. Nuclear Physics B, 682, 217-242.
- Georgiou, G., Khoze, V., & Travaglini, G. (2003). New tests of the pp-wave correspondence. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003(10),
- Chu, C., & Khoze, V. (2003). Correspondence between the 3-point BMN correlators and the 3-string vertex on the pp-wave. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003(04), Article 014.
- Georgiou, G., & Khoze, V. (2003). BMN operators with three scalar impurites and the vertex-correlator duality in pp-wave. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003(04),
- Davies, N. M., Hollowood, T. J., & Khoze, V. V. (2003). Monopoles, affine algebras and the gluino condensate. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 44, 3640-
- Chu, C.-S., Khoze, V. V., & Travaglini, G. (2003). BMN operators with vector impurities, Bbb Z₂ symmetry and pp-waves. Journal of High Energy Physics, 6, 50-
- Dorey, N., Hollowood, T., Khoze, V., & Mattis, M. (2002). The calculus of many instantons. Physics Reports, 371(4-5), 231-459.
- Chu, C.-S., Khoze, V., & Travaglini, G. (2002). Three-point functions in N = 4 Yang-Mills theory and pp-waves. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002(06),
- Chu, C., Khoze, V., & Travaglini, G. (2002). Noncommutativity and model building. Physics Letters B, 543(3-4), 318-322.
- Chu, C.-S., Khoze, V. V., & Travaglini, G. (2002). PP-wave string interactions from n-point correlators of BMN operators. Journal of High Energy Physics, 9, 54-
- Csáki, C., Erlich, J., Khoze, V. V., Poppitz, E., Shadmi, Y., & Shirman, Y. (2002). Exact results in 5D from instantons and deconstruction. Physical Review D, 65, 085033-
- Chu, C., Khoze, V., & Travaglini, G. (2002). Notes on noncommutative instantons. Nuclear Physics B, B621,
- Dorey, N., Hollowood, T. J., & Khoze, V. V. (2001). The D-instanton partition function. Journal of High Energy Physics, 3, 40-
- Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., & Travaglini, G. (2001). Exact results in noncommutative Script N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 5, 51-
- Khoze, V. V., & Travaglini, G. (2001). Wilsonian effective actions and the IR/UV mixing in noncommutative gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1, 26-
- Chu, C.-S., Khoze, V., & Travaglini, G. (2001). Dynamical breaking of supersymmetry in noncommutative gauge theories. Physics Letters B, 513, 200-206.
- Hollowood, T., & Khoze, V. (2000). ADHM and D-instantons in orbifold AdS/CFT duality. Nuclear Physics B, 575, 78-106.
- Hollowood, T., Khoze, V., Lee, W., & Mattis, M. (2000). Breakdown of cluster decomposition in instanton calculations of the gluino condensate. Nuclear Physics B, 570, 241-266.
- Davies, N. M., & Khoze, V. V. (2000). On Affleck-Dine-Seiberg superpotential and magnetic monopoles in supersymmetric QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1, 15-
- Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1999). Summing the instanton series in Script N = 2 superconformal large-N QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10, 19-
- Dorey, N., Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., Mattis, M. P., & Vandoren, S. (1999). Multi-instanton calculus and the AdS/CFT correspondence in N=4 superconformal field theory. Nuclear Physics B, 552, 88-168.
- Davies, N. M., Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1999). Gluino condensate and magnetic monopoles in supersymmetric gluodynamics. Nuclear Physics B, 559, 123-142.
- Dorey, N., Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., Mattis, M. P., & Vandoren, S. (1999). Multi-instantons and Maldacena's conjecture. Journal of High Energy Physics, 6, 23-
- Khoze, V. V., Mattis, M. P., & Slater, M. J. (1998). The Instanton Hunter's Guide to supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories. Nuclear Physics B, 536, 69-109
- Dorey, N., Hollowood, T. J., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1998). Supersymmetry and the multi-instanton measure II. From N=4 to N=0. Nuclear Physics B, 519, 470-482.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., Mattis, M. P., & Vandoren, S. (1998). Yang-Mills instantons in the large-N limit and the AdS/CFT correspondence. Physics Letters B, 442, 145-151.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1998). Supersymmetry and the multi-instanton measure. Nuclear Physics B, 513, 681-708
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V., Mattis, M., Slater, M., & Weir, W. (1997). Instantons, higher-derivative terms, and nonrenormalization theorems in supersymmetric gauge theories. Physics Letters B, 408, 213-221.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V., & Mattis, M. (1997). Multi-instantons, three-dimensional gauge theory, and the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem. Nuclear Physics B, 502, 94-106.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1997). On mass-deformed N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Physics Letters B, 396, 141-149.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1997). On N = 2 supersymmetric QCD with four flavors. Nuclear Physics B, 492, 607-622
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1997). Multi-instanton check of the relation between the prepotential F and the modulus u in N = 2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. Physics Letters B, 390, 205-209.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V., Mattis, M., Tong, D., & Vandoren, S. (1997). Instantons, three-dimensional gauge theory, and the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold. Nuclear Physics B, 502, 59-93.
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. II. Coupling to matter. Physical Review D, 54, 7832-7848
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. Physical Review D, 54, 2921-2943
- Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). A two-instanton test of the exact solution of N = 2 supersymmetric QCD. Physics Letters B, 388, 324-330.
- Brandenburg, A., Khoze, V., & Müller, D. (1995). Semi-exclusive pion production in deep-inelastic scattering. Physics Letters B, 347, 413-418.
- Khoze, V. V. (1995). Fermion number violation in the background of a gauge field in Minkowski space. Nuclear Physics B, 445, 270-294.
- Khoze, V. V. (1994). The vacuum theta-angle is zero in non-abelian gauge theories. Physics Letters B, 328, 387-391.
- Farhi, E., Khoze, V. V., Rajagopal, K., & Singleton Jr., R. (1994). Spherical shells of a classical gauge field and their topological charge as a perturbative expansion. Physical Review D, 50, 4162-4174
- Brandenburg, A., Brodsky, S., Khoze, V., & Müller, D. (1994). Angular distributions in the Drell-Yan process: A closer look at higher twist effects. Physical Review Letters, 73, 939-942.
- Farhi, E., Khoze, V. V., & Singleton Jr., R. (1993). Minkowski space non-Abelian classical solutions with noninteger winding number change. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 47, 5551-5564.
- Khoze, V., Kripfganz, J., & Ringwald, A. (1992). Multi-instantons do not stop the cross-section at half the 't Hooft suppression. Physics Letters B, 275, 381-386.
- Khoze, V., Kripfganz, J., & Ringwald, A. (1992). Screening of multi-instanton corrections to anomalous processes in the standard model. Physics Letters B, 277, 496-502.
- Khoze, V., & Ringwald, A. (1991). Total cross section for anomalous fermion-number violation via dispersion relation. Nuclear Physics B, 355, 351-368.
- Khoze, V. V., & Yung, A. (1991). Instanton vacuum in thermal QCD. Zeitschrift für Physik. C, Particles and fields, C50, 155-164
- Khoze, V., & Ringwald, A. (1991). Non-perturbative contribution to total cross sections in non-abelian gauge theories. Physics Letters B, 259, 106-112.
Supervision students
Wendy Gray
PGR Student
Yunji Ha
PGR Student