Academic Skills: Using library databases – Science
It is vital for Science students to know what resources the library has and how to use. This session will introduce you to key sources of eBooks, journal articles, digitised archives, media, and news and help you use them effectively.
Academic Skills support from the Library
Session description
The Library has extensive online databases to support assignments and research. This session will introduce you to key Science databases containing eBooks, journal articles, and other scientific materials, such as digitised archives, media, images and news and help you to use them effectively.
Learning outcomes
After attending this session, you will be able to:
- Locate the range of resources available to Science students via the library’s Subject Guides
- Access specific science resources
- Obtain science information from the relevant databases.
Who is this workshop for?
This session is open to all students but is particularly relevant studying a science-related subject.
This session is delivered by an academic skills specialist from University Library and Collections.
How to book
You can book your place for this session through Target Connect. (You will need to register to create an account the first time you access Target Connect.)
For details of all planned sessions being ran by Library and Collections as part of the Academic Skills Centre, visit the Academic Skills SharePoint Site.