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Purpose of DEI seminars

The Durham Energy Institute hosts a diverse seminar series that features both in-house and public events each academic term.

The in-house seminars bring in external speakers to share insights on cutting-edge energy research happening elsewhere, or important updates or information relevant to Durham research. These seminars are geared towards the Durham academic community, including faculty and students across various departments, and will normally be held in-person.

The online seminars, on the other hand, provide a platform for our own DEI researchers to showcase their recent and ongoing work. These virtual events cater to a wider audience, including local government representatives, industry professionals, and the general public interested in the latest developments in the energy field.

Through this seminar series, the Durham Energy Institute aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge-sharing around the multifaceted challenges and innovations in the energy sector. The in-person and online formats allow us to engage with different audiences and stakeholder groups and expand the reach of our research.

Events from the 11 October 2023 Reset

Is techno-optimism justified in the battle to limit climate change?

Evening public lecture with Manshu Agarwal, Colbridge Ventures

11 October 2023

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Durham Business School, MHL452

  • Research event
  • Research Institute
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